Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 903 The visitor is evil

Lu Yu quietly sneaked into Wangyue Peak.

This was his third visit to Moon Moon Peak, but he didn't expect that this time it would be the same as the first time. He needed to hide his whereabouts from others.

So he didn't even enter the mountain gate of Wangyue Peak, but waited for Li Wangji directly at the foot of the mountain. The scene was the same as when he first came to Dali Sword Sect, and even the place where he met Li Wangji was still the same. The original thatched hut.

"Hey, you moved so fast and you actually arrived before us?"

After a while, Fang Haoran's voice suddenly came from the side.

Lu Yu turned around and saw Fang Haoran and Li Wangji coming hand in hand.

This scene is almost exactly the same as before. The only difference is that now half of Li Wangji's body is covered in blood and flesh, looking ferocious and terrifying, without any of his original fairy-like spirit and calm demeanor.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, this thatched house is still here, exactly the same as when I first came here..." Lu Yu said with emotion.

One sentence immediately brought both Li Wangji and Fang Haoran back to the scene when they first met.

For Lu Yu, these few years have been a rich and long experience, but compared to Fang and Li's long life span, these few years have been as short as a fleeting moment.

It seems that in just the blink of an eye, the young boy at the beginning has grown into a powerful figure who can stir up a storm.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that so many years have passed in the blink of an eye... I thought you were just like a little shrimp in my hands, but I didn't expect that you can be on an equal footing with me now..." Fang Haoran looked melancholy. said.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and looked at Li Wangji: "Master Master, you arranged for me to meet here back then because I offended Bai Yunfeng and you couldn't let me break into the house openly... I wonder what the reason is this time? "

Li Wangji looked at Lu Yu calmly and said, "It seems you have somewhat guessed it..."

Then he didn't say any more, but waved his hand to Fang Haoran on the side, indicating that he should take charge of the security.

Fang Haoran nodded lightly and left without saying a word.

Li Wangji then let out a long sigh and continued: "Ancestor Tailing... and Ancestor Yunxiao are probably not of the same mind!"

"Master do you say this?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Patriarch Tailing has any dissatisfaction with the Dali Sword Sect... It's just that when it comes to your issue, I don't think Patriarch Tailing will keep the same pace as Patriarch Yunxiao." Li Wangji said.

"Really?" Lu Yu was stunned.

Li Wangji paused and said, "Ancestor Tailing personally healed my wounds a few days ago, and I spent two days with him. Do you know how many times he mentioned your name to me during these two days? "

Lu Yu's heart moved, but his face remained calm: "A lot? How many times?"

Li Wangji said calmly: "No less than thirty times."

"This...then I'm really flattered!" Lu Yu exclaimed.

"It can be seen that the ancestor of Tailing is very interested in you. Even the ancestor himself does not deny that a large part of the reason why he came back this time is for you." Li Wangji said.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Lu Yu asked.

Li Wangji's eyes showed a look of reminiscence, and he said: "I still clearly remember the scene when I received the mantra message from Patriarch Yunxiao... At that time, he clearly stated his attitude towards you in the mantra: Get it Fortunately, I lost my life. I should not interfere too much with your behavior. I should regard this as an opportunity for our Dali Sword Sect..."

"Therefore, my attitude towards you is quite peaceful. I never interfere with your cultivation progress and give you the greatest degree of freedom..."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

I didn't expect that the preferential treatment I received in the Dali Sword Sect was because the ancestor Yunxiao once said something like this. To put it this way, I really owed him a big favor.

Li Wangji continued, "However, Patriarch Tailing has no such attitude at all. Although I don't know what his purpose is, in the process of communicating with him, I clearly felt that he cares about you. The desire to control..."

"Perhaps he wants to accept you as a closed disciple to pass on his mantle...perhaps he wants to exchange Taoism with you and let you analyze the secrets of the Star Sword Art to him...or maybe he wants you to refine it for him Make some kind of special elixir... In short, his attitude towards you will not be as easy-going as Ancestor Yunxiao..."

Lu Yu said in astonishment: "Master Master, you mean...this Tailing ancestor will restrict my freedom? That's why you told me not to see him? But he is the ancestor of Tiangang realm after all. And I am just a small true disciple, how can I get around him?"

Li Wangji said: "If you go to see him, I don't know what kind of demands he will make of you; he may not have much malice towards you... But at least one thing is certain, that is In a short period of time, you should rest and leave the scope of Dali Sword Sect and set off for the ancient city of Guoyun..."

Lu Yu was startled: "Is this ancestor so domineering?"

Li Wangji said: "For the ancestors of the Tiangang Realm, it is not an easy task to give up the rank of the Great Dao in the Nine Heavens and return to the mortal world. There must be sufficient reasons..."

"If Patriarch Tailing is trying to save the situation of the Dali Sword Sect, then I have nothing to say, but now he is obviously more interested in you than other things, which makes people suspicious..."

"Master Master, what do you think we should do now? Is it possible to sneak directly and quietly to Guoyun Ancient City like this?" Lu Yu asked.

Li Wangji said calmly: "If you still want to try it out in Guoyun Ancient City, then I think this is the only chance..."

Lu Yu frowned, still thinking.

But at this moment, a ray of light from the communication talisman came from the sky and landed in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, unfolded the communication talisman, and suddenly his face tightened.

"I think there is no such opportunity anymore... My aunt has just received a message from Wulaofeng, saying that Tailing Patriarch has learned about my release from seclusion and will visit Jade Butterfly Peak in person soon. "

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