Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 898 Rescue at any time

More and more disciples gathered in the Jade Butterfly Peak area.

While watching this strange phenomenon in the sky, some disciples even suddenly had an enlightenment, temporarily understood the truth of the great truth, and directly improved their realm on the spot.

Under such circumstances, more disciples came here because of his fame, hoping to seize the opportunity in this huge vision, hoping that they could also comprehend some of the great principles.

Even if it is just a little bit, it will be enough for them to benefit from it for a lifetime...

The real people from each mountain peak are also happy to see this happen. Even they themselves have gathered at Jade Butterfly Peak to observe this grand event. How can they stand to stop their disciples?

What evolved in this vision was the true transformation process of the true energy in Lu Yu's body. Even with their real strength, they could gain a lot of insights from this.

However, laymen see the fun, and experts see the door. While many disciples were amazed by this, the real strong people saw some hidden worries in it...

The true energy in Lu Yu's body at this time was like a roaring mountain, a tsunami, and a raging wave. It looked indeed majestic and spectacular... But everyone who has experienced this stage knows that "spectacular" is not the ultimate goal. Only when it is "strong" and orderly can the True Essence Sea be truly stabilized.

However, Lu Yu's true energy state at this time shows no signs of stabilizing. Instead, it is becoming more and more turbulent, and there seems to be a risk of losing control at any time...

"Brother Hailing, something doesn't seem right about this situation..."

Mr. Shang Ge looked at the changes in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky and said with some worry.

The real people watching at the scene were no longer limited to the Six Peaks Alliance next door, even many real people elders from Wulao Peak also rushed over.

"I have been watching for a full hour. This wave of Lu Yu's true energy has been surging continuously, but there is still no plan. If it continues like this, how can he 'stack the wave'?"

Dialang is a special term for cultivation in the Guihai realm.

When he first entered the Returning Sea Realm, the True Essence Sea was as flat as a mirror, indicating that he was in the Clear Sky Realm.

Then, the True Essence Sea gradually became turbulent, entering a dark and gloomy state.

However, the waves of true energy in the dark realm cannot be completely uncontrolled. The waves of true energy must be layered on top of each other, one wave after another, orderly and endless. Only in this way can the effectiveness of the true energy be brought into full play. The largest, this is the so-called "overlapping wave".

Only after entering the state of "overlapping waves" can one develop to the next stage of the sea and sky lines. Once the true energy in the body is mobilized and gathered, the waves will be as if they have not reached the sky...

If the "overlapping wave" is not reached, not only will it be impossible to enter the next stage, but even the dark environment at this time is extremely unstable, like an attic in the sky, with the risk of collapse at any time.

Master Hailing said nothing.

In fact, he and Shangge always had the same view, and he had already been observing the changes in the sky, silently pondering the solution, thinking about how to solve the current predicament if it were him, but the result was Unfortunately, several hours have passed and he still hasn't come up with any solution.

"Look, should we ask Master Chudie to come over and discuss... Do we need to find a way to temporarily interrupt his practice..." Mr. Shang Ge said hesitantly.

Forcibly interfering with other people's cultivation is actually a taboo.

But Mr. Shang Ge didn't have any bad intentions. He was also concerned about chaos. In fact, Lu Yu was too important now. The Dali Sword Sect simply couldn't afford anything unexpected happening to him at this time. If it were someone else who was practicing... Others, he would never make such a suggestion.

Master Hailing couldn't help but look at Master Zifu beside him, and asked: "Brother Zifu, what do you think?"

Master Zifu stroked his beard and said, "I think it's better to forget it..."

"I had some discussions on cultivation with this guy a few days ago. In fact, he has a very unique view on the way of cultivation, which is completely beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding..."

"So, we should not use our own opinions to speculate on his thoughts. Maybe he has a way to solve things that we think are impossible?"

Master Jin Xiang was also on the side, and after hearing what Master Zifu said, he suddenly thought deeply and said: "So, it was because of the exchange with Lu Yu that Brother Zifu destroyed Zhenyou Mansion on his own? "

Master Zifu nodded slowly: "Of course..."

Everyone around could not help but be shocked.

This time the case is finally solved...

I didn’t expect that Lu Yu’s words would be so powerful that they actually caused Master Zifu to dismantle his natal mansion on his own. What’s more, he didn’t expect that Master Zifu would have such great courage to sacrifice his natal mansion for hundreds of years. Disintegration really disintegrates...

"I also think there is absolutely no need to intervene forcefully!"

At this time, Master Changchun also suddenly spoke.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but look towards him.

"Did Elder Changchun see some clues from this and think he can successfully cross the waves?" Master Jin Xiang asked.

"Not at all..."

Master Changchun said: "It's just that this is Jade Butterfly Peak after all, and it is his own land. Before planning to retreat to practice, he must have made complete preparations. If an unplanned situation really happens and he needs help, he will naturally Send a signal for help to the outside world... Until we receive his signal for help, let's watch the show with peace of mind!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Master Hailing took advantage of the situation and said: "In that case, let's wait and see how the situation changes..."

"However, Mr. Shangge's worries are not unreasonable. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. To be on the safe side, we'd better make two preparations... Until the situation is unclear, everyone should not leave this place for the time being and be ready to ask for help at any time. !”

As a result, a group of real experts continued to observe quietly.

However, they are no longer purely onlookers, but are ready to welcome great changes at any time...

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