Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 907 It’s a matter of course

In the following days, Lu Yu took advantage of the situation and stayed in the Zhenren Hall for retreat.

Firstly, this was to deceive Tailing Patriarch from knowing that he had actually gotten rid of the Xuanyang Dao Lock.

Secondly, whether they are taking Xuanyang Dao Lock for their own use or designing to lure Emperor Haoyan, they need preparation time, and they can take advantage of this opportunity to prepare calmly.

Seven days later, Yang Chudie led Ye Weilan into the main hall of the real person.

In just a few days, Yang Chudie couldn't help being shocked when she came here again. She saw that the entire interior of the real person's hall had changed beyond recognition. There were carvings everywhere on the floor, walls, pillars... and even on the tiles on the roof. Various patterns, as well as ghost-like characters.

In such a huge hall, except for the white jade statue of the real Yudie, there was no complete place. Walking into this hall, it was as if they had entered a world of spells, and the two of them could not help but be filled with surprise.

But even so, Lu Yu still closed his eyes and continued to write in the corner of the main hall, which was already the last inch of "pure land" in the entire hall.

"Yu Lang, what are you doing..." Ye Weilan said with a look of astonishment.

As a Taoist companion, she clearly knew how powerful Lu Yu's mind and consciousness were. He could complete the general deduction process through deduction in the illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness.

For example, the exclusive Taoist technique she just learned, Fengwu Jiutian, was directly deduced in the illusion of the sea of ​​consciousness. Although it was the result of the joint efforts of three people, the most important contribution was made by Lu Yu...

The reason why such a situation has occurred now can only mean that what Lu Yu is deducing now far exceeds the limit of what his mind and consciousness can calculate, so that he has to do this to put some of the staged results first. Write it out.

Ye Weilan couldn't help but feel secretly frightened. She didn't know what kind of thing it was, but it was even more profound and profound than her Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens Technique... Could this be the Xuanyang Dao Lock that Sister Die had mentioned to her just now?

"You are finally here!"

Lu Yu immediately opened his eyes, rushed towards the two of them, and took one of their hands respectively, his joy was beyond words.

"How is the situation outside? Have you finished your work?" he asked the two of them.

The two of them nodded blankly at the same time, but their attention was not at all on Lu Yu in front of them. Instead, they kept turning their heads to look at the ghost symbols in the room around them.

"Do you know that this hall is Yudie's proud work? In order to build this hall, she spent at least more than ten years of hard work... If she knew that her Xiaoguang Chonghui Formation had become With this look, I'm afraid I will be pissed to death..." Yang Chudie couldn't help but said.

On the surface, this real-life hall enshrines the first statue of a real-life person, but it is actually a large-scale formation used for forging. Lu Yu has already learned about this. It was here that the dilapidated Feihong Sword was restored to the ninth level. texture.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I am also trying to find a way to rescue Master Yudie. I think she won't be so stingy and cares so much about me, right?"

"Besides, it doesn't matter if she insists on arguing. The worst I can do is compensate her for the Storm Eye Furnace, right?"

No matter how powerful this Dawn Light Chonghui Formation is, it cannot be compared to the Wind Eye Furnace. Now that the Wind Eye Furnace on Chudie Peak is about to be completed, Lu Yu really has the confidence to say this.

Yang Chudie was speechless for a while, then paused and said, "Then what are the ghostly talismans that you made all over the house?"

Lu Yu smiled slightly, raised his hand and held it in the air. Suddenly, the pattern characters all over the room burst into bright light and condensed into his palm, forming a strange pattern.

It was a lifelike eye filled with blood.

"Is this...the eye of the devil?"

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan said in unison.

They had all seen this totem dedicated to the Demon God with their own eyes, but the location was slightly different. Yang Chudie saw it in the lair of the Thousand-Hand King, while Ye Weilan saw it in the center of the Jiye World, among the ruins of the Demon God. seen in.

"To be more precise, this is a channel for us to contact the Great Emperor Haoyan."

Lu Yu explained with a smile.

"Now that I have deduced this channel, as long as we inject the real power of the devil into it, we will be able to directly contact the master of the seventh heaven and make him unable to tell our true identity. Treat us as his own."

The two of them couldn't help but look surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu actually did what he said and actually came up with a way to deceive Emperor Haoyan.

"Is this... really possible? How did you come up with it?" Yang Chudie asked in astonishment.

After all, the person he was trying to deceive was a Tiangang Realm expert, and Yang Chudie was really not sure...

However, Lu Yu was full of confidence and said with a smile: "Don't forget, after all, I had dealt with him head-on... That experience back then, due to my low cultivation level at the time, I couldn't understand many things, but now But I am no longer what I used to be, my eyesight and knowledge have also risen to a whole new level, and many things have been integrated naturally..."

"It seems to come naturally. As long as the heat is right, some things will naturally be understood by analogy. If you ask me to explain the reason, I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it even if it takes me several days and nights... But I have 70% of it. With enough confidence, you can successfully deceive the Great Emperor Haoyan through this totem..."

Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were shocked and speechless for a moment.

But at this moment, Lu Yu moved his hand, and the Devil's Eye totem in his hand suddenly transformed into a six-pointed star pattern.

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