Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 891 Completely impressed

"Elder Hong has such ambition, which is really admirable..."

Lu Yu slowly stepped forward and said, "But regarding this point, I have a question and would like to ask Elder Hong for advice..."

Elder Hong looked at the excessively young man in front of him. Not to mention the dazzling titles he had, based on what he had done in Mingjian City, he did not dare to have any contempt.

So he replied coldly: "What do you want to ask?"

"Elder Hong keeps saying that he wants to create greater glory again. I wonder what do you think is it that created the glory of Mingjian Villa in the past?" Lu Yu asked calmly.

Elder Hong was stunned, obviously not expecting the other party to ask such a question. He thought for a moment before replying: "Of course it is our unique forging skills that are unrivaled in the world!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "The forging skills of Mingjian Villa are indeed unparalleled in the world. Even the first master of our Jade Butterfly Peak went to Mingjian Villa to travel and study... However, Elder Hong believes that the forging skills of Mingjian Villa are unparalleled. How does it compare to the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?”

"The Jade Sea Immortal Sect is good at refining weapons, and is involved in various types of magic weapons, armors, and weapons. However, his skills are extensive but not pure. If we only talk about the skills of weapon forging, they can't compare to our famous swords. Villa!”

Elder Hong said proudly. As the chief sledgehammer of Mingjian Villa, he naturally had the confidence to say this.

"In this case, why do people in the world first think of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect instead of the Mingjian Villa when they talk about forging the first sect?"

Lu Yu looked apologetically at the other members of Mingjian Villa and said, "Don't blame me for being frank. Although I admire Mingjian Villa very much, this is the fact..."

"When I traveled overseas, I once visited a place called Hailan City. It was a metropolis overseas. A grand auction was held there every year, attracting powerful people from all over the world to participate. It was very lively and prosperous. ...But people there only recognize the name of Yuhai Immortal Sect and are not interested in Mingjian Villa at all."

Everyone couldn't help but be silent for a while.

What Lu Yu said is indeed true...

Not to mention the foreign city-states overseas, there are also some small sects and sects around them. When faced with the need for weapons, their worship and fanaticism for the Jade Sea Immortal Sect is far greater than that of the Famous Sword Villa.

"Hmph! Do you need to say this?"

Elder Hong snorted coldly: "The Jade Sea Immortal Sect is one of the eight Immortal Sects. They have strong soldiers and horses, and all kinds of resources are inexhaustible. Especially in the field of high-end materials, they have unique advantages... They The more materials we have, the more various types of magic weapons are produced every year, and the corresponding reputation will be greater..."

"If our Mingjian Villa has the same resources and conditions as them, I can guarantee that our Mingjian Villa will never be any worse than them, and we will also be famous overseas!"

At the end of the sentence, Elder Hong's tone couldn't help but feel a little angry. Obviously, he has been suppressed by the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in recent years, and he feels a sense of cowardice in his heart.

Lu Yu said: "Elder Hong's words are right to the point. As the saying goes, a good woman cannot make a meal without rice. Although all the elders have superb skills, they do not have suitable materials and cannot display their skills at all. How can it be compared to the Duoyuhai Immortal Sect without corresponding supreme divine weapons circulating in the world?"

"Elder Hong keeps saying that he wants to leave this time and find another place to create glory again. I wonder how you plan to solve this problem?"

Elder Hong suddenly became speechless.

It was just because he was originally arrogant and unwilling to merge with Jade Butterfly Peak to rely on others. He opposed it purely for the sake of opposition. How could he have considered this issue?

Lu Yu looked at Elder Hong's face, and without waiting for his answer, he smiled calmly and continued: "Lu is not talented, but he also has the same ideals as Elder Hong, but my ideals are more ambitious than Elder Hong's... I hope In the future, Jade Butterfly Peak will be the strongest among the eight sects! We will not only crush the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in forging skills, but also comprehensively crush the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in all other aspects, and even eliminate the Jade Sea Immortal Sect completely! …”

"It is not easy to achieve such a goal, and it naturally requires talents like you to join. After you come to Jade Butterfly Peak, I can't guarantee anything else, but at least one thing I can be sure of is that the materials you will use for forging in the future will , will never be worse than the Jade Sea Immortal Sect!”

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly snapped his fingers.

Fang Haoran, who was watching the show on the side, couldn't help but show a helpless expression. In the end, he couldn't resist Lu Yu's insistent gaze and took out the top-notch materials that he had temporarily kept.

Suddenly, violent spiritual energy fluctuations surged from the scene, and a piece of precious light rose into the sky.

Everyone was astonished.

As people who have been dealing with all kinds of forging materials all year round, they naturally saw the extraordinary qualities of these materials at a glance. Especially after Fang Haoran took out the Queen Mother of the West sword embryo, Elder Hong's eyes were straightened.

This legendary treasure obtained from the Phoenix Lair is a top-notch divine weapon embryo in every aspect. As long as it is forged with the right techniques, it will definitely produce a peerless divine weapon.

Even the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak who were present couldn't help but stare blankly. I don't know since when, Jade Butterfly Peak's family has become so rich.

For a long time, everyone in Mingjian Villa has been suffering from the lack of top-notch materials. These soaring materials in front of them can't help but make their hearts beat.

"This...are you going to give these materials to us for forging?"

Elder Hong asked with trembling lips.

At this moment, his attitude has completely changed.

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Of course, if you can prove to me that you have the ability to forge these materials, I will immediately hand them over to you."

The eyes of more members of Mingjian Villa became hot. For them, being able to touch such top-quality materials means that their knowledge has a place to be put to use and can allow them to realize their own value.

However, some people are still hesitant.

Lu Yu continued: "If you can really forge these materials into peerless magic weapons, then I promise you that you can leave your favorite style on the forged weapons, and any magic weapons forged in the future can also be like this!"

Everyone was immediately very excited.

Leaving their own names on peerless magic weapons, letting their masterpieces spread and shine in the world, this is undoubtedly the lifelong pursuit of those who love forging.

"In addition, I have prepared a gift for you. I originally planned to tell you after the banquet, but since you are so anxious, let's just reveal it now!"

As he said this, Lu Yu waved to Ling Yufei on the side.

Ling Yufei nodded in understanding, took out a command arrow from her bosom, and threw it into the sky.


Brilliant fireworks exploded in the sky.

When everyone was wondering what was going on, a gust of wind suddenly came.

The trees shook violently, and the dishes were blown all over the ground, and the scene was in chaos.

"Is this... the eye of the wind?"

Elder Hong screamed in shock.

"You... have actually relocated it?"

Even Lin Zhengtie was surprised. Although Lu Yu had asked him for the detailed illustrated steps for installing the eye of the wind furnace before, he didn't expect Lu Yu to move so quickly.

"Next, once you have installed the Eye of the Wind furnace, you can start forging! Whether you can produce a peerless divine weapon depends on your skills!"

Lu Yu stood in the whistling wind with his sleeves fluttering, and turned to look at Elder Hong beside him.

"This is the place where you can realize your value the most. Elder Hong, do you have to go far away?"

Elder Hong was silent for a moment, and suddenly bowed deeply to Lu Yu.

"Hong Yongguang greets the young master!"

Behind him, the other members of Mingjian Villa also bowed.

"We greet the young master!"

The voice drifted among the mountains along with the wind.

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