Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 885 Preparation before the war

"What did you say?"

In the Mirror Garden, Yang Chudie looked at Lu Yu's face in shock.

"There has been no news from Jade Die for so many years. Is it because she was imprisoned by Master Kunpeng?"

"To be more precise, it should be the mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse behind Wuya Immortal Pavilion..." Lu Yu said slowly, "Shi Zhiquan, he is just a puppet at best."

Yang Chudie's face was full of anger, and her body was shaky.

Before Master Yudie left, the two sisters did not get along harmoniously, but no matter how harmonious they were, it was still a matter between them. How could she allow others to frame her twin sister like this?

Ye Weilan quickly supported her and called out worriedly: "Sister Die..."

Yang Chudie gently pushed Ye Weilan away, indicating that she was fine. After a moment of silence, she said, "I want to see Wei Zhihan in person."

Lu Yu nodded: "He should still be at Wulaofeng... I'll accompany you there!"

"No need."

Yang Chudie shook his head and refused: "Since the last time I saw Die Shuangfei in Shengyun Mountain, I have prepared the worst for Yudie. Now this situation has not exceeded my expectation for the worst. Anticipation of bad situations, so you don’t have to worry about me doing anything drastic..."

"You all go do your own thing. At this time, we don't have much time to waste on unnecessary things. I can go alone!"

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan looked at each other. Seeing that Yang Chudie had made up his mind, they did not insist anymore. Anyway, the most dangerous moment had passed. Now it was just a trip to Wulao Peak, and nothing unexpected would happen. .

"Okay, then you can go alone..."

Lu Yu nodded and said.

Yang Chudie was right. At this time, they all had their own things to do, and they didn't have much time to waste.

The three of them left the Mirror Garden.

Standing at the door of the Mirror Garden, Yang Chudie looked up at the sky, then at the devastated earth under the sky, and suddenly said: "Two two months enough?"

Lu Yu was stunned and looked at her in surprise.

I saw Yang Chudie turning around, looking at him calmly with a pair of wonderful eyes, and continued: "I know that it is not easy to rescue Yudie, especially under current circumstances, I am afraid that the sect Among them, there is no way to support our actions... What's more, the other party is a mysterious strong man who makes all the Seven Ancestors of Wuya bow their heads. We must be fully prepared..."

"I hope that in the next two months, we can make all preparations. After two months, no matter what the situation is, I can't wait any longer. Then we will set off to the ancient city of Guoyun together... May I?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled. He didn't expect that Yang Chudie would behave so calmly and had even thought of the preparation work. This showed that she had full estimation and judgment of the situation of this matter.

Two months was not long or short, but it was already much better than he expected. He was afraid that Yang Chudie would rush to Guoyun Ancient City as soon as possible regardless of it.

"I will do my best." Lu Yu nodded slowly.

Yang Chudie also nodded gently, without saying anything else, the light gathered around her body and flew away through the air.

"So, we are going to Guoyun Ancient City next?"

Ye Weilan watched Yang Chudie's departure and said softly.

"Yes!" Lu Yu sighed softly: "Are you nervous?"

"What's there to be nervous about? Isn't this something that has been planned for a long time?" Ye Weilan asked strangely.

"That's right. The enemy we have to face this time far exceeds our original estimate..." Lu Yu replied helplessly.

In their original plan, they only assumed that Zhenren Yudie was trapped in some ruins of Guoyun Ancient City, and they never imagined that she would be imprisoned by a strong man in the Tiangang Realm.

"Is it because of that mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse?"

Ye Weilan's tone was cautious, but also a little curious. In her opinion, the strength of the top real people was already terrifying. She really couldn't imagine what kind of power the Tiangang realm would be...

"What does a Tiangang Realm powerhouse look like? Is he just like the Scarlet Moon Demon Lord before?"

"The Scarlet Moon Demon Lord is not in the Tiangang Realm. Maybe when he takes back all the blood moon eclipses stored in the devil, he can be promoted to a strong Tiangang Realm. But at least when we met him last time, he It has not reached that level yet... As for the real Tiangang Realm powerhouse..."

Lu Yu wanted to answer Ye Weilan's question, but halfway through his words, he realized that he had only had a brief glimpse of a strong person in the Tiangang realm, and could not accurately describe what kind of person it was. Such a level of realm...

"Very strong..."

In the end, Lu Yu could only summarize it in two words concisely.

"Will it be so strong that we have no way to fight against it?" Ye Weilan asked.

"Not only that, Tiangang Realm is not omniscient and omnipotent..." Lu Yu said, "Do you still remember the Qin Yanzhen you met in Dakong Mountain last time? That guy is the reincarnation of a god. We can even fight against gods. A mere Tiangang Realm How can it be said?"

Ye Weilan thought for a moment and then said: "But, what should I prepare for these two months?"

Lu Yu didn't say anything. He took a step back suddenly and looked at her up and down.

Ye Weilan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at her. She smoothed her hair around her ears and said, "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Lu Yu put his hands on his chin and laughed: "How about we start the preparations from you?"

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