Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 930 The Sky-Swallowing Golden Roc

Wei Zhihan didn't know that the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng was raised by a mysterious strong man in the ancient city of Guoyun. It was now given to Master Kunpeng and he already recognized him as his master.

But when he went to Guoyun Ancient City to run errands and deliver messages for Master Kunpeng, he had encountered this sky-swallowing golden roc several times. This extremely powerful beast left a very deep impression on him at that time.

Therefore, just by seeing a pair of giant claws, he was already sure that this was the invincible Sky-Swallowing Golden Roc in the ancient city of Guoyun.

Although it is not clear why it left Guoyun Ancient City and came here, it is a conclusive fact.

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but change their expressions.

Naturally, they have also heard of the name of this strange beast that has been showing off for thousands of years. Even before setting off, the three of them discussed together how to deal with this strange beast if they encountered it in the ancient city of Guoyun, and whether they could use this strange beast to their advantage. Some habits of strange beasts to cover their rescue operations...

Now it seems that those original discussions have no meaning. This strange beast has become an accomplice of Master Kunpeng for some unknown reason.

It's too late, but it's soon.

In just the blink of an eye, the huge body of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng had already passed through the calamity cloud and swooped down with lightning speed.

Judging from the impact point of the momentum, it is obvious that its impact target is Lu Yu and others.

Before the offensive came, a strong wind was already blowing against them.

The golden luster reflected on the wings of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng, and in a daze, Lu Yu couldn't help but have the illusion that a bright sun was hitting him hard again.


At the moment, Lu Yu did not hesitate and directly sent a signal to Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan to retreat.

Not to mention that the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng had the background and experience of swallowing many real people alive. Just by the powerful power it showed now, Lu Yu knew that this was definitely not something they could handle at this time. What was even more annoying was that , this guy is still a beast, even if Lu Yu uses the six-pointed star lock method, it may not be able to work on it.

Therefore, although the idea of ​​killing Master Kunpeng in one fell swoop is indeed tempting, the current situation no longer allows them to delay any longer.

The four bodies fell at the same time.

In the process of falling, Yang Chudie sacrificed the Spring Conch. The black tail wings of the dragon fish spread out and turned into a stream of light, catching Ye Weilan and Lu Yu one after another.

When Lu Yu boarded the Spring Conch, he did not forget to give Wei Zhihan a hand and brought Wei Zhihan up together with the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Master Kunpeng shouted violently, and the sword in his hand danced wildly, sending out a series of sword lights.

His moves were very insidious. He knew that if he attacked the Spring Conch directly, he would probably be defeated by Lu Yu and others with brute force. Therefore, he found a very tricky angle and slashed at the sword rays one after another. The lower part of the Spring Conch not only made it impossible for Lu Yu and others to resolve it, but also blocked their way.

As long as they could delay for a moment until the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng offensive came, Lu Yu and the others would never think of running away again.

However, Lu Yu had already expected this step, and saw a faint golden light glowing on his body, and then Ye Weilan's figure disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, Ye Weilan had already shuttled behind Master Kunpeng, and stepped out of the void holding the Night Owl dagger.

Master Kunpeng's expression immediately changed.

Back on the Tianxiang Peak, he had witnessed with his own eyes the scene where Lu Yu and Ye Weilan teamed up to capture the real Tianmiao. So as soon as he saw the golden light on Lu Yu's body, he immediately realized that something was wrong and quickly changed his tactics to deal with it. Unfortunately, he still One step too late, Night Owl's dagger ignored his body-protecting aura and had already pierced his back.

"court death!"

Master Kunpeng roared angrily, and the true energy in his body turned into golden threads, entangling the invincible Night Owl dagger.

At the same time, he grabbed Ye Weilan's neck with his backhand. Just as he was about to use his strength to break the delicate beauty's neck, Ye Weilan's figure suddenly dimmed and turned into a strange stream of light. into the shadows beneath his feet.

Master Kunpeng's face was full of astonishment. Even with his extensive knowledge, he had never seen such an incredible way of escaping.

Just when he was thinking about how to force her to show up, Lu Yu on the Spring Conch threw a rope, and then the shadow under his feet shook strangely. Ye Weilan followed the shadow of the rope, Sneaking back to the Spring Conch.

Master Kunpeng was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the other party could still use such a method to complete the cooperation. Whether it was attacking or retreating, it was like a horse and a horse flying freely, leaving no trace at all.

"Are you OK?"

Lu Yu caught Ye Weilan and asked with concern.

"I...I'm sorry...I messed up..."

Ye Weilan's downcast face was full of guilt.

Although the attack just now successfully defused Master Kunpeng's sword interception, she lost the Night Owl dagger during the back stabbing of Master Kunpeng and was caught by Master Kunpeng, which cost her more time. It took a lot of time to return to the Spring Conch.

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "Say something stupid, as long as you're fine."


Ye Weilan raised his head and glanced at the sky-swallowing golden roc that was falling rapidly in the sky with a powerful thunder, and said: "But, after being delayed for this moment, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to escape its offensive..."

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Yu smiled proudly: "I'll let you know for yourself how powerful this sky-swallowing golden roc is!"

As he spoke, he suddenly stood up, holding the Butterfly Shuangfei tightly in his hand, and raised his head to face the Heaven-Eating Golden Peng coming towards him.

At this time, the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng was no more than a hundred feet away from everyone. The huge shadow completely enveloped everyone, and the strong wind howled continuously, causing everyone's cheeks to hurt.

The sky-swallowing golden roc's huge claws glowed with a strange golden light, and it suddenly grabbed Lu Yu.

"No... let me do it!"

After saying that, Ye Weilan jumped up and rushed in front of Lu Yudi to meet the giant claw of the Sky-Eating Golden Peng.



Yang Chudie and Lu Yu exclaimed at the same time.

However, their shouts were drowned in a clear phoenix cry.


A shadow of the Netherworld Fire Phoenix suddenly erupted from Ye Weilan's body, and it collided hard with the giant claw of the Sky-Eating Golden Peng.

A phoenix and a peng became entangled in the air.

However, in just a short moment, the shadow of the Netherworld Fire Phoenix completely collapsed...

At the same time, Ye Weilan's figure fell from the air and hit the Spring Conch hard.

Although she failed to fight against the Sky-Swallowing Golden Roc, she successfully defused the giant claw's attack, and after this collision, the Spring Snail flew towards the river below at a faster speed.

"You...why are you so stupid!"

Lu Yu picked up Ye Weilan, his hands were wet, and there were several deep wounds on her body, almost cutting her into several pieces.

Ye Weilan smiled miserably and said weakly: "I am the body of a demon spirit, and my body is stronger... Besides, we are injured, you can help us heal, but if you are injured, there is nothing we can do..."

Lu Yu felt her affection, and his heart trembled.

But at this moment, Yang Chudie on the side said loudly: "Get ready to enter the water!"

Then everything went dark, and the Spring Snail fell into the fast-flowing river.

Several people also took advantage of the situation and entered the inner cave space.

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