Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 928 The water is all over the sky

Wei Zhihan's shout was not just to remind Lu Yu, but also to inform Lu Yu of his position, so that he could accurately locate the enemy.

After such contacts along the way, he saw many incredible methods in Lu Yu, so he was very confident in Lu Yu. With the opponent's ability, he would definitely be able to come over in time to provide support.

After all, this is a guy who even dares to challenge Patriarch Tiangang. Standing behind him is Patriarch Yunxiao who has a lifespan of three thousand years!

However, there was a rustling breeze and floating clouds all around, but there was still no response.

Master Kunpeng and eight other powerful masters were initially very nervous by Wei Zhihan's actions. After being silent for a while, Master Kunpeng burst into laughter when they saw that no changes had occurred around them. "My killer disciple, don't you even know that you were sold?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and the applause immediately created a huge suction force, grabbing Wei Zhihan and the Nine Lives Divine Coffin at once.

Wei Zhihan's face was full of astonishment, and he forgot to resist, and fell into the palm of Master Kunpeng like a little chicken.

"Good disciple, what else do you have to say now?"

Master Kunpeng said: "Look, those who will abandon you are not just Master. Even your new friends are not the same as Master. Do you still want to be angry with Master because of this?" ?”

Wei Zhihan looked ugly and had mixed feelings in his heart. Judging from Lu Yu's behavior, he didn't want to believe it was true. However, Lu Yu didn't rush over to respond, but it was an ironclad fact... Could it be that something happened on the road? What happened?

Master Kunpeng looked at the expression on Wei Zhihan's face and couldn't help but sneer: "What, you still refuse to give up? That Lu Yu is a very smart person. He only anticipated our many arrangements and just used you to attract us. It's just a matter of attention. At this time, he is probably thousands of miles away. Do you still think that he will fight for you? "

Wei Zhihan was full of dissatisfaction. He was unwilling to agree with Master Kunpeng's words, but he was unable to refute.

"Brother Kunpeng, we checked and there is no one nearby."

At this time, a strong real person next to him came over and said that he was the only remaining master of Tianwei among the "Three Heroes of the Tianzi Generation" in Wuya Immortal Pavilion.

Master Kunpeng nodded and said: "I have guessed a long time ago that the kid named Lu is a very thief, how can he be caught so easily... In this case, let's pass the news to Mrs. Zhong and let them Be careful, the boy named Lu is lucky to have escaped temporarily! "

Wei Zhihan was shocked when he heard this.

Mrs. Zhong...could she be referring to the wife of Zhong Chuyue, the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect? He had heard a lot about this legendary heroine. Even when she attacked the Dali Sword Sect last time, she did not appear. He did not expect that she would come this time...

Only then did Wei Zhihan realize that Lu Yu's estimate was indeed correct. The Jade Sea Immortal Sect and Wuya Immortal Pavilion were indeed serious.

Now that Mrs. Zhong is involved, the situation has completely changed. The floating battleship with a jump distance of five thousand miles must also be taken into consideration.

From this point of view, once Lu Yu and others show up, they will not only face the real Kunpeng plus eight real strong men, but also very likely to face a whole fleet of floating battleships. His choice not to show up is indeed correct. decision……

Wei Zhihan figured out the reason why Lu Yu didn't show up, but this still made him very unwilling. Originally, he had higher expectations for Lu Yu. In his mind, that guy should be able to do more than just this. …

This mentality of resenting the other person while also having expectations for the other person made him extremely conflicted.

"Good disciple, at this time, you can't count on anyone but your teacher..."

"It's better to continue to be your master. When you get back, tell me carefully about your experience in the Dali Sword Sect during these days. If you behave well, I can let you continue to be my disciple..."

"By the way, when you were in the Dali Sword Sect, did you meet the Tailing ancestor?"

Master Kunpeng waved his sleeves and flew back with Wei Zhihan in his arms. He continued to lure Wei Zhihan along the way, hoping to find out more information about the Dali Sword Sect, especially the information related to Tailing Patriarch.

Wei Zhihan is not a fool. He knows that the only use he has for Master Kunpeng now is to find out the inside information of Dali Sword Sect. Once he tells it, it will have no use value at all, so he deliberately keeps it secret and rambles along the way. , he only revealed a little bit of everything and refused to tell everything, which just scratched the itch in Master Kunpeng's heart.

In the end, Master Kunpeng was annoyed and snorted coldly: "Well, you Wei Zhihan! I didn't expect that after just a few days with that boy named Lu, I didn't learn anything else, but he became more and more cunning... When I return to Baixiang City, I will let you take care of me." I'll see how stubborn you can be after a hard time!"

Seeing White Elephant City getting closer and closer.

Unexpectedly, after wandering around, he finally returned here. Wei Zhihan was filled with sadness and didn't know what to do next.

Just at this moment, a splashing sound came from a large river outside Baixiang City.

Everyone couldn't help but look surprised. They didn't know what happened. Could it be that the river was swollen? But after all, this is just a river. How can it make the sound that occurs when the sea water rises?

While everyone was marveling, Master Kunpeng's expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "No! This is Yang Chudie's Spring Conch!"

Before he finished speaking, the river below the crowd suddenly surged, rising like a reverse waterfall, turning into a water curtain hundreds of feet high, sweeping toward the crowd.

Everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

How could they have imagined that an ordinary river could erupt such a huge wave? Even in the sea, it would be impossible to create such a huge wave without a powerful real energy drive.

The huge wave swept over with overwhelming force, coming so fast and fiercely that there was no way to avoid it. In the blink of an eye, it swallowed up everyone including Master Kunpeng and Master Tianwei.

At this moment of life and death, Master Kunpeng naturally no longer cared about Wei Zhihan, and threw him and the Nine Lives Divine Coffin down, struggling alone in the frenzy.

Wei Zhihan was already at the end of his strength and was unable to struggle at all. He could only hold on to his magic weapon tightly and let the tide wash over him, constantly spinning in the huge waves in the sky.

Within a moment, Wei Zhihan was dizzy, his whole body was about to fall apart, and he felt that he could no longer hold on.

Just at this moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from the huge waves and firmly grasped the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

"Brother Wei, are you okay?"

Lu Yu's voice suddenly came from beside him.

When Wei Zhihan opened his eyes, he realized that he had escaped from the huge waves in the sky, and was being held up by a strange lotus flower together with the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, floating next to Lu Yu.


"Brother Wei, the direction you chose before was really not suitable for us to arrange an ambush... so we chose a place where we can attack, retreat and defend, and it was unexpected. Fortunately, we did not waste the opportunity."

Wei Zhihan was stunned for a while.

As soon as Lu Yu said these words, he understood.

No matter where he was captured, the enemy would eventually take him back to Baixiang City, so Lu Yu simply gave up the ambush plan and returned to the outside of Baixiang City in advance. With the help of the river outside Baixiang City, he could not only launch an offensive by surprise, but also After a successful attack, the black tail of the arowana is activated to escape thousands of miles away...

This is indeed a better solution.

It turns out that the other party did not give up on themselves, but because they had a better strategy.

For a moment, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart. The ups and downs in his life happened so fast that he didn't know what to say.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "Brother Wei, please stay for a while. After the immediate trouble is solved, I will heal your injuries... Next, there will be many places where Brother Wei can be used!"

After saying that, Lu Yu held the butterfly and flew together, and swung out his sword.

The power of the dark stars rushed towards Kunpeng and others who were still undulating in the water in the sky.

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