Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 913: Muddle through

Wei Zhihan was also a person of extremely high intelligence. Looking at the appearance of the three people in front of him, he immediately thought of their purpose and couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face.

"Are you planning to go to Guoyun Ancient City?"

"To be more precise, it should be 'us'..."

With that said, Lu Yu lifted Wei Zhihan up from the magic circle: "So, we have a long way to go now!"

Then without any explanation, Wei Zhihan was thrown into the cave space of the Spring Conch.

Then he took out a puppet spell talisman and put it into the thunder pool magic circle. In a flash of time, the talisman turned into a human form, using it to replace Wei Zhihan who was imprisoned in the thunder pool magic circle.

After doing all this, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan also returned to the Spring Conch, and then Yang Chudie walked out alone and calmly.

When performing this series of operations, Lu Yu did not cover the sight of the Spring Conch, because Wei Zhihan could still clearly see everyone's actions even in the cave space.

"Is this your private action?" Wei Zhihan frowned.


While checking the restriction in Wei Zhihan's body, Lu Yu replied: "If there are no accidents, there will only be three of us on this trip to Guoyun Ancient City. If you include you, there will be four of us."

"You guys are crazy!"

Wei Zhihan looked at Lu Yu in disbelief and screamed loudly.

The ancient city of Guoyun is an extremely dangerous place, and the mysterious Tiangang Realm powerhouse is even more terrifying. If the entire Dali Sword Sect’s power is gathered together, there may be a chance of success. Now as long as Yu If there are so many people in Die Feng, what is the difference between this and dying?

The most irritating thing is that this is obviously an act of committing suicide, but they still want to drag me...

"Shh, keep your voice down! If Master Bailong is alarmed, he will have no choice but to throw you back. Do you like to stay in this dark place?" Lu Yu warned.

Wei Zhihan had a wry smile on his face: "If I had to choose, I would rather stay here than risk my life with you!"

Lu Yu couldn't help laughing: "It's a pity that you have no right to choose now... Besides, brother Wei, haven't you done many things where you have gambled your life before? Shi Zhiquan won't talk about it. Qin Yanzhen alone has done it more than once. I have sacrificed my life for her before, so it’s not like this happened twice!”

Wei Zhihan was speechless for a moment and could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Not long after, Yang Chudie had arrived at the exit of Leichi Purgatory. Lu Yu and others were hiding in the cave space. Through the magic circle built into the Spring Conch, they could clearly see everything outside.

"Brother Wei, you'd better be honest!" Lu Yu reminded again.

He was about to meet Master Bailong again. Any abnormal situation might lead to being noticed by the other party. Although Wei Zhihan was restrained all over and could do very little, for the sake of safety, Lu Yu still had to be careful.

"I don't think you want me to impose a few more restrictions on you, making you feel like hemiplegic after a stroke. You can only lie down for the blink of an eye, right?"

Wei Zhihan said helplessly: "Junior Brother Lu really thinks highly of me. Now my true energy has been suppressed all over my body and I don't have any magic power. I can't even think about being dishonest..."

At this time, Yang Chudie outside had already seen Master Bailong head-on and said, "Thank you, Master Bailong. I'm done here."

Master Bailong glanced at her: "Have you finished asking questions so quickly today?"

Yang Chudie said without changing his expression: "I have already asked almost all the questions that need to be asked. This time I came here just to confirm some information with him."

Master Bailong had no doubt that he was there, so he waved his hand and revealed the exit of the Thunder Pool Array.

Yang Chudie walked out casually, not forgetting to turn back and thank Master Bailong.

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were hiding in the cave space, concentrating and holding their breath, preparing for the attack.

Finally, he was about to pass the test smoothly, but at this moment, Wei Zhihan suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a strange liquid towards the surrounding jade crystal wall.

That streak of liquid that reaches the sky orchid is surprisingly the thunder water in the thunder pool formation.

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were caught off guard. How could they have imagined that Wei Zhihan would be so cunning and actually hide a mouthful of Thunder Tribulation Water in his belly?

Speaking of which, is this Wei Zhihan desperate for his life? How did he swallow the Thunder Tribulation Water into his stomach?

At this moment, there was no time to think about it. I saw the water of thunder and calamity splashing onto the crystal wall of the cave sky, and suddenly a strange light bloomed, and the entire space became azure blue.

At the same time, the Spring Conch hanging on Yang Chudie's waist suddenly burst into bright blue light, and this scene fell into the eyes of Master Bailong without any trace...

"Wait a minute, please stay..."

Master Bailong was as bright as lightning and immediately intercepted him.

"Zhendie Chudie, what on earth is going on?"

Under the blue light, the Spring Conch became crystal clear, and the cavernous space inside was revealed. Lu Yu and others were like little people imprisoned in the bubble.

Yang Chudie looked down at this scene, knowing that there must be an accident inside. Just when he didn't know how to explain it, he saw Lu Yu slapped Wei Zhihan and removed his jaw, so that he could no longer speak. , then picked him up and walked out of it together with Ye Weilan.

Bailong looked at the three people who suddenly appeared and couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu, however, had already taken the lead and said: "Master Master's secret order, Master Bailong obeys his orders!"

Master Bailong immediately stood up and looked at Lu Yu suspiciously.

Just listen to Lu Yu continue to say: "Former Tianlan Peak disciple Wei Zhihan collaborated with the enemy and conspired to rebel. In order to dig out the huge secrets hidden in him, his secrets will be transferred to Jade Butterfly Peak for interrogation immediately... Elder Bailong, from now on Wei Zhihan will hand over Leave it to me!"

Master Bailong frowned and said: "It's so good, why do you want to secretly transfer to Jade Butterfly Peak?"

Lu Yu glanced at him and said, "Didn't I tell you? For the sake of convenience, let me do the interrogation. Elder Bailong should have seen my interrogation methods. In the entire Dali Sword Sect, I am the only one who can let this guy take all the interrogation methods." All the secrets are revealed..."

"But it's not just our Dali Sword Sect who knows this. There should be many people in the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion who don't want me to interrogate this person personally, so this matter must be carried out secretly..."

Several people around him couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, Lu Yu had already thought of such a reasonable reason, which not only perfectly explained their extraordinary behavior at this time, but also found an interface for taking Wei Zhihan away... and at first glance, it sounded... It's really like that. If they didn't know the details, they might actually believe it.

Wei Zhihan was shocked and angry at the same time. There seemed to be a thousand words in his eyes, and he desperately wanted to expose Lu Yu. Unfortunately, he even had his jaw removed, so he couldn't refute at all. And Master Bailong couldn't read minds, so how could he know? What does he mean?

However, Master Bailong is a mature and prudent person after all, so he asked meticulously: "Since it is the will of the Master, do you bear the seal of the Master?"

"Seal?" Lu Yu chuckled and said, "Could it be that Elder Bailong can't even trust me?"

Elder Bailong said: "It's not that I don't believe in you, it's just that you have responsibilities and cannot be careless."

"Do you really have to see it?"

Lu Yu said and glanced at Ye Weilan who was aside.

"The process is like this, you must read it." Elder Bailong replied.

"In that case, Elder Bailong, please take a closer look!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu raised his hand, and a faint golden light suddenly filled his body.

The next moment, the space behind Elder Bailong suddenly experienced a strange distortion. Ye Weilan held the Night Owl dagger in his hand and shuttled out of the void.

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