Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 883 Everyone has their own plans

After hearing what Lord Red Moon said, Master Yixuan was startled, and a solemn expression appeared on his face.

"I didn't expect that Lord Red Moon also knew about the lotus seed..." Lord Red Moon laughed nervously: "Didn't Lord Diyin tell you about our connection before he asked you to come to see me?"

"Great Elder, in fact, the connection between our Red Moon Sect and your Bixiao Palace is much closer than you think... Many things are secrets to others, but to me, they are nothing at all!" Master Yixuan was stunned again.

He had always thought that the Red Moon Demon Sect was a major concern for the eight major sects.

It was not until this time that Lord Red Moon asked him to meet Lord Red Moon in person that he knew that Lord Red Moon and Lord Red Moon actually had a private connection.

Now that Lord Red Moon mentioned this again, he noticed again that in fact, there were many similarities between Lord Red Moon and Lord Red Moon.

For example, they are all secretive and never show their true faces...

Even this method of making it difficult to see the facial features has many similarities...

"So, the Lord invited us here this time just to tell us that the Lotus Seed is on Lu Yu?"

Yixuan Zhenren cut off the association in his mind and put his attention back to the present.

"I didn't invite you, I only invited Diyin! Just based on you, are you qualified to be on an equal footing with me?"

Crimson Moon Lord corrected dissatisfiedly.

However, Yixuan Zhenren ignored his complaints, just nodded lightly, and said: "In this case, then I know what the Lord means, I will truthfully convey the matter here to the Lord God..."

Crimson Moon Lord was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that after learning the news of the whereabouts of the Lotus Seed, the Bixiao Palace would be so calm, which was completely inconsistent with his expectations.

"What do you mean?"

His tone became playful: "Is this the attitude of your Bixiao Palace? Don't you want to take back the lotus seeds?"

"You should know that it is not just you and me who are interested in this Lu Yu. His actions have attracted many eyes in the Nine Heavens. If you miss this opportunity, you will miss it forever!"

"How our Bixiao Palace decides is not the Lord's turn to worry about!"

Yixuan Zhenren said bluntly: "I came here on behalf of the Lord this time for only two purposes. One is to listen to the Lord's What do you have to say? The second is to bring a message to the Lord on behalf of the Lord God!" Lord Chiyue was surprised: "What does Diyin want to say to me?" Yixuan Zhenren glanced at him, took a deep breath, and then his expression suddenly became fierce: "Lord God said that he hopes you will not interfere in the affairs of the Bixiao Palace again. If there is a next time, he will make you unable to return to the Lord of the Heavenly Realm!" Lord Chiyue heard the words, and his arrogance suddenly surged. In an instant, the anger broke through the shadow and revealed his eyes clearly. Those blood-red eyes, with empty eyes and no focus, are extremely deep and complex, just like the blood moon hanging high above the head, filled with an indescribable feeling. These are a pair of eyes that should not appear in the world at all. Master Yixuan could not help but have a sudden realization. This person might be just like Master Shenzun, a visitor from outer space, so they have so many similar auras on their bodies...

"Did he really say that? What does he mean!"

The Red Moon Lord was filled with dangerous aura, and his scarlet eyes became extremely cold.

Suddenly, the scene in the sky changed dramatically. The blood moon that was originally hanging high suddenly pressed above his head. Master Yixuan could even clearly see the subtle scenes on the moon's surface... It seemed that with the Red Moon Lord's anger, the entire huge blood moon body would crush over at any time.

This was the first time Master Yixuan had seen such a scene.

The Red Moon Lord was indeed the number one enemy of the eight major sects for a long time, and his strength was evident from this.

Frankly speaking, it is impossible to say that Master Yixuan was not panicked at all, but he remembered the teachings of the Lord God and did not show his panic, but continued to say bluntly:

"What do you mean? Isn't this clear enough? The Lord God has long seen the whereabouts of the Lotus Seed. The reason why he has not taken any measures is that he has a bigger plan... If your reckless intervention leads to the alerting of the enemy and destroys his overall plan, then no matter who it is, you will be buried with him!"

The arrogance of Lord Red Moon surged wildly, but the blood moon above his head, which was infinitely close, did not come down after all.

Master Yixuan raised his eyelids and continued: "This is all the content that Lord God asked me to convey... Your Excellency, I have said all, and you can figure out the rest slowly!"

After that, he turned around and strode away without looking back.

Lord Red Moon stared at his departing back, with a blazing flame in his eyes that did not dissipate for a long time.

Until Master Yixuan's figure completely disappeared, a subordinate came up silently and said in a deep voice: "Wang Yixuan is about to leave the eclipse area. Should we keep him here? Please give us your advice!"

"No need..."

The flames on Master Crimson Moon gradually dissipated, and the blood moon became high again.

"Let him go!" he said with a smile.

The subordinate's face couldn't help but reveal an incredible look. He couldn't believe that his attitude changed so quickly. It seemed that the previous anger had completely dissipated and everything became calm and relaxed.

"But... this person is so brazen that he dares to threaten you, Lord..."

Lord Chiyue said calmly: "After all, I am the spokesperson of the Earth Seal God, so I still have to give him some face... Furthermore, do you think I really want to compliment their Bixiao Shrine?"

The subordinate couldn't help but be stunned, with a look of confusion on his face.

He is the new envoy under the moon and is a confidant of Lord Chiyue. He is well aware of all Lord Chiyue's recent actions, but he can't understand the operation just now.

However, Lord Chiyue refused to say it clearly, and he did not dare to ask further questions, so he could only say instead: "Unfortunately, before the Maha-eating beast had time to swallow the Jade Butterfly Peak, it was already executed on the spot by everyone from the Dali Sword Sect. Even the final The initial goals have not been achieved..."

"It doesn't matter, our goal has been achieved..."

"The purpose of summoning the Maha-Eating Beast this time is not to attack the Dali Sword Sect, but to give an explanation to the man in the Guoyun Ancient City. By the way, we can also use this matter to say hello to the Bixiao Shrine in advance. …”

"The Earth Seal God is the uncle, and the one in Guoyun Ancient City is also the uncle. Anyway, after what happened this time, we have tried our best. No matter what happens in the future, it has nothing to do with us. Just wait and see. You two gentlemen, let the dog bite the dog!"

At the end of the sentence, Lord Chiyue's tone was full of gloating.

Yuexia made people marvel in their hearts. Whether it was the one from Guoyun Ancient City or the one from Bixiao Divine Palace, they probably all thought that the Chiyue Divine Sect was at the end of its rope at this time, and had no idea that the Lord had actually tricked them secretly.

"It's a pity that in this way, the last bit of backup we deployed in the Dali Sword Sect has been used up. With such a large Dali Sword Sect, we no longer have anyone to ambush..." Yuexia envoy said.

"It doesn't matter..."

Lord Chiyue smiled softly: "The reason why the Dali Sword Sect can still jump is entirely because of the boy named Lu. Since this boy is now being stared at by two pairs of eyes in the sky and the earth at the same time, I believe he can't jump either. How long."

"Next, let's just focus on doing our own thing! Even Li Wangji can go out again, so our healing methods cannot be compared to him!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand.

Suddenly, a pool of scarlet blood gurgled on the ground.

A piece of red flesh was twisting crazily in it, gradually converging into the body of Ice King Island Master Lan Qianqiu.

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