Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 890 Merger Storm

Three days later, Lin Zhengtie led a group from Famous Sword Villa to Jade Butterfly Peak.

In addition to the people who evacuated from the Mingjian City branch, there were also members of the Mingjian Villa headquarters and even their families, a large group of people dragging their families with them.

It was precisely because of this that Lin Zhengtie and others spent so long before rushing over.

Lu Yu personally went down the mountain and greeted everyone at the foot of Jade Butterfly Peak.

"Lord! Fortunately for us, we have fulfilled our mission. There are a total of 4,782 people in Mingjian Villa, all here!"

Walking at the front of the team were Tu Wuwang, Huang Yanqing and others. It was with their assistance that Lin Zhengtie and his party arrived at Jade Butterfly Peak so smoothly, otherwise they would have been delayed even longer.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Lu Yu patted the two of them on the shoulders and said: "Go down and have a good rest first! Next, the placement of this group of people will be very complicated. The specific coordination work will be done by you, Master Lin, Senior Sister and Yu Hui. Make a circle in the middle of the long triangle."

"Yes!" The two agreed happily.

The placement work was not an easy job, but the two of them enjoyed the feeling of being reused.

At this time, Lin Zhengtie walked out from the middle of the vast team.

Lu Yu took the initiative to greet him and said with a spring breeze on his face: "Master Lin, we have finally expected you to come!"

Lin Zhengtie cupped his hands and said with a smile: "We have not been together for several months. I have been hearing news about the world-famous young master from all over the world. I am really excited! If I come here a little later, I am afraid that the young master's family will be ruined." There’s no room for me to wait!”

"What did Master Lin say? The gate of our Jade Butterfly Peak will always be open to Mingjian Villa!"

Their hands were merely held together.

Everyone around witnessed the firm friendship between the two parties.

After a while, Lu Yu suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "Is the journey going smoothly?"

The "smoothness" he asked about did not mean whether the "trip" went smoothly, but whether the entire migration process went smoothly. After all, Mingjian Villa was originally a big force, but now it has to leave its hometown and abandon its homeland. Coming to Jade Butterfly Peak, it goes without saying that Lu Yu could imagine that there would be some objections.


Lin Zhengtie sighed: "It is true that there are many stubborn people, but I can finally let them all come over and take a look... Next, they will cause trouble for the young master!"

Since the resistance to the annexation was too great, Jade Butterfly Peak had to agree to resettle thousands of family members of Mingjian Villa before this could be possible.

As the head of a family, Lin Zhengtie naturally knew how difficult it was to accommodate thousands of people at the same time, especially in a place like Dali Sword Sect. It can be said that Lu Yu also took great risks.

But there was no way. If we didn't do this, the merger would be impossible to complete, so Lin Zhengtie said "it's causing trouble."

Fortunately, the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce under Lu Yu has now established a scale, and it is the time when a large number of manpower is needed, because it is not a problem for him to settle thousands of family members. Otherwise, if it were another mountain, I am afraid that he would really be helpless. .

It was for this reason that Lu Yu told Tuwuwang and Huang Yanqing that they would deal with the three parties. Among the thousands of members of Jianshan Villa in front of him, some of them would be selected to become the official disciples of Yudie Peak, but more But it requires Wanhe Chamber of Commerce to recruit them.

"Master Lin, you're so polite! What kind of trouble is this? If this is trouble, then I hope the more troubles like this, the better!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

Next, thousands of members of Jianshan Villa were invited to Jade Butterfly Peak to participate in a banquet to welcome the wind and wash away the dust.

In any case, this is the largest personnel integration since the establishment of Jade Butterfly Peak, so the dinner was held with great grandeur, and everything in the entire banquet was in the most perfect configuration.

While the wine was in full swing, a burst of noise suddenly erupted from the scene. It seemed that there was a quarrel among the members of Mingjian Villa.

"How is this going?"

After a while, Lu Yu couldn't help but frown and asked when he saw that instead of being stopped, the riot was getting worse.

Lin Zhengtie could tell at a glance that it was an elder from Mingjian Villa who was drunk, so he stood up and said, "I'll go over and take a look!"

So he walked over to dissuade him.

It's not known how much the elder drank, or whether it was because he had other things on his mind. Not only did Lin Zhengtie's attempts to dissuade him have no effect, but the elder was completely set on fire like a firecracker.

"What's so great about Jade Butterfly Peak? Who are they? Why do they want to annex Mingjian Villa when we don't have it?"

"How much benefit did you, Lin Zhengtie, receive from others? Do you want us to sell him like pigs?"

"It's ridiculous that you idiots are still in the mood to eat, drink and have fun here after being sold like pigs! You're just a bunch of pig brains!"

The elder shouted loudly, and his voice spread to every corner of the banquet place.

Lin Zhengtie couldn't help but turned livid with anger, and said with a sullen face: "Elder Hong, you have drunk too much!"

"Drink too much?"

Elder Hong on the opposite side sneered: "I think you are the one who drank too much! Otherwise, with the majesty of our Mingjian Villa, why would we seek refuge in a small Jade Butterfly Peak? You are the face of all the founders of Mingjian Villa. Lost everything!"

"My name is Sword Villa. After seventeen generations of ancestors' hard work, I forged countless magic weapons, and my skills are unparalleled in the world... And you, Lin Zhengtie, are the current master of the village, but just because of the power of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, you want to We migrated as a family and merged with other factions to seek refuge... You are not worthy to be the master of our Famous Sword Villa, you are simply a guy who doesn't even have balls!"

"Everyone! All the disciples of Mingjian Villa, all those who are grateful for the kindness of their ancestors, all those who still have eggs! Please leave here with me today! Anyway, Lin is no longer qualified to lead us, and there is no need for us to listen to him anymore. That’s it! Let’s find another place to create the glory of Mingjian Villa!”

As Elder Hong climbed up and shouted, many people at the scene became quite interested.

Obviously, even though they followed Lin Zhengtie to Jade Butterfly Peak, the name "Mingjian Villa" still had full weight in their hearts.

"What nonsense! What nonsense!"

Lin Zhengtie was so angry that he couldn't help but fight against the other party's Elder Hong.

But at this moment, a hand reached out from behind and pressed him firmly.

"Master Lu..."

Lin Zhengtie turned around and was shocked. It turned out that the person who stopped him was Lu Yu.

"This person is the chief sledgehammer of our Mingjian Villa... He had the biggest opinion on this merger, and his move was definitely premeditated..."

"Master Lin, it doesn't matter, I know it well..."

Lu Yu waved his hand, signaling Lin Zhengtie to stop talking.

In fact, he had already seen that Elder Hong was drunk. He was clearly using the topic to make things worse.

Once Lin Zhengtie fights with him, the conflict between the two parties will be completely intensified, and there will be no room for relaxation. In the end, the two parties will have to part ways.

At that time, Mingjian Villa will inevitably be divided...

Therefore, he must use a different method to suppress the opponent's momentum.

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