Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 927 When can we wait for more?

Without thinking, Wei Zhihan immediately turned over and lay back in the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

With a flash of black light, the Nine-Life Divine Coffin disappeared out of thin air again, disappearing into the black light.

This time, he directly used the magical power of the magic weapon. If he wasted the chance of one life, he used it to complete the shuttle. Unfortunately, when he fought with Lu Yu before, the Nine-Life Divine Coffin was beaten to the point where he only had four lives left. There was no chance to replenish his divine power, so another one was consumed, leaving only three lives left.

However, the effect of this life-consuming shuttle was immediate, and the Nine-Life Divine Coffin was instantly moved several miles away.

The first time Wei Zhihan got up from the coffin, he immediately looked back and found that there was no figure of Master Kunpeng and others behind him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, before he could take a deep breath, the familiar voice sounded above his head again: "My good disciple, where are you going? Why are you walking in such a hurry? Wait for me to be a teacher?”

Wei Zhihan was startled and looked up, only to see streaks of light streaking across the sky. Master Kunpeng stood proudly on the light belt... It was the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape Technique. He actually used the Five Elements Escape of Heaven and Earth to predict Wei Zhihan in advance. The shuttle landing point.

Wei Zhihan finally understood Lu Yu's original mood. This master Kunpeng really brought the Five Elements Escape to the fullest.

Now if he continues to move forward, he will run into the arms of Master Kunpeng, but if he retreats, eight real masters will be chasing him from behind...

Wei Zhihan had no choice but to grit his teeth and turn 90 degrees to the side to escape. At the same time, he sent a message telling Lu Yu that he could no longer reach the set destination and asked them to come over to help him... Fortunately, at this time, Master Kunpeng used the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth Escape Technique. Still in the sky and not on the ground, unable to intercept the message, the message was successfully passed on.

Master Kunpeng immediately chased after him.

While chasing, he did not forget to launch a psychological offensive: "Good disciple, where else do you want to run? You have achieved what you have today because of your teacher's advice. Even this treasure of yours, It was only under the guidance of my master that I succeeded in the sacrifice... I know exactly what kind of skills you have, do you think you can escape from my master's grasp? "

"My teacher abandoned you that day. Firstly, I was forced by the situation. Secondly, I also wanted to test you. I wanted to see how loyal you were to my teacher... My teacher had already calculated the Dali Sword correctly. Zong will definitely not kill you, as long as you can endure the humiliation and pass the test of being a teacher, the teacher will definitely use you again!"

"Do you have any difficulties? Is it Lu Yu who poisoned you and forced you to do so? Don't worry. If you want you to surrender honestly and admit your mistake, I will ask Master Ming to detoxify you!"

"Don't even think about it. Over the years, I have only cultivated one disciple like you. Apart from you, who else can I pass on to? So, don't make the same mistake again and again, and quickly turn around!"

No matter what Master Kunpeng said behind his back, Wei Zhihan remained indifferent.

After all, the previous betrayal was too unforgettable. One moment he was saying that he was not a ruthless person, and the next moment he used himself as a tool to cover his retreat. Through this matter, Wei Zhihan had completely seen through it. His nature was such that he simply refused to believe a word he said.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Master Kunpeng changed to another tone:

"Wei Zhihan, don't give me a toast or drink as a penalty! Where else do you think you can run? You can run for a while, but how can you run for the rest of your life?"

"You also know the details of my master. Do you think there is any chance of winning if you stand on the opposite side of me?"

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Even if you no longer trust me as a teacher, can't you still see such a simple and clear situation clearly?"

Wei Zhihan simply used Gang Qi to block his hearing, no longer listened to Master Kunpeng's chattering voice, and concentrated on studying the escape route.

Although the real Kunpeng behind him is approaching step by step, it will still take some time to catch up with him completely. In addition, the Nine-Life Divine Coffin still has three lives to use. Therefore, it actually still needs a considerable distance. Only the pursuers can completely catch up with him.

It is precisely for this reason that Master Kunpeng keeps chattering behind him, hoping that he will give up resistance...

Wei Zhihan silently estimated in his heart that the escape distance was enough for Lu Yu and others to come to the rescue.

At that moment, he no longer had any other worries and ran away with all his strength without any distractions. Every ounce of his true energy and energy was concentrated on this matter. Unexpectedly, he actually stimulated his potential and reached the level of An escape speed that has never been seen before.


Master Kunpeng couldn't help but be surprised.

He was not shocked by Wei Zhihan's speed, but was surprised by Wei Zhihan's persistence. Now he could see that Wei Zhihan was determined to run without any hesitation at all.

Master Kunpeng knew his apprentice very well, and his impression was that he was not such an upright person. His normal style was to give in to others and bet on both sides. He really couldn't understand what happened during the period when Wei Zhihan was captured and imprisoned. Time, what happened to make him become like this?

Master Kunpeng felt something was wrong. It seemed that he had missed something, but he really couldn't figure out what mistake he made...

Finally, the distance between the two sides became closer and closer.

Wei Zhihan has exhausted the last bit of potential of the Nine-Life Divine Coffin and can no longer escape.

He originally only had the strength of the Return to the Sea Realm. Without the help of the Nine-Life Divine Coffin, his escape speed would not be as fast as those of the powerful real people.

"Evil disciple! Don't even think about running away again!"

Master Kunpeng drew out his sword, and the surging sword force formed an arc and swung towards Wei Zhihan.

Seeing this situation, Wei Zhihan was a bachelor, so he simply stopped moving and stopped where he was.

Master Kunpeng's sword had an element of anticipation, but Wei Zhihan suddenly paused, causing the sword to miss.

But now, Master Kunpeng has caught up with him, and the two are facing each other.

"You brat! Have you finally run out of strength? Why don't you continue running?" Master Kunpeng snorted coldly.

Wei Zhihan suddenly laughed strangely.

Master Kunpeng was so embarrassed by his laughter that he couldn't help shouting: "Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at Master, you spend all day thinking about how to plot against others. I'm afraid you never thought that you would be plotted against by the same person twice in a row, right?" Wei Zhihan said.

At this moment, the eight escaping lights behind him also followed up, surrounding Wei Zhihan.

Wei Zhihan was calm and used his last bit of strength to shout loudly:

"Junior Brother Lu, the fish has been caught in the net. If we don't close the net now, when will we wait?"

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