Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 922 Guoyun Ancient City

In the far east, there is a lush area called Cangyuan Continent.

Like the land of Haixi, it hangs alone overseas, one to the east and one to the west, like the two ends of a scale, quietly suppressing all the worlds under the sky.

Wuyun Ancient City is located in the center of Cangyuan Continent.

It is said that in ancient times, the Cangyuan Continent was extremely prosperous, and countless civilizations were nurtured in it. The core area was even the birthplace of gods.

Later, I don't know what happened. Suddenly, calamity clouds descended from the sky and invaded the entire Cangyuan Continent from time to time, so that the creatures in it quickly withered, the entire continent became a dead land, and human civilization in ancient times was annihilated.

It was not until countless thousands of years passed that the eight major sects emerged in all worlds, and people gained the ability to soar into the clouds and cross the sea. Only after they stepped into this land that had gone through disasters for the first time did they discover the prosperity of ancient civilizations. remains.

To this day, most areas of Cangyuan Continent have been explored by people, and only the ancient city of Guoyun in the center is still extremely mysterious.

Strictly speaking, the ancient city of Whirlpool is not actually a real city. Instead, after the great changes, the area that originally belonged to the gods was lifted up by some unknown force and suspended in the strange and huge swirling clouds. On, this is what the ancient city of Guoyun is today.

In other words, the current Guoyun Ancient City is exactly the area where the ancient gods lived.

For example, the Queen Mother of the West, who exists in many legends, lives here.

However, after many years of research, experts pointed out that the so-called "ancient gods" are not gods in the true sense, but just a group of more powerful practitioners, similar to top sects such as the Eight Sects...

But this still cannot stop people's enthusiasm for the ancient city of Guoyun.

Even if the so-called "ancient gods" are really just a group of top practitioners, they are also the top beings among the ancient ancestors... In the ruins where they once lived, even if they just find some scattered items, they might be able to Priceless.

It was driven by such desire that countless cultivators came here one after another, so that a new urban cluster was formed around the ancient city of Guoyun, controlling all the key routes into the ancient city of Guoyun.

After all, until now, there are still small calamity cloud storms growing around the ancient city of Woyun. If the entry route is not planned well, it is very likely that you will not be able to enter in time, and you will fall into the calamity cloud vortex halfway and be shattered into pieces. The fate of...

"Why don't we go to the sea to the north?"

In the Spring Conch, Ye Weilan looked at the map of Cangyuan Continent in front of him and said in confusion.

"Although entering the belly of Cangyun Continent from the north requires detouring more than half of Cangyun Continent, our speed in the sea is so fast that we can't waste much time... But there is a Donglan Port to the north, which goes deep into Cangyun Continent. The interior of the continent is closer to the straight-line distance from Wuyun Ancient City, which saves more time in comparison..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you actually know how to compare like this... However, with your little brains, you can think that this is the best route. Do you think our enemies will not think of it?"

Ye Weilan suddenly became reluctant and glared at him angrily: "Sister Die, look at this apprentice of yours, he actually called me stupid in a roundabout way!"

A gentle smile appeared on Yang Chudie's face.

That is to say, we are worried that there is still Wei Zhihan present, otherwise we don’t know what the situation will be like in the Spring Conch at this time...

She hesitated for a moment and then said: "Are you just determined that we will encounter an ambush on the road? With our escape speed underwater, I'm afraid they may not be able to come in time to ambush..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "The message you suddenly received that day was really too weird. If you say it has nothing to do with Wuya Immortal Pavilion, I won't believe it..."

"Furthermore, it is no secret that we have unparalleled escape speed underwater, especially Shi Zhiquan, who has had a profound experience...Brother Wei, do you think I am right?"

Wei Zhihan on the side couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect that Lu Yu would suddenly turn the conversation to himself.

The chase at sea was an unforgettable experience for Wei Zhihan, and it was also a very disgraceful experience...

However, at this time, I was a slave and I was a fish, so he had no choice but to say with a dark face: "Shi Zhiquan is always careful and meticulous in his work. Except for the time he was in the hands of Junior Brother Lu, I have never seen him suffer... ...If there is really a conspiracy of his, and he has accurate information about you, Donglan Port is indeed a dangerous place. "

Ye Weilan and Yang Chudie couldn't help being slightly startled.

Coming from Wei Zhihan's mouth, these words indeed add a lot of credibility. After all, Wei Zhihan has been with Master Kunpeng for so many years, and was trained by him as his successor...

Lu Yu smiled and asked: "Brother Wei, if you were Shi Zhiquan, where would you set up an ambush to attack us, knowing that I was rushing to the ancient city of Guoyun?"

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