Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 889 Underground Connection

"What is this?"

Everyone was shocked.

Except for Ling Yufei and a few others, no one thought that the two of them would release such a thing from the Spring Conch.

"This kind of wind power...could it be the eye of the wind outside Mingjian City?"

Even Zhenren Xuanmo couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Speaking of Mingjian City, he had naturally visited it before, but the environment in Mingjian City at that time was very unfriendly to the eight major sects. The various forces that controlled the situation in Mingjian City guarded the eight major sects like thieves. Because of this, he had no chance to see the true face of the eye of the storm. He could only take a quick glance at it from a distance, and now he is not sure whether it is the real eye of the storm.

"I see!"

On the contrary, Master Cangsong showed a relieved expression: "It turns out that they plan to use such a strange object to drive the furnace. No wonder there is such a huge project. In this case, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Fang Haoran on the side also understood at this time. No wonder Lu Yu confidently said that Mingjian Villa would be merged into Jade Butterfly Peak. It turned out that they had mastered such a big killer weapon.

It is said that the reason why Mingjian Villa is unparalleled in the world in its forging skills is that it has a wind-eye furnace in Mingjian City. Now, the position of the wind-eye in Mingjian City has been taken away by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, and all of them have been installed on floating battleships. , they have lost the greatest guarantee of settling down and living, so it is not surprising that they will be re-incorporated by Jade Butterfly Peak... did these two guys get an eye of the storm back from Mingjian City?

"I wonder how you got the position of the eye of the storm?" Master Xuanmo also asked the same question.

Master Cangsong replied: "I heard that Lu Yu and others had a battle with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in Mingjian City before, and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect also used this as an excuse to send a message to us. I want to remember the battle at that time. , it has something to do with the fight for this object... It just so happens that Master Chudie has such an earth-spirit-level cave-heaven magic weapon, so it is not surprising that he can transport it back smoothly. "

Master Xuanmo sighed in admiration: "They are really talented and brave people. They dare to seize food from the tiger's mouth under such circumstances, but they still succeeded... But now they want to connect this position of the eye of the storm." I’m afraid it’s not easy to get to the underground spiritual veins, right?”

Master Cangsong's face also became a bit solemn, and he said: "Since they dare to make such a big show, they must have a certain degree of confidence. Let's wait and see patiently!"

As he spoke, the eye of the storm had almost dropped to the bottom of the pit.

However, the closer you get to the bottom, the more dangerous the moment becomes. If there is no certain buffering mechanism between the two to promote each other and connect smoothly, then it will be equivalent to sparks splashing into gunpowder, and the scene will become explosive. out of hand.

"The rest is up to must be careful!"

Above the Spring Conch, Yang Chudie said to Lu Yu.

The process of positioning the eye of the storm has actually been buffered by the power of the Spring Conch, but this is the ultimate that Yang Chudie can achieve. The specific connection process has to be completed by Lu Yu himself.

"Don't worry!" Lu Yu smiled, "Haven't we already simulated it several times?"

After saying that, he took out something from his arms, and before everyone around him could see what it was, they saw him jumping into the pit.


Everyone around him couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Master Xuanmo rushed directly to Yang Chudie and looked towards the place where Lu Yu jumped down. He saw the howling wind and the blazing fire. Where was the shadow of Lu Yu?

"Master Chudie... How can you let him jump directly? The underground spiritual veins are extraordinary, do you know the danger involved!" Master Xuanmo said anxiously.

Although his original impression of Lu Yu was not good, after such a series of changes, he had already recognized Lu Yu in his heart and knew that this person was of great help to the current Dali Sword Sect. Letting him die here would undoubtedly be a great loss to the entire Dali Sword Sect.

Yang Chudie smiled slightly: "Master Xuanmo, please be patient... Anyway, this is not the first time for him to jump into the underground spiritual veins alone!"

Master Xuanmo was stunned.

Not the first time? Could it be that he has done this before?

For a moment, Master Xuanmo couldn't help but was speechless.

At this time, Master Cangsong and Fang Haoran also followed from behind.

Hearing Yang Chudie's words at this time, Fang Haoran couldn't help but think of the past when Qianwucheng's spiritual veins were ignited by Daluo Saint. Lu Yu seemed to have escaped by hiding deep in the underground spiritual veins. A calamity... In this case, he is indeed a "habitual offender"!

Master Cangsong, on the other hand, was focused on a detail that was completely different from everyone else. He asked, "The thing Lu Yu was holding just now was the original crystal core?"

Yang Chudie nodded: "Exactly."

Master Cangsong's face was immediately moved: "Is it possible that he intends to use the power of the original crystal core to directly weld the breach of the underground spiritual vein to death?"

Yang Chudie showed admiration and praised: "As expected of Master Cangsong, he really has a sharp eye and can see through our entire plan at a glance."

Master Cangsong couldn't help but smile bitterly.

There is nothing commendable about seeing this, but coming up with something and having the ability to implement it makes him feel like he is standing high on a mountain.

"This guy is really a great expert!" Master Cangsong said sincerely.

Cangsong Zhenren couldn't think of anyone else who could master this highly aggregated energy so well and play with the underground spiritual veins in the palm of his hand.

Perhaps, only those ancestors hiding in the Nine Heavens can be his opponents...

After a while, the roar gradually subsided, and the fire gradually faded.

Correspondingly, the strong wind became more violent and pure.

This shows that the central core of the eye of the wind has been connected to the underground spiritual veins. A certain balance has been reached between the two, and the energy between them can be stably transformed.

In a moment, Lu Yu took advantage of the strong wind and flew up from the ground with his clothes swaying, and jumped onto the Spring Conch.

"It's done!" Lu Yu said with excitement.

Although it has been simulated and deduced many times, actually doing it is a completely different feeling.

Putting the position of the eye of the wind is equivalent to the location of the eye of the wind furnace, which means that Jade Butterfly Peak will have powerful forging capabilities. He can even try to forge the Feihong Sword again to make it reappear. The glory of the past...

Yang Chudie looked at Lu Yu in front of her. This guy didn't even realize that his hair was burnt, but he was busy and excited. He couldn't help but feel funny and distressed at the same time.

She resisted the urge to hug him, and turned to Master Cansong and Master Xuanmo, saying, "The next steps will be left to you two."

Naturally, the eye of the wind cannot be left open here, and it needs to be temporarily imprisoned and sealed using a formation.

Master Cangsong nodded happily and said: "Don't worry! Leave the rest to us!"

After the two people's efforts, a series of shielding barriers were quickly laid down.

The violent wind stopped, and the world returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Only the tall pile of earth in the distance, almost as high as a mountain peak, quietly told that something had fundamentally changed.

Next, they waited peacefully for Lin Zhengtie to lead the elders of Famous Sword Villa to enter the venue.

Only professionals like them can complete the second half of the storm eye furnace project.

I believe that with their arrival, this newly completed mountain will surely glow with even more charming vitality.

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