Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 893 Deduction of Taoism

Yang Chudie broke away from Lu Yu's hands and glared at him in shame.

"Don't cause trouble!"

Lu Yu, however, refused to give in and kept testing her "bottom line".

It wasn't until Yang Chudie couldn't bear the disturbance and grabbed his hand, intending to bite it down hard, that Lu Yu finally stopped.

After all, Yang Chudie was reluctant to bite it, and gently hugged Lu Yu's hands, and the two of them snuggled together.

"How is the completion of the map? Is this the whole picture of Guoyun Ancient City?" Lu Yu asked softly while looking at the map on the desk.

The ink on this map is still wet, and the terrain pattern on it is slightly messy, but it is more detailed than any currently known map of the ancient city of Guoyun.

Yang Chudie sighed quietly: "The ancient city of Wuyun is shrouded in mist all year round. Being in it is like entering a maze. After millions of years and so many generations of exploration, it has never been fully explored.

"The work I am doing now is just a glimpse of the leopard. It is not so easy to get the full picture..."

"Just relax!"

Lu Yu consoled him, "Didn't Wei Zhihan say that? The reason why the mysterious Tiangang realm expert has been hiding in the ancient city of Woyun for hundreds of years is because he was trapped in the Woyun for some unknown reason. In the ancient city of Yun?”

"This shows that he also doesn't know the whole picture of Guoyun Ancient City. Otherwise, as a strong man in the Tiangang Realm, how can he be willing to be trapped? At this point, we are actually starting from the same starting line..."

Yang Chudie shook his head and said: "This is different... because we can't afford to lose this game..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be silent. He understood her mood, so he didn't know what to say.

On the contrary, it was Yang Chudie himself who realized that his words were too heavy, so he took the initiative to change the topic and said: "Is the banquet for Mingjian Villa over? Is everything going well?"

"There was a serious accident, and now it has been perfectly resolved!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "That's why I can rush over to see you!"

Yang Chudie nodded and did not ask in detail what the problem was. Anyway, Lu Yu said that it was solved, so there would be no more problems. She was 120% assured of Lu Yu.

"Then let's go!" Yang Chudie said.

"Where are you going?" Lu Yu was slightly surprised.

Yang Chudie gave him a strange look: "Where else can we go? Naturally, we have to go to the Yin-Yang Cave to find Xiaolan. We need to set a time schedule. Shouldn't we complete the deduction with her next? ?”

"That's true, but it's not a rush... We can actually take some time to 'entertain' first, and then go over to find her. It's not too late..." Lu Yu said.

Yang Chudie's face suddenly became extremely charming: "You'd better go find Xiaolan Entertainment later, I don't have time to accompany you..."

After saying that, he pushed Lu Yu away and immediately turned around and walked towards the passage of Yin Yang Cave. He looked like he had fled.

Lu Yu could only shake his head helplessly.

Although he was quite unhappy at not being able to enjoy a moment of pleasure between the two of them, in comparison, he was still happy to see Yang Chudie's mind finally freed from the confusion about the ancient city of Woyun. .

As a result, the two of them went deep into the Yin and Yang Cave inside the mountain as agreed before, preparing to work together with Ye Weilan to complete the deduction with the combined efforts of the three of them, and tailor a special process for Ye Weilan. Belongs to her Taoism.

At this time, Ye Weilan had already taken the lead in retreating in the Yin Yang Cave.

She was in the Yin-Yang Cave Mansion not to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but to follow Lu Yu's request to review all the Taoist teachings she had seen and experienced in her life, sort them out one by one, understand their essence, and find out what she had the deepest understanding of. The secret of Taoism.

With the essence of mysteries mastered by Lu Yu and Yang Chudie at this time, it is not difficult to create a powerful Taoist method. What is difficult is to perfectly match Ye Weilan's own state and become her exclusive Taoist method. Only in this way can she bring out her strongest strength.

Under normal circumstances, such a Tao method needs to be summarized by the lifelong experience of the cultivator in order to precipitate a perfect Tao method, so there is a saying of "late bloomer".

Unfortunately, due to the powerful deduction capabilities between the three of them, they can skip the step of summarizing their lifetime experience and directly rely on their powerful deduction capabilities to conduct trial and error to find the closest "answer" to perfection.

Looking at Ye Weilan who was meditating in the Yin and Yang Cave, Yang Chudie didn't say anything, and sat directly against Ye Weilan, integrating his thoughts into Ye Weilan's sea of ​​consciousness.

When Lu Yu saw this scene, he couldn't help but feel angry. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the three of them to get together and do a warm-up exercise. Unexpectedly, Yang Chudie didn't give him a chance at all.

There was no other way, so he had no choice but to sit down next to the two of them, and connected his mind to the illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness of the two.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu arrived at Dakong Mountain in the Demon Spirit Realm.

Since this is an illusion built based on Ye Weilan's thoughts, it is understandable that it appears in such an area...

But what Lu Yu didn't expect was that there was a giant tree covering the sky and the sun in this illusion. It was the World Tree cultivated by Qin Yanzhen using the Sacred Heart Gourd... He didn't expect that scene in Dakong Mountain. The adventure turned out to be the most impressive scene in Ye Weilan's memory...

"Sister Die...are you here?"

Soon, the two found Ye Weilan's figure at the foot of the World Tree. She jumped up from the middle of the tangled tree roots with excitement on her face.

"Obviously we two came together, why did you only call me Sister Die and not me?" Lu Yu said dissatisfied, "Do you only have Sister Die in your eyes and not me as your husband?"

"No...I, I didn't..." Ye Weilan was startled and didn't know why Lu Yu was suddenly so angry.

However, Yang Chudie knew that he was deliberately looking for trouble here because he repeatedly tried to cause trouble but failed, so he comforted Ye Weilan: "He's crazy... let's ignore him!"

After saying that, Lu Yu glared fiercely: "Can you speak properly? If you dare to bully Xiaolan, believe it or not, I will kick you out and lock you up for a month!"

Lu Yu suddenly felt weak...

In the past, he would not have taken these words seriously, but now Yang Chudie has reached the first level of elixir, and with the blessing of the first level golden elixir, she is still capable of doing this...

"Hey, don't... I was actually just joking..." Lu Yu immediately smiled with a worried face, "Well, let's get down to business first! My dear, have you found the attack method that resonates most with you? Yet?"

Ye Weilan nodded gently.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie's eyes suddenly lit up and they asked at the same time: "What is it?"

"This...if I were asked to say it, I can't tell you. I might as well...just show it to you directly!" Ye Weilan replied softly.

After speaking, she raised her hand.

Suddenly the mountains soared up, spinning endlessly in the sky, and then they crashed down to the ground as if the end of the world was coming...

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