Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 897 True Essence Like the Sea

"Brother Cangsong, look...what is going on?"

Everyone had no clue, so they had no choice but to ask the question to Master Cangsong.

Among all the people present, he has the highest cultivation level, the oldest qualifications, and he is also the leader of the Six Peaks Alliance...

But how can Master Cangsong answer this question?

However, one thing he is certain of...

"This is definitely not the effect of any formation!" Master Cangsong said categorically.

He has been immersed in the art of formations for many years, and he still has some basic judgment. Yang Chudie keeps talking about formation adjustment, just to appease people's hearts and not to shock the world.

"So, there should be another real strong person on Jade Butterfly Peak...could it be that Master Jade Butterfly has returned?" said Jianlu Zhenren.

Just after saying this, he shook his head again, rejecting his inference... He almost forgot the recent big news. The real Yudie has been imprisoned by a mysterious Tiangang realm expert. Why? Might come back at this time.

But if it’s neither Master Chudie nor Master Yudie, who else can be chosen? Jade Butterfly Peak cannot allow outsiders to freely enjoy its own underground spiritual veins...

"Could it be...him?"

Zhenren Xuanmo suddenly said in surprise.

Although he did not directly say the person's name, everyone instantly understood what he meant. The word "him" can only represent one person, and now the entire Dali Sword Sect is unique.

"That's unlikely, isn't it?"

Master Danyang said with a face full of horror, "Although Lu Yu has extremely high attainments in Taoism, he is only in the Return to Sea realm after all. Without the blessing of the golden elixir law, how could he be able to stimulate spiritual veins on such a large scale?"

"It may not be impossible!" Master Cangsong said, but as he spoke, he looked at Master Xuanmo aside, "Do you still remember the scene when the eye of the storm was in place?"

Master Xuanmo was stunned: "You mean... he used the original crystal core to activate his spiritual veins?"

Master Cangsong nodded silently.

Everyone around was suddenly shocked:

"Using the original crystal core to stimulate spiritual veins? This, this, this..."

"Where did he get so many proto-crystal nuclei?"

"This is too crazy!"

"With this level of spiritual energy stimulation, even the steel will be instantly vaporized. With his mortal body, how can he resist without the blessing of the golden elixir?"

Master Cangsong's face was as dark as water, and he said slowly: "Whether this is the case or not, I will know clearly if I go over and ask Master Chudie later!"

With that said, everyone was about to go over and stop Yang Chudie, wanting to ask her directly what happened.

But at this moment, Master Huo Yi, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke: "Everyone, please take a look!"

Everyone turned around in surprise, only to see Master Huo Yi looking steadily at the floating clouds in the sea of ​​fire in the sky, his pupils reflecting the red firelight, and said with infinite emotion: "In fact, the answer has already been hidden in this vision!"

Everyone followed his gaze and examined it carefully.

After a while, I found some clues.

Within a hundred miles of airspace, flames were billowing and fire clouds were surging. The momentum was like a magnificent sea scene.

"This is... Zhenyuan Jinghai?"

All the masters present were practicing step by step and slowly practicing as ordinary disciples. Naturally, they were also aware of every subtle change in Guihai Realm. After being reminded by Master Huo Yi, they immediately realized that at this time The strange phenomenon of the sea of ​​fire evolving in the sky is actually a reflection of the true energy in the body of a certain Guihai Realm cultivator.

Just being able to map the true energy situation in the body into the sky is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

"Yes! It is indeed Zhenyuan Jinghai!" Huang Yan confirmed, "So, this is really Lu Yu's work!"

"I really didn't expect that the Zhen Yuan Jinghai in his body would be of such magnitude!"

"When I was at his level of cultivation, I was far inferior to him..."

"Don't say that we were not as good as when we were in the Return to the Sea Realm. Even now, there are a few real strong men who can make such a big noise when they improve their realm!"

"No wonder he can suppress the powerful real person with only the strength of Guihai Realm. He is really turns out that he has such a large amount of Zhenyuan Jinghai to rely on!"

At this moment, Lu Yu could be regarded as revealing the outline of his true strength.

When everyone was full of praise for him, Master Cangsong saw a completely different side, so he said cheerfully: "I understand!"

Everyone was startled and quickly asked: "What did Brother Tao understand?"

Cangsong sighed: "This boy is indeed a genius. No wonder he was favored by Ancestor Yunxiao. His courage, courage, and wisdom are all among the best..."

"It is precisely because the scale of his True Essence Jinghai far exceeds that of ordinary people, and it is no longer sustainable with ordinary methods. Therefore, he came up with such a way to project the True Essence Jinghai outwards and borrow the power of heaven and earth to strengthen it. …”

"Only in this way can he smoothly transition from a clear sky as flat as a mirror to a dark place with treacherous waves and clouds on the ground... Otherwise, his physical body alone may not be able to withstand such a degree of change!"

Everyone was stunned, and for a while they were so surprised that they were speechless.

I didn't expect that there is such a cultivation method in the Guihai Realm... Even my physical body cannot withstand the changes from clear sky to dark true energy and quiet sea. What kind of terrifying cultivation level is this?

However, in the next few days, the strange phenomena in the sky confirmed Cangsong's speculation.

The floating clouds in the sea of ​​fire continued to pile up and surge, as if a tsunami was generated in it.

At this time, more people also saw the clues. No one believed that this was some kind of formation debugging. Everyone knew that this was actually caused by Lu Yu's practice.

As a result, not only the real masters, but also more ordinary disciples came to the Jade Butterfly Peak area to observe the grand occasion of Lu Yu's cultivation.

Suddenly, this grand vision in the sky turned into a pilgrimage sight for many disciples of the Dali Sword Sect.

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