Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 906 A stroke of genius

Lu Yu's consciousness seemed to sink into darkness.

After a while, his thoughts finally got rid of the entanglement of Xuanyang Dao Lock, and his thoughts were successfully separated.

He was like a drowning man who finally struggled to rise from the bottom of the water and breathed a breath of fresh air.

Things in front of me gradually become clear again...

He is still in the main hall of the real person, and in front of him stands the white jade statue of the real person Yudie.

Hey, no, why is the statue moving... This is not the statue of the real person Yudie, this is the master aunt Yang Chudie!

"Lu Yu... Lu Yu... what's wrong with you?"

Lu Yu regained his consciousness, and he finally saw clearly that the person in front of him was Yang Chudie, and she was looking at him with worry on her face.

"Senior sister...I..."

Lu Yu felt a lingering fear in his heart, and a strong impulse surged in his heart, and he suddenly hugged her in his arms.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but froze, her body softened quickly, and she leaned into his arms, her soft face pressed closely against his neck.

"What's wrong? What happened... What did Patriarch Tailing say to you? Why did you talk for so long..."

"It's been a long time?"

"Yes, it's been a day and a night since you came back yesterday..."


Lu Yu was shocked, "You said I talked with Patriarch Tailing for a day and a night?"


Lu Yu's face was suddenly filled with astonishment. In his impression, he entered the real person's hall for only a short moment, no more than a quarter of an hour. He did not expect that a day and a night had already passed.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Yang Chudie asked.

Lu Yu could only smile bitterly.

Looking back on the whole experience just now, in the end he could only blame the Xuanyang Dao Lock for the problem. It must have been the dark time when his mind was stuck in the problem of the Xuanyang Dao Lock, which consumed a lot of time.

This Xuanyang Dao Lock was really powerful. It inexplicably consumed so much of his thoughts, and he was almost trapped inside, unable to escape.

"It seems that the master is right. This ancestor is indeed very domineering..."

Then, Lu Yu told Yang Chudie the whole thing without reservation.

After hearing this, Yang Chudie couldn't help but be stunned and said: "So, Tailing Patriarch used the Xuanyang Dao Lock to directly trap you just now. If you don't solve this problem, you won't be able to wake up at all. ...But why are you awake again now? Could it be that you have already unlocked it?"

"You overestimate me too much. How can the most difficult pass in the Nine Heavens be so easy to overcome?" Lu Yu said with cold eyes, "If you want to blame him, I can only blame him for a little miscalculation. He didn't think about the relationship between you and me. The spiritual bond is far beyond that of ordinary Taoist couples. It was the mutual locking of the soul marks between you and me that pulled me out of the Xuanyang Taoist Lock."

"how so……"

Yang Chudie was so shocked that she didn't know what to say.

She has been in Dali Sword Sect for many years, and this place holds her countless beautiful memories. She has a deep sense of belonging to Dali Sword Sect.

In her impression, she had always regarded these ancestors as kind elders, existences that she admired infinitely... But now what Lu Yu said about the situation made her realize that the real ancestors were not as radiant as she imagined. Ten thousand feet, this can't help but make her feel like the image in her mind has collapsed...

"What are you going to do next? Are you sure you can unlock Xuanyang Dao Lock?" Yang Chudie asked.

Faced with the pressure from Patriarch Tailing, they actually didn't have much to do... For example, just now, Patriarch Tailing took advantage of the opportunity to transmit the Xuanyang Dao Lock and clearly tricked Lu Yu, but they still used him There is no way.

Therefore, the best solution is to follow the trend... If they can successfully unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock and allow Tailing Patriarch to keep his promise and deal with the mysterious strong man in the ancient city of Guoyun together, then everyone will be happy. .

But Lu Yu shook his head: "The Xuanyang Dao Lock is by no means so easy to open. At least during the day and night I was trapped, I had no clue about it... Even if we were able to succeed by luck in the end, I'm afraid it would have been too long ago. The best time to rescue Yudie has passed."

"Besides, judging from this ancestor's current behavior, even if we can unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock in time, do you think he will definitely keep his promise?"

Yang Chudie was startled: "Why do you say that?"

Lu Yu's eyes flashed with a sharp edge, but his tone was surprisingly cold: "Master Yudie is an outstanding figure in our Dali Sword Sect. As the ancestor of Tiangang, it is his duty to rescue Master Yudie... "

"Even if he is not familiar with Master Yudie and doesn't want to waste his energy on an unknown disciple and grandson, the mysterious man in Guoyun Ancient City is still plotting against Ancestor Yunxiao. All current evidence shows that the mysterious man Now he is the number one enemy of our Dali Sword Sect!”

"But our ancestor has no such consciousness at all. Instead, he regards this matter as a deal with me... This shows that this ancestor is a willful and extremely selfish person. With his behavior, after getting the solution to Xuanyang Dao Lock, I don't believe he will go to Guoyun Ancient City to fight for his life!"

Yang Chudie was silent for a while, unable to refute Lu Yu's analysis, which made her feel even more frustrated.

"So, in the final analysis, we can only rely on ourselves to rescue my sister-in-law..." Lu Yu gently stroked Yang Chudie's cloud-like hair, his eyes flashing with charming brilliance. Yang Chudie was very familiar with him. Seeing his expression, she immediately understood that he must have come up with some tricks again, so she hurriedly asked: "How can we rely on ourselves?" Lu Yu smiled and said: "Although this Tailing Patriarch tricked me, after this conversation with him, he also provided us with a lot of information. If he hadn't told me, I wouldn't know that I was so powerful..." "Do you think we can think of a way to attract the Emperor Haoyan from the seventh layer of the sky, and let him fight with the mysterious man from the ancient city of Woyun, so that we can benefit from it?" Yang Chudie was stunned, thinking that this guy was really bold, and he even wanted to calculate the Tiangang Realm powerhouse above the ninth layer of the sky. This is really crazy! But... "Is this possible?" She asked blankly. Lu Yu said: "It may not be impossible. When we were in the lair of the octopus monster, we knew that the Great Emperor Haoyan had a thousand connections with the demon god from outer space... Don't forget that your sister Xiaolan now has a part of the power of the demon god in her body." Yang Chudie immediately understood that he was planning to use the power in Ye Weilan's body to make a big fuss, but such an operation still made her feel incredible. "Besides, even if this calculation fails, it doesn't matter. We now have another killer." Lu Yu continued. "...What is it?" Lu Yu smiled lightly: "It is this Xuanyang Dao Lock. Although I am not sure that I can completely unlock it, it is not difficult if I just make a slight change... You said that at the critical moment, I suddenly threw this Xuanyang Dao Lock, which has changed its appearance, on the body of the mysterious man in Tiangang Realm. Will it have the effect of a stroke of genius?"

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