Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 901 Thousands of Miles Away

"Lu Yu is a newly promoted true disciple of Jade Butterfly Peak. He is currently practicing in seclusion and did not come to the scene..." Changchun Master replied.

"Jade Butterfly Peak?"

Ancestor Tailing turned his head and looked towards the south.

Although under the suppression of the auspiciousness in the sky, the sky phenomenon of Jade Butterfly Peak has been dimmed, but you can still vaguely see the floating lotus flowers in the sky, and the scene is spectacular.

"It seems that in the past few hundred years, many new peaks have emerged..." Ancestor Tailing said with emotion, "If I guessed correctly, that over there should be the Jade Butterfly Peak, right? Could it be that the scene in the sky at this time was a vision caused by this person’s practice?”

"Exactly..." Changchun master replied.

"What a good boy! A mere true disciple can cause such a phenomenon while practicing. No wonder even I can hear his name in the Nine Heavens!" Patriarch Tailing praised with a sneer.

Everyone couldn't help but be startled.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu's fame was so great that even the strongest men in the Nine Heavens were alarmed.

Master Changchun couldn't help but frowned.

The tone of Tailing Patriarch's tone is really a bit strange. Whether it is a compliment or a criticism, it sounds very intriguing at first glance.

His attitude is not a good thing at this time...

The Dali Sword Sect has always been quite divided. Now after a series of changes, it has finally become a rope under the push of Lu Yu. If the attitude of Tailing Patriarch is different, it is very likely that there will be The improvement of the situation of the Dali Sword Sect fell short...

"Today we can see that our ancestor's appearance has become even better than before. Although we are overjoyed, we can't help but feel a little frightened. I wonder what is the reason for our ancestor's return?" Master Changchun said with sincerity and fear, "Could it be that ancestor Yunxiao has something wrong with him? Instructions passed down?"

"Ancestor Yunxiao?" Ancestor Tailing was slightly startled, "Why do you ask this, and what does this have to do with Ancestor Yunxiao?"

Master Changchun said: "Isn't it? Lu Yu is a disciple specially recruited by Patriarch Yunxiao. Today, he has perfected his skills and caused a grand vision of heaven and earth. And Patriarch, you happened to return at this time. I thought you It’s just for him!”

In fact, he deliberately pointed out the relationship between Lu Yu and Patriarch Yunxiao, so that Patriarch Tailing could be cautious about Lu Yu's attitude.

As the saying goes, the power of heaven is unpredictable. When facing a powerful person in the Tiangang Realm like Tailing Patriarch, Changchun Master felt this way. Therefore, before Tailing Patriarch's specific attitude was unclear, Changchun Master decided to be intentional first. He broke this relationship because he really didn't want the Dali Sword Sect to fall into a split again because of Patriarch Tailing's unfriendly attitude.

When Tailing Patriarch heard this, he laughed: "I asked how such an outstanding person could end up in our Dali Sword Sect. It turned out to be the handiwork of Patriarch Yunxiao. I didn't expect that he would have noticed him already. When it comes to this person, it’s getting more and more interesting..."

Everyone couldn't help but be startled again.

From the words of Tailing Patriarch, at least one thing can be heard, that is, there has always been no contact between him and Yunxiao Patriarch. His return this time is entirely his own decision. , not from the instruction of Patriarch Yunxiao.

Ancestor Tailing continued: "My return this time is not entirely for him, I can only say half and half... In the nine days, in addition to hearing news about him, I also heard some more There was bad news about the Dali Sword Sect, so I couldn’t help but give up on the Great Dao rank and return to Dharmakaya..."

After a pause, he suddenly looked at Li Wangji: "Li Wangji, as the current head of our Dali Sword Sect, by whom did you get hurt like this?"

Li Wangji was stunned for a moment and replied: "The person who hurt me is Lan Qianqiu, the master of the Ice Emperor Island of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect..."

"Ice King Island?"

Ancestor Tailing smiled coldly: "A mere Ice Emperor Island Master dares to hurt the master of our Dali Sword Sect. He is simply tired of living... Li Wangji, don't worry, I will Find a place for you!"

After speaking, he suddenly opened his arms, and immediately a huge ball of light gathered on his arms, and what was displayed in the ball of light was a vast map.

All the real people present were well-informed people, and they could see at a glance that what was shown on the map was exactly the sea area where the Jade Sea Immortal Sect was located.

Ancestor Tailing accurately located the location of Ice King Island.

Then, he threw the ball of light high, revealing the entire majestic Ice King Island, as if a vast mirage had opened above everyone's heads.

Then Tailing Patriarch held up the sky with one hand, passed his whole arm through the "mirage" above his head, and penetrated deeply into the sky.

Everyone was stunned for a while, and just as they were wondering what he was going to do, they saw an arm stretching out from the sky on the mirage above their heads, forming an unparalleled hand seal, and moving towards the entire Ice Emperor. The island slapped it hard.


There was a faint vibration under my feet.

The Ice King Island in the mirage was instantly destroyed by the huge handprint in the sky with such overwhelming force.

"Whoever dares to attack my Dali Sword Sect Sword Sect, this is what will happen!"

Ancestor Tailing's voice suddenly seemed far away and suddenly near, as if it was ringing around him or coming from thousands of miles away.

At this moment, his voice is echoing in all the continents of the world.

All the real people present could not help but be shocked.

Unexpectedly, Ancestor Tailing could crush the entire Ice King Island with one palm from thousands of miles away. Such power was simply astonishing.

Not only did they see the effect on the screen, but they also intimately felt the powerful power fluctuations on the body of Patriarch Tailing. Therefore, they were 100% sure that what Patriarch Tailing did just now was not just a light and shadow effect. The Ice King Island thousands of miles away must have been completely shattered and sunk as shown on the screen...

Although everyone had long known that the cultivation of strong men in the Tiangang Realm was incredible, they never expected that it would be exaggerated to such an extent...

After a long time, Tailing Patriarch regained his divine power again, exhaled a breath of smoke from his mouth, and said to everyone with a flushed face: "This time, I will recover a little interest. Next, I will temporarily take charge of the Dali Sword Sect and work with the Dali Sword Sect. You guys will get through this difficulty together...Okay, tell me first what is going on!"

Everyone was immediately overjoyed and gathered around Tailing Patriarch, telling him about the various difficult situations faced by the Dali Sword Sect these days...

"Ancestor, I have something to say..."

"Ancestor, in fact, the most abominable thing is Wuya Immortal Pavilion..."

"Ancestor, with you in charge this time, we have a backbone..."

Li Wangji originally wanted to say that the owner of Ice King Island was actually worse off than he was. He had already paid the price. There was absolutely no need for the ancestor to waste his divine power like this...

But looking at the excited faces of everyone, the words came to their lips, but they still didn't come out.

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