Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 905 Xuanyang Dao Lock

For a moment, Lu Yu almost had an illusion.

The ancestor of Tailing in front of him opened his bloody mouth and swallowed himself in one mouthful...

Then, he felt his eyes go dark, and his whole person was chewed into dregs in the other person's esophagus, and then ground into powder over and over again. Every particle in his body was discovered by the other person, and there was no secret at all. It can be said.

In the end, he only had the last trace of his soul left...

This wisp of soul encompasses all the stars in the sky and turns into a strange lotus flower, which never fades away, never ceases to grow, and is indelible.

Lu Yu had only this last glimmer of clarity left, guarding the mourning platform, watching the changes in the entire world with cold eyes.

No sadness, no joy.


No self, no truth.

The laws of evolution of the heavens are all contained in the changes of the stars.

The next moment, Lu Yu suddenly realized in his heart that in fact, all of this was just a test of Tailing Ancestor...

Then, he regained consciousness, his eyes became bright again, and his entire consciousness returned to the main hall of real people.

"Ancestor, can you see clearly? Which god in the nine heavens am I bound to?" Lu Yu said calmly.

Ancestor Tailing, who was testing the situation opposite, couldn't help showing a surprised look: "I didn't expect that you are not a visitor from outside the world? You are actually a native inhabitant of this world..."

"Is this new?" Lu Yu sneered.

Ancestor Tailing took a long breath, calmed down, and said with a smile: "Don't blame me for being suspicious. I heard that an outstanding disciple came to Daluo Holy Land. That disciple was the reincarnation of a god from outside the world. With his own The powerful strength of Da Luo Holy Land has disturbed the Tiangang ancestors, and I must guard against it..."

Lu Yu's heart suddenly moved, and Qin Yanzhen's figure appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Listening to what Tailing Patriarch said, it seemed that he knew some unknown inside information?

I don’t know what Qin Yanzhen did when he uprooted the World Tree in Dakong Mountain. Why are the ancestors of Daluo Holy Land so upset?

"The ancestor is talking about the Saint of Great Luo? What did she do?" Lu Yu asked.

Tailing Patriarch smiled and did not answer, and said instead: "That's very good. This proves that you are indeed a person with great opportunities... You don't have to worry, I have no ill intentions towards you, and I will never do it." I don't want to bully the weak and forcefully deprive you of opportunities. I don't want to be like Emperor Haoyan, who was poked and blinded in one eye..."

"With your current attainments in mind and consciousness, you have reached the point where you can be on an equal footing with me. How about we make a deal?"

"Deal?" Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

A dignified Tiangang Realm ancestor actually came to negotiate a deal with me. This was really fantastic...

Ancestor Tailing smiled faintly, turned to look inside the main hall, pointed at the white jade statue of Master Yudie, and said: "This is the first master of your Jade Butterfly Peak, the twin sister of Master Chudie outside. , I heard that you are actively preparing for war recently, trying to find a way to rescue her in Guoyun Ancient City, right? "

Lu Yu was stunned and thought to himself, could the content of this "transaction" have anything to do with Master Yudie? So he replied: "Exactly."

"It's good that you know how to prepare more and don't act rashly and rush in blindly..." Ancestor Tailing said, "But no matter how well prepared you are, I still want to advise you that it is best not to go for it." good……"

Lu Yu was surprised: "Why?"

Ancestor Tailing said: "I have heard a little bit about that person in Guoyun Ancient City in Jiutian. His origin is very complicated. With your strength, no matter how thorough preparations you make, there is only a dead end if you come to find him." One..."

"But won't Master Yudie save you?" Lu Yu frowned and said, "Ancestor, if you want to count, she is also your disciple and grandson!"

Ancestor Tailing smiled and said: "How about you do something for me, and then I will help you rescue her together?"

"whats the matter?"

"Use your mind and consciousness to solve a problem for me."


Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that the ancestors of the Tiangang Realm would also have problems...

"What problem?"

Ancestor Tailing raised his hand and drew a pattern made of light and shadow in the void.

At first glance, this pattern looks very simple, just a few simple line shapes.

But once you focus your eyes on it, this pattern starts to move on its own, and its trajectory produces various changes, which contains infinite truth. It seems that even the starry sky pattern that Lu Yu masters is far inferior to it. Wonderful and rich.

"Is this... a secret?"

Lu Yu was immediately shocked. He didn't expect Tailing Patriarch to manifest such an amazing secret just as he raised his hand.

To be more precise, this is not a single secret, but the aggregation of countless secrets and laws. Many principles of heaven and earth are mixed together and become an existence that is impossible to understand.

An ordinary person would be afraid that his or her head would explode even if he just looked at it. Only people like Lu Yu, who possess powerful thoughts and consciousness, can understand it a little bit.

"This is the Xuanyang Dao Lock." Patriarch Tailing explained: "It is the most troublesome lock in the Nine Heavens."

"A lock?" Lu Yu was stunned, "Then what is it used to lock?"

"You don't need to know this."

Tai Ling Patriarch said in an unfathomable way, "You only need to know one thing. As long as you can help me unlock it, I will risk my life to suppress the person in the Woyun Ancient City and help you rescue Yudie Zhenren!" Seeing that he made the matter so serious, Lu Yu couldn't help but ask, "What is the origin of that person in the Woyun Ancient City?" "This question... let's wait until you unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock!" As he said, Tai Ling Patriarch threw the Xuanyang Dao Lock, which was a combination of light and shadow in his hand, onto Lu Yu's body. The light and shadow immediately disappeared into his body and were deeply imprinted in his mind. Lu Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that Tai Ling Patriarch actually had such a method. Suddenly, his thoughts were immersed in this strange Dao Lock for a long time. "In this case, I won't disturb you too much. I hope to receive the good news that you unlocked the Xuanyang Dao Lock as soon as possible!" Lu Yu stood still, and he didn't even notice that Tai Ling Patriarch had left...

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