Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 886: Doing Good

Ye Weilan possesses the bloodline of the True Phoenix, and masters the unique skill of bloodline power "Like a Shadow". He has also integrated the power of the Netherworld Fire Phoenix and the power of the Demon God. In terms of his own potential, he is extremely powerful.

But such a powerful potential has not been fully utilized so far.

She has always relied on the instinct of the demon spirit body to fight, and there is no set of Tao methods that are very suitable to maximize her potential. Even Rhinoceros has mastered a variant of the "Tiger Roaring Technique" ", in comparison, Ye Weilan pales in this aspect.

Plus, there are her weapons...

So far, she has used the Night Owl dagger that Lu Yu confiscated from Pei Longxiang. This dagger is very functional. It ignores any protective aura and can travel back and forth infinitely as long as it is in a specific force field. …

This is very useful against enemies below the Golden Core realm, and it can also perform well against the average Golden Core realm. However, if it continues to go up, the space it can use will be greatly restricted.

After all, this is not a spiritual-level weapon. It only relies on the texture of the dagger itself, and there is no bonus in power. Compared with Ye Weilan's current strength, this has become a drag on her. part of the leg.

Based on these two points, Ye Weilan actually has a lot of room for improvement now. Lu Yu plans to solve these two points one by one in the next two months.

However, he did not start the matter immediately. Before officially starting to "prepare", he first went to Wangyue Peak.

"I knew your kid would definitely touch me!"

On Wangyue Peak, Fang Haoran didn't seem surprised to see Lu Yu suddenly appearing.

"Have you guessed this?" Lu Yu asked curiously, "This doesn't feel like your style..."

"What do you mean? Are you beating around the bush and scolding me for not being smart enough?"

Fang Haoran made a fierce face, but finally lost his temper, waved his hands and said: "Compared with your kid's colorful intestines, I can't see enough... Come in with me quickly, I'm not the one who guessed all this, But our head brother! He is already waiting for you!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, but without saying anything, he followed Fang Haoran up.

The two of them wandered around on Wangyue Peak, and finally walked into a dense forest.

There was a stone tablet standing outside the dense forest. Lu Yu looked at the huge word "forbidden land" on the stone tablet and couldn't help but clicked his tongue and said: "Speaking of which, this is the first time I have come to Wangyue Peak. The last time I came, even the mountain gate was closed. They didn’t let me in, but sent me away at the foot of the mountain... But this time they sent me directly to a place like this, is there really no problem? "

Fang Haoran couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "You are so narrow-minded. You are still brooding over such a trivial matter back then... You don't even think about it. If it hadn't been for me, your kid might have died in Tianjue Mountain City. not necessarily!"

"Then do you want me to kneel down and kowtow to you three times to thank you for saving my life?"

"Come on, I can't bear it. If you could show me some respect and be deliberately angry with me all day long, I would burn incense..."

The two of them bickered all the way, and unknowingly came to the depths of the dense forest. They saw gurgling streams and dense mist, and suddenly a spring appeared in front of them.

Above the spring, Li Wangji sat in the air. The gurgling spring water below was siphoned up, flowed through his body, and then spurted out from his fingertips and merged into the stream below.

It was obvious that he was healing in this way.

Judging from the bubbling bubbles in the stream, it is obvious that the water flowing into the stream is already boiling water. Lu Yu did not believe that Li Wangji was so bored and deliberately used his true energy to heat the spring water. This shows that there is only one possibility, that is, the spring water has come from It was already open when it came out from his body...

Unexpectedly, the power of the colorful ray was so powerful, and the poison still remains, so Li Wangji could only use this method to neutralize the toxins in his body.

Sensing someone approaching, before the two of them could speak, Li Wangji suddenly opened his eyes and said to Lu Yu, "You're here."

Lu Yu nodded, bowed and said, "See the Master!"

Although he kept quarreling with Fang Haoran along the way, and it was not formal, in fact he still respected Li Wangji quite a bit.

Li Wangji waved his hand and his body slowly fell.

As he landed, the water in the spring stopped flowing.

He picked up a robe next to him and wrapped it around his naked upper body. He sighed and said, "It will take at least a year for me to recover from my injuries. But even if I am in good health now, I can only think about the matter of Master Yudie." I’m afraid it’s beyond our reach… Do you understand what I mean?”

Lu Yu nodded: "I understand that the Dali Sword Sect is currently suffering from internal and external troubles and is unable to allocate manpower to rescue the Guoyun Ancient City. We have already thought about this matter. Neither I nor my aunt has ever thought about it. The problem of borrowing manpower from sects..."

Li Wangji's expression softened slightly and he was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly changed his tone: "However, we do not intend to trouble the sect, and we also ask the master to not interfere with our actions. We will rely on our own abilities to penetrate deep into the ancient city of Guoyun, and will Jade Butterfly comes to the rescue!"

Li Wangji's face was slightly startled, but before he could speak, Fang Haoran on the side had already screamed: "What? Are you planning to go to Guoyun Ancient City alone?"

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "Master Jade Butterfly is not only the leader of Jade Butterfly Peak, but also the twin sister of my senior sister-in-law... Regardless of whether it is public or private, we can find no reason not to rescue her."

"But but... the other party is a strong man in the Tiangang Realm after all. Not to mention his strength, the fact that Wuya Seven Sons are willing to help him is something that cannot be taken lightly... Don't you want to die?" Fang Haoran He said with a low growl.

Lu Yu said: "The opponent is indeed powerful, but we are not going to fight them head-on. Otherwise, even if the entire Dali Sword Sect is pressed against them, it will not be enough... Saving people relies on wisdom. , we need to be flexible, how can we be willing to do so if we don’t give it a try?”

Fang Haoran was speechless for a moment.

Li Wangji looked at him steadily and sighed: "It seems that you have already thought about it."

"Yes." Lu Yu said calmly.

"In this case, I think your visit this time is not just to explain to me... tell me, what do you need me to do for you?" Li Wangji stroked his beard.

Lu Yu laughed and said, "The leader is really happy. If that's the case, then I won't give in... As the saying goes, if you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. We hope that we can do a good job before going to Guoyun Ancient City. We need to re-polishing our weapons, so I hope the master can help us with a batch of magic weapon materials."

Li Wangji directly took out a piece of paper, gathered his true energy, wrote his order on it, then handed it to Fang Haoran and said: "Open the Wangyue Peak warehouse and let Lu Yu choose any materials!"

Fang Haoran took the order blankly.

As the deacon of Wangyue Peak, he naturally knew that there were some good things in the warehouse of Wangyue Peak. Among them were several rare materials, which were said to be extraordinary things. Wangyue Peak had carefully protected them for several generations. Unexpectedly, Now, with a wave of his hand, Li Wangji gave everything to Lu Yu cheaply.

"This... the material is fine for you, but do you have a way to forge it?" Fang Haoran couldn't help but say.

With Wangyue Peak's ability, they don't dare to take advantage of this batch of materials. Will Yudie Peak have the ability to make good use of this batch of materials?

Lu Yu smiled softly and said confidently: "Don't worry, you don't have confidence in our Jade Butterfly Peak, don't you have confidence in Mingjian Villa? Soon they will all be merged into our Jade Butterfly Peak!"

When Fang Haoran suddenly heard about this, he couldn't help being shocked: "Real or false? How is this possible?"

Lu Yu spread his hands with an innocent look on his face: "What's the point of bragging here? If you don't believe it, you might as well come to Jade Butterfly Peak and see it for yourself in a few days!"

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