Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 881 Golden elixir shines in the world

"Lu Yu!"

At the same time, the two of them also saw Lu Yu.

They were standing on the top of a mountain, seemingly observing the surrounding situation, giving Lu Yu the feeling that they were taking charge of the overall situation.

Suddenly seeing Lu Yu appearing with the black tail of the dragon fish, Zhang Ji's face showed a look of deep fear.

Huang Shuyun was instinctively startled at first, but then he giggled: "Husband, what are you afraid of him for? His Taoism is indeed powerful, but does he have the time to pay attention to us now?"

While saying this, Huang Shuyun also deliberately took a step forward, pretending to be ready to kill him at his neck.

"Lu Yu, are you coming to kill me?"

"I also want to see, is it more important to you to kill us, or to save that bitch named Yang?"

"Weren't you very capable before? You still want Ma Guangyuan to arrest us to apologize to you? Today I want to see whether we apologize to you or you apologize to us!"

"If you understand, you should quickly kneel down and beg for mercy. If I am happy, I might be able to show some mercy to Jade Butterfly Peak and let Lord Sacred Artifact stop in time, leaving only a brick and a half of Jade Butterfly Peak for you..."

Lu Yu ignored her shouting. At this time, he had already used his eyesight to look in the direction where the two of them were looking.

In the chaos, I saw a huge body walking among the mountains. It looked like a dragon but not a dragon, like a beast but not a beast. It had no flesh and blood in its body, only a skeleton. However, this skeleton seemed to have some kind of strange force field. As he kept running and trampling on it, countless rocks and soil were absorbed into its body and condensed into its "flesh and blood".

It is actually devouring the power of heaven and earth to shape its body!

At this time, it has obviously entered a sprinting state, smashing countless mountains along the way to strengthen itself. It is foreseeable that when it reaches Jade Butterfly Peak, it will happen to be the end of its physical body. At that time, by that time, I am afraid that the entire Jade Butterfly Peak can only be reduced to its nutrients...

As its footsteps moved, bursts of "dong dong dong" vibrations came from the earth, as if it was hitting the heart, full of oppression.

"Hahaha, how's it going? Have you seen Lord Holy Relic too?"

"Then you should know that Jade Butterfly Peak is hopeless!"

"That bitch surnamed Yang is wasting money and still wants to forge a golden elixir and become a real person. This is simply a wishful thinking! She will rest on my head for the rest of her life!"

Huang Shuyun's eyes were red and he was hysterical, as if he was crazy.

This is obviously a sign of being possessed...

Lu Yu didn't want to explore the reason that made her look like this, and he didn't want to pay attention to her entanglement, so he directly flew out a sword and slashed towards the two of them.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

A flash of sword light flashed on the top of the mountain, and Huang Shuyun's shouting stopped abruptly.

Zhang Ji was horrified, but before he could react, he felt his face was hot, and Huang Shuyun beside him had been cut into several pieces.

"How much trouble do you think it will take to kill you? Now I am sparing you just to find out the truth about this matter!"

Lu Yu's voice came from far away from the sky.

Zhang Ji took a closer look and found that Huang Shuyun had been chopped into several pieces, but there were no fatal injuries. It was just that her hands and feet were broken off at the same time. Although such injuries were serious, for Huang Shuyun's cultivation level, Said, but it is not fatal.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, the sword light that suddenly retreated enveloped him.

For a moment, he only felt a coldness under his knees.

Then, he knelt on the ground involuntarily.

It turned out that the retreating sword had broken his hamstring...

He could only kneel down on the top of the mountain and watch Lu Yu's figure go away, but there was only one thought in his mind: This guy's sword is so fast...

But Lu Yu still felt that his speed was still too slow.

At least compared to the monster's attack speed, his sprint at this time was not enough to stop the monster's momentum.

And even if we catch up with it, whether we can stop its offensive is still unknown...

But even so, Lu Yu had no choice at all. At this time, all the powerful real people were gathering in the high pavilion, and there were no other helpers around. If he didn't stop it, then this matter would be completely irreversible. .


With a loud noise, the monster collapsed another mountain, but this time it directly picked up the mountain and placed it on its head, turning the entire mountain into a horn on its head.

Then, the monster lowered its body and charged forward.

Immediately the mountains collapsed, and the monster faced a vast expanse of water. Nothing could stop it from attacking Jade Butterfly Peak.

Lu Yu followed closely, watching the black clouds tremble in the sky, and immediately clearly felt the monster's ambition and desire.

Jade Butterfly Peak is the place of spiritual veins. In the eyes of the monster, it is like the freshest and tenderest bamboo shoot. Even without the guidance of Zhang Ji and his wife, this is the place it must capture. The only difference is , the guidance of Zhang Ji and his wife only allowed this monster to avoid some detours...

For a moment, Lu Yu's heart sank.

Putting aside the lives and deaths of everyone, if they were hit like this, at least the foundation of Jade Butterfly Peak would be completely destroyed.

But at this moment, who can stop the momentum of such a behemoth?

At this time, the most powerful person on Jade Butterfly Peak was Ye Weilan. However, the characteristics of Ye Weilan's skills were always known for their ingenuity, not their huge power. Faced with such an overwhelming force, Even the power of his stars would probably be powerless, let alone Ye Weilan's little power...

It seems that all we can do is try our best to save people...

Lu Yu thought silently in his heart.

Fortunately, although this behemoth has endless brute strength, it is not flexible, and its purpose is more to destroy, not to kill... This is the only good news in this chaos!

Seeing that the monster is about to collide with Jade Butterfly Peak.

Lu Yu was already prepared for the sudden collapse of Jade Butterfly Peak...

But at this moment, a golden light rose into the sky from the Jade Butterfly Peak, instantly dispersing the billowing black clouds between the sky and the earth, and then swayed down from the sky again.

The laws were condensed in the golden light, forming a huge protective shield that enveloped the entire Jade Butterfly Peak.

Lu Yu was suddenly startled.

This piece of golden light formed by laws gave him a very familiar feeling.

"This is...Sister Aunt's Golden Elixir Law? Senior Aunt has already mastered the Golden Elixir!"

Lu Yu instantly became ecstatic.

In this way, the biggest stone in his heart can be said to have fallen to the ground...

Unexpectedly, Yang Chudie would develop the golden elixir at this time. This was so timely!

I am afraid that no one can defeat this monster simply by using strength against strength, but if it is against brute force by using law, with the strength of Yang Chudie's golden elixir, there may not be no chance of success!

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