Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 904: Finding the Roots

Lu Yu finally decided to return to Jade Butterfly Peak and could not just leave like this.

First of all, since Tailing Patriarch has already made it clear that he wants to visit Jade Butterfly Peak, avoiding him like this is obviously disrespectful. At this stage, he cannot afford to offend this ancestor.

Secondly, where can we go by walking?

Not to mention that with this ancestor’s vast magical power, he had no way to escape...

Even if he successfully left the Dali Sword Sect, he had not yet made all preparations to go deep into the ancient city of Wuyun. He had not even completed the construction of the Wind Eye Furnace, and had not yet had time to forge various magic weapon materials. Now he is quietly It makes no sense at all to slip away.

So he turned around and returned to Jade Butterfly Peak. In any case, he could only meet the Tailing Patriarch in person for a while before talking...

When they returned to Jade Butterfly Peak, Yang Chudie was already standing on the square in front of the temple. Lu Yu thought she was waiting for Tailing Patriarch to arrive, so he asked: "What is going on? This Tailing Ancestor, did you tell me when you will come?"

Yang Chudie showed a solemn expression and lowered her voice: "He has arrived..."

Before he finished speaking, a clear voice suddenly came from the main hall: "Is Lu Yu here? Come inside and talk!"

Lu Yu was startled and then realized that Tailing Patriarch had already arrived earlier and was now in the main hall of the real person. No wonder Yang Chudie would be guarding the square with such a strange posture...

But having said that, there is only a white jade statue of the real person Jade Butterfly enshrined in the main hall. There is nothing else. I don’t know what Tailing Patriarch would do if he stayed alone in there...

At that moment, Lu Yu had no choice but to walk in.

Stepping through the door, he finally saw the mighty Tailing ancestor for the first time.

Although he had already heard that the other party was very young, when he actually saw the appearance of this ancestor, he couldn't help but be severely shocked.

This is too young...

He looks like he is in his early twenties at most. Even Lu Yu's own face has a more weather-beaten look. If no one else explains it, Lu Yu simply can't believe that such a guy can already have The ancestor of the Tiangang Realm who has lived for more than a thousand years.

Lu Yu felt a sense of fear in his heart.

If the Tailing Patriarch did not deliberately change his appearance and this was his natural description, it means that his lifespan is still extremely long. Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem to live for four to five thousand years.

Ancestor Yunxiao only has a life span of more than 3,000 years now. Under normal circumstances, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Ancestor Yunxiao...

Of course, this does not mean that his strength is more outstanding than that of the ancestor of Yunxiao. He has a lifespan of thousands of years, and he may not be able to live all of his lifespan. In the harsh competition in the nine days, if he wants to experience It is no easy task to survive three thousand years of ups and downs without getting hurt.

From this point of view, Patriarch Yunxiao is undoubtedly the most powerful being in the entire Dali Sword Sect.

"Disciple Lu Yu, meet Ancestor Tailing!"

Lu Yu knelt down on one knee, bowed and saluted.

Although the other party looks very young, his eyes cannot be deceived. His eyes contain too much vicissitudes of life, as if everything in the world is not worth mentioning in his eyes. That kind of The indifferent meaning of being detached from the world made Lu Yu involuntarily feel impressed.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

Ancestor Tailing looked at Lu Yu with great interest and said with a faint smile: "Get up! You are a great contributor to our Dali Sword Sect. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would have no place to stand now, so you don't have to fight against us. I'm polite!"

"Thank you, ancestor, for your love. This disciple is very frightened..."

Lu Yu said, but still did enough etiquette before standing up.

Ancestor Tailing faced Lu Yu and looked at him quietly for several seconds before he asked: "How far can your mind and consciousness break through to the sky?"

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "What do you mean by the ancestor's words?"

Ancestor Tailing said: "Although you have never set foot in Tiangang, there are already many legends about your deeds in the nine heavens. I heard that even the arrogant Emperor Haoyan, who dominates the seventh level of heaven, was killed by you. One eye was blinded... I think it is possible to do such a thing only if your mind and consciousness break through to the sky."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Emperor Haoyan? Poke one eye blind by yourself? Where do you start talking about this...

After thinking carefully, he finally remembered... Could it be that Emperor Haoyan was the mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse that he had fought against through the Demon God Totem in the sea monster treasure?

Although Lu Yu didn't know his name, let alone his origin, but throughout so long, there was only one Tiangang Realm powerhouse who had a brief confrontation with him. If such a thing really exists , then it can only be him...

When Lu Yu was chased by the opponent's thoughts, he panicked and had no choice but to gather the stars in the sky in his thoughts and smashed them towards the opponent. Unexpectedly, he blinded one of the opponent's eyes. This was really beyond his expectation. unexpected.

Putting it this way, doesn't it mean that he has a powerful enemy in the Nine Heavens for no apparent reason? This is really unfair...

"Ancestor, you may have misunderstood... Regarding Emperor Haoyan, it was just a coincidence. At that time, I spied on the whereabouts of Emperor Haoyan through a special totem mark, but it was not my own fault... ..." Lu Yu explained.

Ancestor Tai Ling waved his hand and interrupted: "No matter what the reason is, it is always an indisputable fact that you blinded one of his eyes... Therefore, you at least have the ability to break through to the seventh level of the universe. The consciousness of God!”

Lu Yu was startled and said nothing more.

In fact, when he was promoted to the Return to the Sea Realm, his thoughts and consciousness had already broken through the ninth level of the sky and reached beyond the starry sky. It was not just the seventh level of the sky?

It's just that it was a special situation at that time. Normally, he hadn't found the right trick to control the release of his thoughts and consciousness... Besides, in front of Patriarch Tailing, this was nothing to show off, so he Then he simply shut up and said nothing.

"Ordinary practitioners will never have such powerful thoughts and consciousness as you..."

Ancestor Tailing continued: "Therefore, there must be some great opportunity attached to you, even some opportunity from outside the Nine Heavens... So, you don't have to hide it from me anymore, who is your Excellency?" The reincarnation of a god?"

After saying that, Patriarch Tailing's eyes suddenly showed a fierce light, like a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour.

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