Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 914 Gentleman’s Agreement

A magnificent phoenix shadow appeared behind Ye Weilan.

Master Bailong felt a chill in his heart, and then his whole person was trampled to the ground by a huge force. Combined with the gorgeous flames behind Ye Weilan, it looked like he was being used by a divine phoenix. It was like his claws were pressed under his feet.

Master Bailong was shocked and wanted to resist, but before he could make a specific reaction, two sharp swords were pressed against his neck. It was Lu Yu and Yang Chudie who worked together to suppress him.

For a moment, Master Bailong couldn't help but feel terrified.

Each of the three people in front of him was an unparalleled master. When they attacked at the same time, he had no room to resist.

"You are so brave...what are you going to do?" Master Bailong asked coldly.

Lu Yu didn't explain too much. The power of the red lotus flew out with the palms of his fingers, beating and beating on the body of Master Bailong.

After a while, he signaled Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan to remove their weapons, and then said with a smile: "I'm sorry, Elder Bailong... After an hour, the restrictions on you will be automatically released. For the sake of confidentiality, here I had to wrong you first!"

After saying that, he turned around and stuffed Master Bailong back into the thunder pool formation.

Then he clapped his hands and walked towards Wei Zhihan.

Wei Zhihan couldn't move his whole body, and his eyes couldn't help but reveal a look of horror.

"Brother Wei, you really don't worry enough. I didn't expect you to be able to hide a mouthful of Thunder Pond Water in your stomach in such a state. I really underestimate you... Don't worry, I won't kill you like this. It’s your fault, but it’s inevitable to suffer!”

Lu Yu said, punching Wei Zhihan in the lower abdomen, and the power of the red lotus spread throughout the body along with the punch.

Wei Zhihan was suddenly in severe pain all over his body, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but he could neither struggle nor scream, and in the end he could only faint to death from the pain.

But how could Lu Yu be so willing to take advantage of him, and he had the power of Red Lotus to wake him up, and then continue to torture him...

After repeating this two or three times, Wei Zhihan's face turned pale and pale, so Lu Yu temporarily let him go and reattached his dislocated jaw.

"How is it, Brother Wei? Doesn't it taste good? If you are so dishonest next time, I assure you, this is just an appetizer."

Wei Zhi said with a cold expression: "Junior Brother Lu is very good at what he does. I've seen it before... Okay, as long as you promise to let me go after everything is done, I will accompany you to Guoyun Ancient City to gamble at this shop, and I promise to give my absolute best Go ahead and won’t hold anything back!”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Brother Wei, are you negotiating terms with me?"

Wei Zhihan broke the jar and said: "I have nothing to lose. I only have this little request. If you don't agree, the worst is death. Anyway, no matter where you are, you will die anyway..."

Lu Yu was startled.

Indeed, instead of blindly taking high-pressure measures against Wei Zhihan, it is better to give him a glimmer of hope, so that maybe he can really be used to his advantage...

"Okay, then I will make a gentleman's agreement with you. As long as you can help us successfully rescue Master Yudie, then I will let you go on the spot in Guoyun Ancient City. However, after letting you go, will you be able to escape? The punishment of the Dali Sword Sect depends on your own destiny!"

Wei Zhihan suddenly became energetic and said: "A gentleman's words..."

"It's hard to chase a horse!" Lu Yu responded.

The gloom on Wei Zhihan's face was instantly wiped away, and he laughed loudly: "In that case, what are we waiting for? Let's set off quickly... But before that, it's best to find my Nine-Life Divine Coffin. And bring..."

"Nine Lives Divine Coffin?"

Lu Yu frowned and said, "Brother Wei, is this more than just a request?"

Wei Zhihan smiled and said: "It won't take much trouble. The Nine-Life Divine Coffin is also in this Thunder Pond Purgatory. Anyway, Master Bailong has been brought down by you. It's just a convenient thing for you..."

Lu Yu pondered for a moment, and finally decided to help him find the Nine Lives Divine Coffin. After all, going to the ancient city of Guoyun was very dangerous, and the Nine Lives Divine Coffin was a quasi-earth spirit level magic weapon. It would be a lot to bring it with you. combat power.

Several people turned back to the Thunder Tribulation Array, and soon found the Nine Lives Divine Coffin at the place where Master Bailong was originally guarding, and took it out conveniently.

"Okay, let's leave here quickly, we can't delay any longer!" Yang Chudie said.

So a few people went into the Spring Conch and hid, just like when they came before, only Yang Chudie drove away with the black tail of the dragon fish.

There were no dangers along the way, and finally we left Wulaofeng smoothly.

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but feel excited. They didn't expect that this operation would go so smoothly and the Tailing Ancestor was not disturbed. This really gave them an unexpected joy.

"Speaking of which, where is that ancestor hiding? He is so powerful, does he really have no awareness of us at all?" Ye Weilan said.

Lu Yu said thoughtfully: "Tiger also takes a nap. Maybe we are lucky enough to catch him when he is distracted!"

Ye Weilan said with sincerity: "I hope this plan to rescue Jade Butterfly will always have such good luck..."

"what are you guys saying?"

Wei Zhihan on the side was playing with the Nine Lives Divine Coffin. When he heard the exchange between the two, he couldn't help but be confused: "Ancestor? Which ancestor?"

It turned out that he was locked up in Leichi Purgatory and never saw the light of day, so he had no idea about the arrival of Patriarch Tailing.

Lu Yu was about to speak, but at this moment, Yang Chudie outside suddenly spoke: "I'm afraid our good luck has run out..."

The Spring Conch is Yang Chudie's natal magic weapon, and it is connected with her. Therefore, the conversation between the few people in the cave space cannot be hidden from her.

A few people were startled, and looked out along the magic circle on the crystal wall. A big hand suddenly stretched out from the sky, drawing an intertwined golden light, blocking the path of several people like a dragnet.

At the same time, rays of escaping light rose up from all directions, as if receiving some kind of instructions, and surrounded the place where a few people were.

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