Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 884 Real Person Celebration

Jade Butterfly Peak.

Although everyone has joined forces to kill the monster, the turmoil and turmoil caused by it have not yet subsided.

Fortunately, there are many real powerful people present. With the concerted efforts of everyone, the destruction everywhere has been controlled in time, and the turmoil and turmoil have gradually calmed down.

By the time dawn dawned and the golden sun shone across the earth, everything had settled down again.

At this time, all the real people gathered on Jade Butterfly Peak.

It wasn't that they were concerned about the loss of Jade Butterfly Peak, but that Yang Chudie had successfully forged the golden elixir and became a real person. This was a major event for the whole party to celebrate, and they had to stay to watch the ceremony and congratulate him.

This night was too difficult for the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak. They had just experienced the catastrophe of life and death. Unexpectedly, they didn't even have time to take a breath before they had to start preparing for the real-life celebration again.

But in general, this is a good thing. The role of a real strong person on a mountain is extremely huge. For example, when the monster attacked just now, this was fully verified.

So even though it was tiring, everyone had no complaints, but was extremely excited.

From now on, Jade Butterfly Peak can be regarded as having a real person who is strong, and he is also a super strong person with a first-level elixir. If you include the real person Yudie, then Yudie Peak can be regarded as having two real people with a first-level golden elixir. Or, judging from this point alone, Jade Butterfly Peak's lineup is simply luxurious.

"Master Jade Butterfly is in front of you. Disciples meet the newly promoted Master Chudie Master!"

In the square in front of the palace, Qi Yun sang a chorus, and suddenly thousands of disciples from Jade Butterfly Peak knelt down in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

"Meet the new master Chudie Zhenren!"

Among all the disciples present, the only ones who did not kneel down were Lu Yu and Ye Weilan.

Because Ye Weilan is a demon spirit, he has not become a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect, and is not a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak. Needless to say, this goes without saying... Lu Yu, on the other hand, because of his super strength, everyone has long ignored him. He treated him like an ordinary disciple, so he didn't force anything on him.

Even the powerful real people who were watching the ceremony did not feel there was anything wrong with this at all. In their minds, they had already regarded Lu Yu as their equal.

On the contrary, it was Lu Yu himself who was standing next to Yang Chudie at this time, looking at the brothers and sisters who were kowtowing in the square, and pretending to say: "Senior Sister, do you want me to go down and kowtow to you a few times?"

Yang Chudie said calmly: "Do you need to ask other people's opinions about kowtow? If you were serious, you would have gone down by yourself!"

"Didn't I suddenly see Senior Sister that you have achieved the Golden Elixir Path? I was so happy that I forgot about it... Since Senior Sister you don't force it, then I will thank Senior Sister for the achievement!"

Yang Chudie had nothing to do with his rogue style, so she could only glare at him angrily.

After the ceremony for the disciples to attend was over, a group of real people came over to express their congratulations to Yang Chudie.


"I am not alone in my ways!"

"Fellow Taoist, it's really gratifying to have achieved a first-grade golden elixir! It's not respectful to be petty!"

"This can be regarded as one of the few good news for our entire Dali Sword Sect during this period of time!"

"This golden elixir from fellow Taoist can move mountains and rivers with such powerful momentum that it really makes our eyes wide open!"

"It's a pity... If the conclusion could be successfully concluded earlier, perhaps our Dali Sword Sect would not have suffered such a heavy loss..."

"Fellow Taoist Chudie, today you have achieved great success in the golden elixir. I am really relieved... I have two congratulatory gifts for you, one is my heartfelt gift, and the other is given to you on behalf of Taoist Brother Qingtian... …Brother Qingtian has long been optimistic about your potential and has high expectations for you, but it’s a pity that he can no longer come to watch your ceremony..."

While everyone congratulated him, they also offered congratulatory gifts.

Seeing the birth of new real people, everyone naturally thought of the dozen or so strong real people who had just died not long ago, so the originally relaxed and peaceful atmosphere gradually turned sad.

It was only then that Yang Chudie realized that during her period of seclusion, so many earth-shattering changes had occurred in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

Seeing everyone generously donating their money and offering all kinds of rare treasures, she couldn't help but feel like she had to shoulder a heavy burden, taking orders in the face of danger.

After some welcoming and sending off, the celebration finally came to an end.

Yang Chudie returned to the Mirror Garden in the back mountain.

As soon as she entered the door, she held the hands of Lu Yu and Ye Weilan at the same time, and said very emotionally: "I didn't expect that so many major events have happened in the sect these days. Fortunately, you are here to support me. The overall situation, otherwise I will most likely not be able to bear fruit. "

Lu Yu glanced at her and said nothing, looking full of hesitation and hesitation.

"What? Is there anything else I don't know about?" Yang Chudie said in surprise.

Lu Yu opened his mouth, but still didn't know where to start.

"Xiaolan, what happened?" Yang Chudie turned directly to Ye Weilan and asked.

Ye Weilan also looked confused. After all, Lu Yu hadn't had time to tell her about the real Yudie yet.

"I don't know either……"

"What's going on? I've never seen you hesitate like this..." Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu sighed, finally calmed down and hugged her.

"Let's go, let's discuss this slowly inside... Next, we may have a big adventure!"

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