Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 926 The big fish enters the net

A glimmer of light came from the sky and fell on Wei Zhihan's hand.

It is a messenger talisman.

Wei Zhihan unfolded the summons without saying a word, and saw three words written on it: Baixiang City.

It was obvious who sent the message, and White Elephant City was his next destination.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but have a wry smile on his face.

Now that things have happened, he feels that he has become a puppet even more strongly, but he controls the puppet through the talisman of the puppet technique, while others control him remotely through communication...

Two days have passed.

In the past two days, he has experienced more than ten sieges and hunts, large and small, but the scale was not particularly large. The people who pursued him were only at the level of deacon and elder at most, and it was not the turn of Lu Yu and others behind him to take action. , he relied on the advantage of the Nine-Life Divine Coffin to solve it alone.

Since there was no one left alive, in fact the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion did not know that they were the only ones who took action from beginning to end, and that the extremely popular foursome was completely disguised by themselves.

However, he was injured in more than ten places. Fortunately, Lu Yu specially provided a batch of extremely effective elixirs, otherwise he would definitely not be able to hold on... At the same time, this is another reason why the enemy did not see through the truth. Fang never thought that he relied on powerful elixirs to maintain battery life, but regarded all this as the result of the combined efforts of the four of them.

Wei Zhihan lit a flame in his hand, burned the letter to ashes, then determined the direction and flew towards Baixiang City.

Baixiang City is a large city around the ancient city of Woyun. Once you break through the area of ​​Baixiang City, you will be affected by the vortex of the calamity cloud if you continue forward, and the path into the ancient city of Woyun will be locked.

Therefore, this can be said to be a bold attempt.

If the Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion really laid many traps, once they learn about the path that everyone chooses to take to White Elephant City, they will inevitably make adjustments accordingly. opportunity".

Although after two days of testing, no real strong person came to pursue him, Wei Zhihan did not think that Lu Yu had made a misjudgment, but became more and more certain that Lu Yu's guess was correct.

In the past two days, he and his three puppets had made such a fuss, and no real strong person came out to take care of it. This can only mean that the real strong people are "busy" with more important things.

The current situation is as if both sides have dug a trap and are waiting for the other side to step in. Who will be the final winner? In addition to the comparison of strength, it will also test the resourcefulness and patience of both sides.

At present, the enemy side has a clear advantage. They are waiting for work and have more powerful forces at their disposal; and their own side is not completely without advantages. They don't know which route Lu Yu will choose in the end, and Lu Yu has quietly started playing Mantis The trick of catching cicadas and oriole behind...

Thinking of this, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but take out another pill and swallowed it in one gulp.

No matter what, the next trip to Baixiang City will not be as easy as before...

Not long after, White Elephant City was in sight.

The weather here is indeed completely different from the previous towns. Before we even get close, we can already feel strong pressure, indicating that there must be strong people in charge.

Wei Zhihan did not dare to be too bold. This time he did not rush into the city again, but flew over the city with the Nine-Life Divine Coffin.

However, even though he was careful enough this time, the entire White Elephant City seemed to be ignited. In an instant, several rays of light shot up from the city and chased after the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

Wei Zhihan silently counted and found that there were as many as eight rays of light. This meant that at least eight real people or above were chasing after them. From their uniform movements, it was not difficult to see that these eight real people were clearly chasing after them. It has been lurking for a long time and has been planned for a long time.

"Ratmen of the Dali Sword Sect, where do you want to run!"

A loud shout came.

At the same time, dark clouds rolled between the sky and the earth, and thunder suddenly fell.

This momentum was extremely shocking. If it had been in the past, Wei Zhihan would have been greatly shocked. But not long ago, he, Lu Yu and others had the experience of breaking through the Dali Sword Sect. Compared with the Tailing Patriarch's Golden Light Snare Come on, this blockade of thunder can only be regarded as a small thing.

At the moment, Wei Zhihan remained calm in the face of danger and spotted the boundary blocked by Thunder. As soon as he entered the range of Thunder, he ducked and hid in the Nine-Life Divine Coffin.

Then there was a flash of black light, and in the blink of an eye, the dark coffin flew past in a burst of thunder. The timing and distance were just right, and it just passed through the thunder blockade.

Now, not only could the rolling thunder no longer block Wei Zhihan, but it also became an obstacle for the eight escaping lights behind him.

The eight real strong men were immediately in a hurry, and they quickly resolved the power of thunder that filled the sky.

Seeing this situation, Wei Zhihan didn't leave in a hurry. He saw the Nine Lives Divine Coffin opened, Wei Zhihan jumped out of it, and used his backhand to perform the Great Heavenly Expansion Sword Technique.

Golden chains suddenly appeared, containing an indescribable mysterious power, which immediately made the pursuers behind him even more confused.

"Well done!"

"Brother Wei, leave quickly!"

"No need to stay here!"

The three cheerleaders standing on the Nine Lives God's coffin said separately.

Although it seemed a bit strange for them to say such words in this situation, the eight strong men behind them were all trapped in the offensive of Datianyan Sword Art at this time. They would not notice these specific details and would only leave them The next four are all impressions of living people.

"Okay! Let's retreat now!"

Wei Zhihan said to himself.

At that moment, without any delay, he immediately changed direction and rushed towards the real direction where Lu Yu and others were.

The eight real strong men, no matter from any aspect, they have caught a batch of big fish, and they should be able to close the net smoothly...

As long as these eight people are eliminated in one fell swoop, the enemy will definitely be in chaos, and no matter what kind of calculation they had before, they will make adjustments accordingly.

It's just... I wonder if Lu Yu and others have such a big appetite that they can eat eight top real people in one sitting. After all, there are only three of them...

But this question only appeared in Wei Zhihan's mind for a moment, and then he quickly dismissed it... That guy even dared to attack the Tiangang Patriarch, so there was no need to worry about such a problem.

Just as he was thinking about this, the eight real-person experts behind him had already dealt with the offensive of Da Tianyan Sword Art, and were chasing after them again.

Wei Zhihan silently calculated the distance between the two sides in his heart, and felt that it was still necessary to use the Nine-Life Divine Coffin to travel instantaneously again in order to maintain a safe distance...

So, he lay down in the Nine Lives Divine Coffin again.

The black light flashed and he teleported a hundred feet away.

However, when he opened the Nine Lives Divine Coffin this time, he suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if danger was coming...

Wei Zhihan tilted his head almost subconsciously, and suddenly a sword light passed along his ear and cut off a strand of his hair.

Although he was lucky enough to escape, the three puppets sitting on the coffin board were not so lucky. They were instantly pierced by the sword light, turned into crumpled pieces of paper, and were blown away.

At the same time, a voice that was very familiar to him came from the side: "My good apprentice, where are you singing...what are you playing?"

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