Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 895 Original Crystal Loan

In the Yin Yang Cave, there is no day or night.

With the full cooperation of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie, "Fengwu Jiutian" finally completed the theoretical construction, just like the process of Yang Chudie concluding the golden elixir before. Next, we will look at Ye Weilan's body. To what extent can these "theories" be integrated?

Lu Yu was feeling that he could breathe a sigh of relief temporarily, but at this moment, the door of Yin Yang Cave suddenly opened wide, and someone from the outside broke in.

Lu Yu was shocked and immediately put himself on guard, but when he used Die Shuangfei and Feihong Sword at the same time, he was shocked to find that the intruder was not an outsider, but the maid Chu Hongling.

"Sister Hongling, why is it you?" Lu Yu said in shock, and quickly withdrew the two magic weapons that were ready to go.

"I let her in."

Yang Chudie on the side replied.

As she spoke, she rolled her eyes at Lu Yu: "I didn't expect you to be so alert. I thought you wouldn't notice..."

Lu Yu shrugged, then showed a confused look.

Yang Chudie looked at Chu Hongling again and asked, "Did you get the things?"

Chu Hongling nodded and silently presented a Qiankun bag.

Lu Yu couldn't help but become more confused. He didn't know what kind of riddle the two people were playing.

Yang Chudie said: "You worry all day about strengthening Xiaolan and I, but you have no time to worry about your own cultivation. In fact, I think you are the most important part of this trip to Guoyun Ancient City... ...Therefore, I secretly made a deal with someone and obtained a batch of resources specifically to strengthen your strength..."

While she was talking, she opened the Qiankun Bag, only to see a pile of dark and shiny crystals inside, probably no less than a hundred in number.

"Is this...the original crystal core?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

When placing the eye of the storm position before, there were already very few raw crystal cores left in stock. Where did Yang Chudie get so many raw crystal nuclei?

"Where did this... come from?" Lu Yu said in shock.

"You can understand that I borrowed a loan shark from someone..."

Yang Chudie said helplessly.

"Originally, I was not qualified to borrow such a batch of materials, but since I have reached the first level of elixir and have an earth spirit magic weapon with me, the other party made an exception and opened the loan qualification to me after the dual conditions were met."

"In other words, you used the Spring Conch as a mortgage to borrow these original crystal nuclei?" Lu Yu said with difficulty, "What kind of price will you pay for this loan shark?"

"Compared with Yudie's safety, any price paid is worth it. If we can't save anyone, what's the point of all this? But don't worry, we can definitely repay this price, at least not It will make me give up my life..." Yang Chudie replied.

Lu Yu felt relieved.

But when I thought about it again, the matter became even more strange.

First of all, those who can provide such a loan must be people from the eight major sects, because only the eight major sects can master such a large number of original crystal nuclei.

Secondly, to be able to borrow such a large number of raw crystal cores at any time, the strength of the other party is obviously very important. Is there such a force specializing in lending business among the eight major sects?

" the other party?" Lu Yu felt more and more frightened as he thought about it, and couldn't help but ask.

"You've already guessed it... haven't you?"

Yang Chudie glanced at Lu Yu and said, "Behind this matter, there are powerful men from the Tiangang Realm of the eight major sects involved..."

"As for the specific identity of the other party, I don't know. Based on the available intelligence, I only know that the other party is a transcendent organization that is outside the eight major sects..."

"I have never met any of them. The method of communication with them is still left by Yudie. Back then, Yudie was their preferred candidate. They wanted to draw Yudie into the organization. middle……"

"This time I sought medical treatment in a hurry. I contacted them with the intention of giving it a try. I didn't expect that they actually responded..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but look shocked.

I didn't expect the whole thing to be so mysterious...

Behind the eight major sects, there is a mysterious and transcendent organization... What is the purpose of this organization? Is it really just to make money from lending?

"It was only after this incident that I truly realized that this world is actually far more mysterious and unpredictable than what we see on the surface..." Yang Chudie said with infinite emotion.

Lu Yu nodded silently in his heart.

Indeed, this world is far more mysterious than what people see on the surface... Whether it is the scene on the seventeenth floor underground in the dark world, or the newly emerged mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse, this has already been fully foreshadowed. .

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is reasonable...

In today's world, there are nine levels of heaven, and people have not even fully explored the first level of heaven, let alone the other eight levels above.

On the other eight levels of the sky, there are countless Tiangang realm powerhouses who have been hidden for thousands of years. They are not detached and isolated in the Nine Heavens. In fact, there are also disputes and various intrigues in the Nine Heavens, and they have conflicts with the main world below. There are countless connections, and even dominate the changes in the world below...

Lu Yu and others had no idea about this before, just because they were not at the same level yet. As their strength became stronger, they were now gradually exposed to these upper-level entanglements.

Yang Chudie added: "The Return to the Sea Realm is divided into four stages, namely clear sky, darkness, sea and sky lines, and clear sky and quietness. The clear sky corresponds to the early stage of the Return to the Sea Stage, the darkness corresponds to the middle stage of the Return to the Sea Stage, the sea and the sky, etc. The line corresponds to the late stage of the Return to the Sea Realm. Each of these three realms is divided into three small realms, corresponding to the first to ninth levels of the Return to the Sea Realm. It shows that after the true energy in the body returns to the Sea of ​​Tranquility, the sky is clear and flat as a mirror, and gradually becomes stormy and dangerous. , and even a variety of changing scenes followed..."

"As for the fourth stage - Empty Ming and Xu Jing, it is the tenth level of the Return to the Sea Realm. At this time, the true essence has been hidden in the secrets of the law, and the Sea of ​​Tranquility has returned to nothingness. Only in this way can it be regarded as the completion of the Return to the Sea Realm, and you can prepare to conclude a golden marriage. Dan..."

"However, this is just the progress of ordinary people. The skills you practice are different from ordinary people. Although you are only in the Guihai realm now, your strength has far exceeded the Guihai realm. Therefore, what method should you use to continue to improve? , I can’t give you better guidance, you always need to explore on your own..."

"Fortunately, it is true that huge resources are needed. Now, this batch of original crystal nuclei has been borrowed anyway. I hope you can make good use of it, with the help of this Yin-Yang Sympathetic Formation and the underground spiritual energy. Pulse, it will somewhat improve your cultivation level by one or two levels. I think this will be of great help to the rescue operation of Jade Butterfly..."

Yang Chudie's tone was soft and low.

Lu Yu not only felt her care for him, but also felt a deep reliance on her.

Although the situation of Master Yudie made her feel a little helpless, she was her last support.

Faced with such affection, what else could Lu Yu say?

Just listen to temporarily put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrate all your attention on cultivation.

Usury is usury!

Anyway, there are too many debts to weigh you down... Once you have the strength, are you afraid that you won't be able to repay the debts?

"Okay, anyway, it will take time to complete the Wind Eye Furnace. I will definitely practice hard in the next time, and I will definitely live up to your expectations, Senior Sister!"

Lu Yu responded softly, his tone low but decisive.

However, Yang Chudie heard another meaning from his response, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are you sure about it? Do you know how to practice your technique next?"

"have no idea……"

Lu Yu spread his hands, "But I have an idea in my mind, and I have wanted to try it for a long time. Senior Sister, you provided this batch of raw crystal nuclei, which just gave me the opportunity to try it!"

Early next morning.

Jade Butterfly Peak suddenly surged with spiritual energy, and a ray of fire penetrated the mountain, shot out from the top of the peak, and shot straight into the sky.

In the blink of an eye, within a hundred miles, all the clouds in the sky turned into a sea of ​​fire.

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