Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 894 Phoenix Dances for Nine Heavens


Under the illusion of thoughts, the heaven and earth cracked and the earth shook.

The previous scene when the monsters were attacking Jade Butterfly Peak was nothing compared to the scene at this moment.

Even the World Tree around the three of them was uprooted and completely destroyed by this fierce attack.

But even in the face of such a fierce offensive, the three of them were not afraid, because this was just a demonstration in the illusion, and it actually had no lethality.

This is the attack method that resonates most with Ye Weilan.

After a long time, the shock gradually subsided.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie quietly watched the dust settle in front of them without saying a word.

"That's probably what it looks like..." Ye Weilan said softly.

Since Lu Yu and Yang Chudie never expressed their opinions, the expression on her face became unconfident.

"Is this the most touching scene for you?" Lu Yu said, smacking his lips.

"Why...can't it?" Ye Weilan suddenly became even more unconfident.

"It's not that it can't be done, it's just..."

Lu Yu said and turned to look at Yang Chudie: "My eldest daughter-in-law, if I remember correctly, this should be a replica of the move that Qin Yanzhen used to summon Wuluo Mountains, right?"

Yang Chudie ignored Lu Yu's name for herself, nodded and said: "It is indeed quite similar..."

Lu Yu said: "Originally, I thought that you would have a special understanding of the eldest daughter-in-law's exquisite sword art intertwined with thousands of swords, and that you would create a scene of thousands of fire phoenixes flying in the sky...

"I didn't expect that the thing that impressed you the most would be this... Really, we have experienced a lot of big scenes over the years, but why did we fall in love with that crazy woman's attack routine..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but complain.

"Uh... should I change it?" Ye Weilan asked cautiously.

"That's not necessary. I'm just saying it casually. If you think this is the most touching thing for you, then let's make this decision!" Lu Yu said.

Only when you feel it in your heart can you shape it.

In other words, the offensive shown in this scene is the Tao method that is most suitable for Ye Weilan, and it is the explosive method that she desires most deep in her body and mind.

Now that she has proposed such a "concept", Lu Yu and Yang Chudie must mobilize their thoughts and ideas to help her implement this "concept" into a practical Taoist method...

"Qin Yanzhen is the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. In other words, she has seen the world above the nine heavens. Her attack method naturally has its own uniqueness... Just choose it! Next, let Let's see how to implement this technique!" Yang Chudie finally made the decision.


Seeing that both of them agreed with her idea, Ye Weilan finally showed a smile on her face.

In fact, there is one thing that she has always buried deep in her heart...

When she was in Dakong Mountain, the most unforgettable thing was that the netherworld fire phoenix that soared out of the abyss of hell was finally sacrificed alive by Qin Yanzhen, and its soul was imprinted on her mysterious picture.

The painful emotions of Nether Fire Phoenix at that time made her feel the same...

Therefore, the reason why she chose this scene closely related to Qin Yanzhen was because deep in her heart, she had a vague hope that with the help of the shaking of the mountains, the Netherworld Fire Phoenix could be able to escape from bondage.

Perhaps, its life and body are no longer there, and it is difficult to return to the ashes of nirvana, but at least the soul can get rid of the enslavement of that terrible woman and let it rest in peace.

If this method of notation can be deduced, then she hopes to use it to destroy Qin Yanzhen's mountain and river scroll, and personally give the Netherworld Fire Phoenix eternal freedom...

"If possible, I would like to call this Taoist method 'Feng Wu Nine Heavens'!"

Ye Weilan suddenly said something quietly.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but be stunned at the same time.

It can be seen from this that Ye Weilan does have his own unique ideas about his own Taoism...

In this way, they saved a lot of trouble. They only had to follow Ye Weilan's ideas and proceed step by step.

It's up to people to plan things, and it's up to God to make things happen. As for whether it can be accomplished in the end, it's up to God...

"This is your own exclusive way. Whatever you want to call it is up to you!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Fengwu Jiutian... This is indeed a good name! But in order to make this name worthy of its name, let's peel off the cocoon bit by bit and realize it one by one!"

"There are three original powers in your body. I think that for such a Taoist spell, it is best to use the power of your own blood as the bottom palace, the power of the netherworld as the ascending palace, and the power of the devil as the auxiliary palace...

“Only when these three forces work together, are interdependent and promote each other, can we achieve soaring to the nine heavens…”

Next, the three entered the formal discussion process.

A new Taoist method that astonished the world came from scratch and gradually gained wings to soar.

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