Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 882 Completely destroyed


There was a loud noise and the ground shook violently.

The "horns" on the monster's head hit the Jade Butterfly Peak hard and fell apart instantly.

However, Jade Butterfly Peak only shook violently and did not fall down. Instead, the monster was forced backwards by the force of the counter-shock.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Sure enough, the power of Yang Chudie's golden elixir was extraordinary. It could actually withstand the monster's momentum head-on without falling behind at all. This kind of strength was among the top among all the strong men he had ever foreseen.

Perhaps, this is no longer a first-grade golden elixir, but an existence that has surpassed the first grade.

Even though Lu Yu personally participated in the entire process of constructing the golden elixir, he couldn't help but be extremely surprised when he saw such results.

However, based on this level, it is still beyond the power to kill this monster in one fell swoop.

The monster rolled over on the ground, crushed the surrounding mountains to pieces, and then got up again. Not only was it not damaged by the shock, but it relied on the momentum of the roll to , once again absorbed more "nutrients", and his body became a bit bigger.


The monster looked up to the sky and roared.

The billowing black clouds in the sky gathered again, and the momentum was even greater than before.

The crisis in Jade Butterfly Peak is still not resolved...

At the critical moment, a high-pitched phoenix cry suddenly came——


Then a shadow of the Netherworld Fire Phoenix appeared and struck hard at the monster's neck.

Lu Yu felt like a bright mirror in her heart, knowing that this was the strongest attack launched by Youye Weilan, who had inspired all the power of her bloodline. She had used all her strength.

This wasn't the end yet, and then thousands more sword shadows appeared in the air, forming an extremely huge and vast sword formation.

The Great Exquisite Sword Technique!

With the blessing of the first-grade golden elixir, Yang Chudie also showed extraordinary combat power. He completed the switch between offense and defense in the blink of an eye, and also launched the strongest offensive.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel excited. He no longer hesitated and immediately increased his speed to the extreme, straightening his sword.

enough! enough!

Finally, just as the offensive from the direction of Jade Butterfly Peak was in full swing, he finally caught up with the monster and entered the attack range.

Lu Yu swung his sword.

The power of the dark stars surged wildly.

Just when Ye Weilan and Yang Chudie's offensive was unsustainable and unable to completely surround the monster, huge black holes suddenly appeared behind the monster, filling the gaps in the offensive.

This time, the monster's huge body was completely enveloped by the offensive, and there was no longer a blind spot.

When Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan saw the sudden appearance of the Dark Star Sword Technique, they couldn't help but perked up. Now they had no scruples at all, and their offensive was even more unreserved. They pressed forward with all their remaining strength, even the sword in the sky The shadow city became more and more dense.

On one side is the Netherworld Fire Phoenix soaring in the sky, on the other side is the fierce formation of thousands of sword shadows, and on the other side is the huge black hole swallowing everything...

The offensive between the three people is like the harmonious music of harp and harp, complementing each other...

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but be stunned. They didn't expect that these three people could burst out with such a shocking power, and they didn't expect that such an explosion of power could be coordinated so well. As if things fall into place...

Boom! Boom!

The sound of shaking is endless.

The world became chaotic again, but it was not because of the black energy emitted by the monsters, but because of the violent vibrations that turned everything upside down and filled the air with smoke.

Under such a series of attacks, no matter who it is, it will be difficult to resist, and they will only end up being shattered to pieces...

Even Lu Yu himself thinks so, and his reference standard is very simple. When he used Li Wangji's power to kill the supreme monster in Xiao Li Tian's secret realm, the power of the Star Sword Technique he used was probably less than One-tenth of the previous one.

This sky-swallowing monster is indeed powerful, but it has not yet reached the point where it can withstand an attack of this level.

However, this time he miscalculated...

Lu Yu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but at this moment, there was another huge rolling sound on the ground, as if some giant thing was turning around and standing up again...


The monster's roar came again, scattering the smoke and dust in the sky, revealing its huge body again.

Although its "body" is scarred and almost torn apart, it is absorbing the surrounding boulders and gravel at an alarming speed and rejoining it.

Lu Yu couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Unexpectedly, the vitality of this monster is so tenacious, and even such an offensive cannot defeat it...

For a moment, he couldn't help but ran out of ideas.

Even if they could repeat their old tricks and knock them down again, so what? Monsters can stand up infinitely again and again, but they cannot knock them down infinitely...

"Lu Yu! Let me help you!"

Suddenly a voice came.

Then a vast sea appeared in the sky. Master Maoye, holding the Hate Water Sword, broke through the sky amid the waves of the sea.

"I'm here to help you too!"

Master Zifu appears and uses the Great Annihilation Sword Technique!

"And I!"

"I'm here too!"

"Death to the monster!"

In the night sky, powerful real people from all walks of life appeared one after another.

Everyone who was in the high cabinet council before rushed over.

Lu Yu couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face.

Now, he can be completely relieved...

In the final analysis, it still depends on the strength of the people. Now almost all the real strong men of the Dali Sword Sect are present. In the face of such a force, no matter what kind of monster they are, they will only be wiped out.

And somewhere far away, at this moment, on a mysterious magic circle, there was a picture of hundreds of real people from the Dali Sword Sect gathering together to blast the monsters into powder.

In front of this magic circle, one of them is the Great Elder Yixuan of Tianshu Palace.

As for the other person, his whole body was shrouded in shadow, and his facial features could not be seen clearly. It was the person whom the Lord God asked Master Yixuan to come to meet for an appointment - Lord Chiyue.

"Great Elder, do you see clearly now?" Lord Chiyue extinguished the light and shadow of the formation and asked calmly.

Master Yixuan looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, looking unmoved: "What do you see clearly?"


Lord Chiyue snorted heavily: "Lord Earth Seal God is so arrogant. Even if he doesn't come to see me, he sends a subordinate over and pretends to be in front of me! If you don't want to talk, then just go ahead. Just leave, I, the Red Moon God Sect, don’t have to cooperate with you!”

"Your Majesty, please be patient..."

Master Yixuan still looked calm and unhurried: "I am very talented and knowledgeable, and cannot match the profound wisdom of the Lord. I really don't see it. What exactly does the Lord want me to see clearly?"

"What else could it be?" Lord Chiyue smiled coldly: "Of course it is the thing that your Bixiao Palace cares about most, the whereabouts of the Lotus Seed!"

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