Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 899 Auspicious arrival

"What exactly is going on?"

Just when all the powerful real people were getting ready to attack, Fang Haoran couldn't sit still anymore and found Yang Chudie himself.

"I see that a bunch of real people outside are very scared... Is this kid really good? Is he really going off-line?"

Yang Chudie said with a smile: "Wouldn't you know if there is a score if you continue reading?"

Fang Haoran said: "The scene he has created now makes my heart beat fast just looking at it. I don't want to watch anymore in fear. Just tell me what he will do next." What method is used to carry out overlapping waves?”

Yang Chudie looked up at the sky and sighed softly: "To be honest, I actually don't know..."

"real or fake?"

Fang Haoran screamed exaggeratedly: "Even you don't know... How is this possible? Aren't you a Taoist couple? Any thoughts between each other should be common and cannot be concealed!"

When he revealed his relationship with Lu Yu, Yang Chudie couldn't help but blush.

After looking around, he found that no one else heard him. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a slight blush: "We can indeed have the same ideas, but if he doesn't know it himself, how can I?" Possibly a prophet?"

"What? So, this kid is completely clueless?"

Fang Haoran was immediately startled: "This is too messy... You didn't even stop him and let him act like this?"

Yang Chudie raised her head slightly and looked at the sky. The red firelight reflected her jade-like cheeks particularly beautifully.

She said quietly: "Although he doesn't have any plans, I have confidence in him... The way of cultivation in this world is to follow the rules and follow the steps step by step. No matter how many calculations you make, they are not as good as the sudden enlightenment at the doorstep. If even he can't get through this level, I think this glorious world will have no meaning..."

Fang Haoran was stunned, but he didn't expect Yang Chudie's evaluation of Lu Yu to be so high.

He was silently chewing on the specific meaning of these words in his heart.

But at this moment, the vision in the sky suddenly changed.

I saw thousands of waves gathering on the sea of ​​clouds at the same time, like thousands of horses galloping, raging crazily in the sky.

Everyone's hearts suddenly trembled, and they didn't know whether this change was good or bad, but they should find out soon...

The waves grew higher and higher, almost turning into pillars of water holding up the sky.

However, the water column cannot last long, and it is even more foolish to think of using it to hold up the sky.

Finally, the water columns fell down one after another, entangled and intertwined with each other. When all the waves fell back to the sea level, these intertwined water columns suddenly turned into whirlpools.

In an instant, tens of thousands of whirlpools appeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

This scene can't help but make everyone marvel.

Even the many powerful real people present did not show such a state within their own True Yuan Jinghai.


Yang Chudie was dazzled and suddenly exclaimed: "I knew he would not disappoint anyone... Look, haven't you already thought of a way?"

As her voice fell, there was a sudden change in the sky.

I saw the phantoms of lotus blossoms suddenly appearing in the whirlpools.

The phantoms of these lotus flowers are spinning crazily, some are rotating forward, and some are rotating in reverse. Although the directions and rotation speeds are different, after being arranged and combined, the phantoms of the lotus flowers are well-proportioned and achieve perfect harmony and unity. .

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

No one could have imagined that Lu Yu would reach the state of "overlapping waves" in this way.

Of course, this whirlpool-like "overlapping wave" method is a thousand times more difficult than the ordinary "overlapping wave" method, but it is also undeniable that once this whirlpool-like "overlapping wave" completely breaks out, its The power will be thousands of times that of ordinary "overlapping waves"!

Looking at the thousands of lotus flowers in the sky, everyone couldn't help feeling frightened for a moment.

"That's it...that's it..."

Master Zifu sighed with satisfaction, "Using the power of whirlpools to form waves, I didn't expect that there is such a way to practice. I have been taught a good lesson today... Everyone, how can I do this now? Is there anything to worry about?”

Everyone was amazed and praised Lu Yu's fantastic idea.

This time, there is no longer any suspense.

Next, it’s just a matter of how long it takes for Lu Yu to complete the entire process of "overlapping waves"...

Everyone felt sincerely happy, not only because Lu Yu's improvement in strength would be of great benefit to the entire Dali Sword Sect, but also because they had also benefited greatly from the process of observing.

Suddenly, an auspicious light suddenly appeared on the Jade Butterfly Peak.

Although this piece of auspicious light cannot be compared with the vision in the sky, it is particularly conspicuous at this moment.

"This is……"

"It seems that a disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak has enlightened..."

"Jade Butterfly Peak is really happy today!"

"Very good, very good!"

"Lu Yu's move has really brought endless blessings. He not only improved himself, but also helped his disciples. This is a great kindness!"

Everyone is talking about it.

But at this moment, a greater auspiciousness broke through the sky and descended on the earth.

Even the thousands of lotus flowers in the sky pale in comparison.

For a time, the entire territory of Dali Sword Sect, from south to north, from east to west, was filled with auspicious light.

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

"This scene...could it be that a certain ancestor's dharma body returns to the court?"

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