Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 921 Showdown

"Island Master Lan?" Yue Xiujun exclaimed in surprise.

As a high-ranking member of the Yuhai Immortal Sect, she naturally knew that Lan Qianqiu was still alive, but she heard that his injuries were very serious, his body was almost completely destroyed, and only a golden elixir was left to protect his head. At present, the Red Moon Demon Sect is using special methods to treat him...

Under such circumstances, it would take decades for him to come out again. Yue Xiujun would not be surprised at all, and she did not expect that he would come back in this way.

However, what surprised Yue Xiujun even more was still behind...

Behind Lan Qianqiu, Yue Xiujun sensed a very familiar breath on the more than ten black-armored warriors.

"Elder Zhou? Elder Shen? Elder Ma..."

Yue Xiujun's face was full of astonishment.

These people should have died in the Golden Rooster Islands, but they all appeared here again... She really had no idea about these things!

"They can no longer respond to you..." Lan Qianqiu replied.

As he spoke, he took off the armor on his head.

Everyone then discovered that under his helmet, the place connecting his neck and torso was empty, with only the golden elixir shining inside... In other words, there was no physical torso inside his entire armor, and it was completely supported by a strange force. All this was really incredible!

"They are not as lucky as me. They still have a moment of golden elixir left, so they can still maintain their original rationality and talk to you... They are just bodies pieced together from a pile of broken corpses. As for whether they are still Elder Zhou, Elder Shen and others, I can't say for sure."

Lan Qianqiu explained in a sad tone.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that the Red Moon Demon Cult actually had such means... It really deserves to be the evil demon that has been causing trouble for thousands of years. Such means are really creepy!

"In short, seeing that you, the island master, have returned safely, everything is fine!"

Yue Xiujun came forward and gently patted Lan Qianqiu's arm. Only then did she notice that the other party's armor had fine patterns and a faint glow, which showed that it contained a large number of inscriptions and formations. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people could not bear such a large number of inscriptions and formations...

The Lan Qianqiu in front of him no longer looked like a living human being, but rather like an extremely well-made machine, just like the floating warship under everyone's feet at this moment.

Let's not talk about the specific strength of these Moon Demon Death Soldiers for the time being. Just the few sets of armor on them are an extremely powerful fighting force.

In the crowd around, some people inevitably talked about this.

Yue Xiujun knew that such a situation was inevitable. Even she herself couldn't help but doubt whether these people in front of her were the same kind, let alone the elders and disciples around her?

However, such entanglement was meaningless. The entire Yuhai Xianzong had long chosen a path to walk with the devil, and there was no turning back.

Moreover, according to Zhang Gechuan, the changes in Lan Qianqiu and others were the result of Lord Crimson Moon referring to a secret method of the Bixiao Palace. Therefore, such creations were ultimately created by the Bixiao Palace... Is the boundary between the devil and the Tao really that clear?

"Well, since Lord Lan has returned with Lord Crimson Moon's assistance, we don't need to wait any longer!"

Yue Xiujun made a prompt decision.

"Everyone, listen to the order, return to your positions! Prepare to set sail!"

In an instant, everyone became busy and no longer cared to continue discussing.

Only Yue Zijing, after walking a few steps, suddenly turned back and asked: "Aunt, you don't seem to have told me where the destination is this time?"

Yue Xiujun glanced at him and asked: "I heard that you went to Tianzhu Tower a few days ago?"

Yue Zijing lowered his head: "Yes."

Yue Xiujun said: "Although Tianzhu Tower is full of dangers, it is the essence of our Yue family's inheritance. I have advised you many times before to go to Tianzhu Tower for more experience, but you were picky and afraid of suffering, and you refused to go in... Why did you suddenly change your nature this time and take the initiative to enter Tianzhu? "Yue Zijing said: "My nephew used to be naughty and didn't know the painstaking efforts of the elders. I wasted a lot of good time. Now I have repented and I will naturally change my ways." Yue Xiujun smiled: "It seems that the guy named Lu Yu has stimulated you a lot. If you can work hard from now on, then the loss of the Golden Rooster Islands will not be completely meaningless..." After a pause, he said: "In the Tianzhu Tower, there is the "Illusionary Heart Method" that the ancestor Shanwen left for you. What level have you cultivated to now?" "The seventh level." Yue Zijing replied. Yue Xiujun said happily: "It seems that you have really worked hard these days. In this case, I will give you a special task... Are you interested in fighting Lu Yu alone?"

"What?" Yue Zijing was shocked, "Let me fight Lu Yu alone?"

Even though Yue Zijing has always been conceited and has made considerable progress in this period of time, he does not think he has any chance of winning under Lu Yu's many halos and titles...

Yue Xiujun said: "The "Disillusionment Method" is by no means trivial. Patriarch Shanwen spent his whole life to deduce this set of mental methods, just to wait for a destined person... If this method is just practiced step by step, it will break through to the seventh level. It is already the limit, and the last few levels must be experienced in adversity before it is possible to reach the state of great perfection.”

"You have always been worried about this Lu Yu. This encirclement and suppression operation is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity!"


"Silly boy……"

Yue Xiujun laughed and stroked Yue Zijing's forehead affectionately: "How could my aunt put you in danger? For you, this is an excellent opportunity to hone the "Disillusionment Method", but under my aunt's In the overall plan, you are an important bait to attract Lu Yu to the ambush site... Auntie will not let anything happen to you. "

Yue Zijing felt at ease and stopped asking for specific details. He asked directly: "Then where am I going to go now?"

"According to reliable information, Lu Yu from the Great Li Sword Sect is on his way to the ancient city of Guoyun..." Yue Xiujun replied, "So, your destination this time is Zenith City."

"Zenith City?"

Yue Zijing wondered: "This city controls Longshan Mountain in the north and Hongjing Ancient Road in the south. Although it is indeed possible to enter Guoyun Ancient City through here, it is extremely difficult to do so... Why here?"

Yue Xiujun smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes!"

At the same time, in the dark deep sea, Lu Yu and others were hiding inside the Spring Conch, and were worrying about which route to choose.

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