Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 900 The Ancestor Returns

There are three existing ancestors of the Dali Sword Sect, namely the ancestor Yunxiao, the ancestor Hongyao, and the ancestor Tailing.

No matter which ancestor, they are all illusory existences. Everyone in the Dali Sword Sect can't reach them, and sometimes they can't even "look up"...

Among them, Patriarch Yunxiao was reconnected in recent years, and everyone knew for sure that he was still alive. As for the other two ancestors, although news would occasionally come back every few years, their whereabouts had always been uncertain and traceless. Findable status.

Therefore, this vision at this time, no matter which ancestor returns, is a precious event.

For a time, everyone no longer had the intention to observe Lu Yu's cultivation, and all their thoughts turned to the return of their ancestor.

"Brother Shang, Brother Feng, has Wu Laofeng already contacted the ancestor? I wonder which ancestor this return is?" asked the real person of Zi Mansion.

The old Shangge follower Feng Ruhai who was asked couldn't help but be confused. In fact, the last Gaoge meeting came to nothing. The discussion on whether to contact the ancestors and inform them of the current situation faced by the Dali Sword Sect was basically There is no conclusion, and they don’t know what is going on...

Mr. Shang Ge shook his head and said: "Our King Wu Palace has not contacted any of our ancestors..."

Feng Ruhai also shook his head and said: "Our Scripture Pagoda has not contacted any of our ancestors..."

As they said that, the two of them turned their attention to Changchun Master in unison.

Master Changchun said: "What do you think I am doing? The convalescence palace I am in charge of does not have the ability to communicate with Jiutian. If you hadn't contacted me, it would have been even more impossible for me to have contacted you..."

Master Hailing said: "You have always misunderstood, that's not what I meant... Elder Changchun, you are well-informed. I want to say that you can tell, which ancestor is returning?"

At the age of 800, Master Changchun had met the other two ancestors in person, except for Yunxiao Patriarch.

Changchun Master stared at the auspiciousness in the sky, stroked his long snow-white beard and said: "I don't dare to make a conclusion about which one it is. After all, they have traveled in the nine days for such a long time, and their cultivation is There have been earth-shaking changes...but I can be sure that this one will definitely not be the ancestor of Yunxiao!"


Master Changchun said: "The ancestor of Yunxiao has lived for three thousand years. It is said that he has already built a holy palace outside the sky in the nine heavens. It is thousands of miles in size and ethereal in the clouds. If it is his body, If we return, it will definitely not be just like this..."

Everyone couldn't help but became crazy after hearing this.

The palace, which is thousands of miles in radius, is still floating in the clouds. What a majestic and spectacular scenery it must be.

"You don't have to guess here anymore. Which ancestor is it and why he has returned? If we go over and take a look, we will know clearly!" said Master Zifu.

As a result, everyone spread out their escape lights and flew in the direction of Wangyue Peak.

Because the master master holds the road signs for the passage of the Dali Sword Sect, if the ancestor comes from the Nine Heavens, he will definitely seek it directly from the master master. This is why when the ancestor Yunxiao sent the truth message before, it was directly transmitted to Li Wangji’s reasons.

Suddenly, throughout the territory of Dali Sword Sect, countless escaping lights glided in the sky, like tired birds returning to the forest in the evening, and they all gathered in the direction of Wangyue Peak.

When everyone arrived at Wangyue Peak, the colorful auspiciousness became even more dazzling.

It was as if a big hole had opened in the sky, and countless colorful halos of light slowly descended from the sky, just like countless colorful snowflakes falling one after another.

The arrival of a strong person in the Tiangang realm is not a simple process, because the Tiangang environment above the sky is in two completely different states compared with the environment in the main world. The descendants must adjust their own state in order to adapt to the world of the main world. Laws, otherwise he will be like a fortress and unable to move freely in the main world.

It is precisely for this reason that once a strong person in the Tiangang Realm reaches the Nine Heavens, they rarely return, because every return is very troublesome. Once they return, it is like going through a transformation all over again.

The real people came at the right time. When they arrived at Wangyue Peak, it was the moment when the descendant completed his transformation, his true body appeared, and he slowly descended.

At this time, Li Wangji had also walked out of the dense forest at the back of the mountain where he was recovering from his injuries, and stood in the square in front of Wangyue Peak, respectfully welcoming his ancestor's arrival.

A group of real people spontaneously stood behind Li Wangji, forming a huge formation in a moment.

"Li Wangji, the 678th generation leader of the Dali Sword Sect, respectfully welcomes our ancestor back!"

Li Wangji bowed down and spoke loudly.

Even he doesn't know who is returning, but it's always good to call him the ancestor.

"Disciples of the Dali Sword Sect, we sincerely welcome our ancestor back!"

The real people behind him also agreed.

Even though they are all real people and their status in the Dali Sword Sect is extremely respected, in front of such an ancestor, they can only call themselves "disciples".

The ancestor's body slowly floated down and stood still in front of everyone.

To everyone's surprise, this ancestor looked very young, like a young man in his twenties, without any signs of aging.

But his tone was full of endless vicissitudes: "Has it passed down to the 678th generation head? I thought that when I left, I was still the 674th generation, but I didn't expect that it would be replaced in the blink of an eye. Four generations…”

"But fortunately, there is still a familiar face among you..."

As he said that, his eyes suddenly looked at Changchun Master: "Ji Fengchun, do you still recognize me?"

Master Changchun was suddenly shocked and said in astonishment: "Are you...Senior Tai Ling? I didn't expect that after so many years, not only have you not aged, but you have become younger and younger!"

Everyone was suddenly startled.

Originally, they couldn't help but doubt the identity of this young ancestor, but now after the Changchun ancestor said this, they were dispelled.

Ancestor Tailing smiled faintly: "Back then, we just met each other a few times. After so many years, my appearance has also changed. I didn't expect you to still recognize me. This is rare... "

"Among the people present, I think you are the oldest. Let me ask you, which one is Lu Yu?"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Tailing had just arrived and asked Lu Yu directly...

Could it be that he came back after rushing towards Lu Yu?

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