Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 880 Rush to Rescue

Lu Yu pushed the speed of the black tail of the dragon fish to the extreme, as fast as a shooting star.

There seemed to be a fire burning in his heart...

Jade Butterfly Peak is located in the southern part of the Dali Sword Sect's territory. It is a relatively internal area and is not outside the border of the Dali Sword Sect. It is impossible for monsters to appear in such a location for no reason.

Therefore, this must be a premeditated attack.

It was most likely an act of revenge for him exposing Shi Zhiquan's identity...

Although Jade Butterfly Peak has been developing very well during this period, and the whole peak is prosperous, Lu Yu knows his own business. The prosperity of Jade Butterfly Peak is only external, and the internal foundation is actually very weak. To transform this external prosperity into internal strength requires time and accumulation.

However, this is still the critical moment for Yang Chudie to conclude the golden elixir. Any disturbance may affect the process of establishing the golden elixir. If the scale of this monster invasion is as large as the last incident in the Xiaolitian Secret Realm, it will be very likely. It may lead to unpredictable results...

This attack could be said to have hit his weak point accurately and hard, which is why he was so anxious...

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu had crossed the mountains and entered the southern area of ​​the Dali Sword Sect. Although he was still quite far away from Jade Butterfly Peak, he could already see a strange scene in the sky in the direction of Jade Butterfly Peak. …

In the area ahead, there were gusty winds, dense black clouds, and countless dark thunders. It looked like the entire sky was pressing down on the ground.

Lu Yu not only took a breath of cold air.

He had only seen such a chaotic scene on the Heavenly Hell battlefield before. It seemed that he was too optimistic about the ferocity of the monster. At this level, even the one in the Xiao Litian secret realm Compared with it, the monsters are probably far inferior...

Lu Yu had no choice but to use up his strength again, wishing he could use all his strength to reach Jade Butterfly Peak as quickly as possible.

Gradually, his figure began to fly downward because of the black clouds rolling in the sky. In order to prevent the black clouds from affecting his speed, he could only achieve the highest efficiency by flying close to the ground.

At this moment, a sudden chill hit him, forcing Lu Yu to roll back the black tail of the dragon fish and stop abruptly.

There was a kind of spiritual power fluctuation in the chill that made him feel very familiar.

Lu Yu was suddenly startled: "This is... the Great Cold Soul Sword Technique?"

Sure enough, in the next moment, sharp ice picks gathered in the sky and on the ground at the same time, straddling Lu Yu's path like intertwined teeth.

Lu Yu was horrified, and then realized that this Great Cold Soul Sword Technique was not aimed at him, but that he happened to be in the range of this sword technique at the right time.

There was darkness between heaven and earth, which greatly hindered Lu Yu's vision, but even so, he could still see that the person who used this great cold soul sword technique was Gu Haisheng from Cuizhu Peak, Jiang Feiyan's uncle, Mao Ye Zhenren’s younger brother.

When he was in Oracle Continent, Yang Chudie once invited Gu Haisheng to investigate the Ye Xiao organization, and finally captured the leader of the Ye Xiao organization, Pei Longxiang.

During this process, Lu Yu was fortunate enough to fight side by side with Gu Haisheng, so he had a considerable understanding of his method of exerting force. Now with this strange fluctuation of spiritual power, he could 100% conclude that the person who performed the sword technique was Gu Haisheng. .

I don’t know what kind of trouble Gu Haisheng encountered, and he actually wanted to use the Great Cold Soul Sword Technique here.

Could it be that he encountered a monster?

When he thought of this, Lu Yu raised his hand, and suddenly the butterflies flew into flight and the Feihong Sword was held in his hand.

The ice cones in the sky fell rapidly, and the ice cones on the ground surged up crazily. Under the attack from up and down, there was a chill in the airspace, as if it was plunged into absolute zero, which made Lu Yu feel as if his soul was trembling. Feel.

It doesn't matter if he is on the edge of the sword's range. If he were in the middle of the sword's attack, you can imagine the pressure he will bear.

The last time Lu Yu saw this sword technique being used was when everyone joined forces to deal with the ancestor of the Oracle Royal Court, Tianqiu Zhenren. Now it seems that Gu Haisheng has become more sophisticated in the Great Cold Soul Sword Technique during this period of time. .

He was concerned about Gu Haisheng's safety, so he rushed in without waiting for the power of the sword to be completely eliminated.

The area was completely empty, and there was no trace of any monster at all. It was as if Gu Haisheng's great chill was just hitting the air.

Lu Yu was astonished and was wondering what Gu Haisheng's goal was just now, but at this moment, a sharp blade came towards him.

At the same time, a loud shout came: "Dog thief! Where are you running!"

Lu Yu used his backhand sword to block the incoming sharp edge. He felt the force of the sharp edge was so huge that it made his arms go numb.

While shaking his numb arm, he said to the visitor: "Uncle Gu, it's me!"

"Lu Yu?"

The visitor was stunned, and his body gradually emerged from the black air. It was Gu Haisheng.

"How will you be here?"

"The reason why I'm here is probably the same as Uncle Gu..." Lu Yu replied.

There is no village or shop here, so it is impossible for Gu Haisheng to appear here for no reason. In all likelihood, he came here specially to rescue Jade Butterfly Peak, but Cuizhu Peak is closer, so he got there first.

After saying this, Lu Yu suddenly noticed that Gu Haisheng's chest had turned bright red.

"You are hurt?"

Lu Yu was surprised. The blow just now clearly did not hit the monster and he did not suffer any attack. Why was he suddenly injured?

So, he hurriedly stepped forward to check and found out that the wounds on Gu Haisheng's chest were neat and neat. It could not be caused by monsters at all. These were clearly injuries caused by the sword energy passing through the body.

"Who hurt you?" Lu Yu said in a deep voice, "What on earth is going on?"

"It's Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun from Tianxiang Peak..."

Gu Haisheng gritted his teeth and said: "I noticed something strange here, so I searched all the way here. Unexpectedly, I bumped into Zhang Ji and his wife guiding the monsters here. I wanted to stop them, but I didn't expect to fall into their plot. …”

"What did you say?" Lu Yu was greatly surprised: "You mean, the monsters here were actually caused by Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun?"

"I don't know if they attracted it. Anyway, when I came over, they were showing the way to the monsters... Don't worry about me, go to Jade Butterfly Peak. The direction they pointed is exactly Jade Butterfly Peak, over there It’s dangerous now!”

Lu Yu didn't bother to ask any more questions, and hurriedly stuffed a pill into his mouth, turned around and hurried towards Jade Butterfly Peak.

His escape speed was extremely fast, and before long, he saw Zhang Ji and Huang Shuyun.

However, this was not good news for Lu Yu, because he only saw the couple, but no sign of the monster.

Then it is self-evident where the monster is going...

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