Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 931 No trace to be found

Due to the previous explosion of the tidal force of the Spring Conch, the tide had not completely subsided. The entire river outside the White Elephant City was turbulent and mighty. Once the Spring Conch fell into it, it completely disappeared.



The Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng circled down at a low altitude, and a pair of huge claws stretched into the turbulent river, sifting through the turbid water several times like an iron plow, but found nothing. Only then did it flap its wings helplessly and fly to the side of Kunpeng Zhenren.

Cuckoo, cuckoo!

Cuckoo, cuckoo!

The Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng shook its golden feathers, as if it was confiding its dissatisfaction to Kunpeng Zhenren.

"Don't worry, don't worry... I know you haven't had a tooth for a long time, and this time I will definitely let you eat a living person." Kunpeng Zhenren comforted.

Then he waved to Tianwei Zhenren and said, "Brother Tianwei, please notify your people to cut off the upstream and downstream of Baixiang River... No matter how fast the boy surnamed Lu is in the water, he can't be faster than the message. As long as the upstream and downstream of the river are cut off, I will monitor the situation of the entire river from the air, and they will be unable to escape even if they have wings!" Tianwei Zhenren had a gloomy face, but did not speak. Kunpeng smiled and said, "I know you are angry with me, but you don't think about it. In the situation just now, besides sacrificing the golden elixirs of several Taoist friends from your sect, do we have any other choice? If I hadn't detonated the four golden elixirs in time, maybe you and I would have died standing here talking!"

"Now that we are facing a powerful enemy, if you still want to throw a tantrum with me, do you want me to go directly to the Seventh Ancestor of Wu Ya?"

"Hmph!" Tianwei snorted heavily, "Tell me, where exactly do you want to cut off?"

Kunpeng pondered for a moment and said, "The upstream is from Qingye City, and the downstream is to Baishitan, that's enough!"

Tianwei sent two messages to the upstream and downstream respectively as he said.

Kunpeng laughed and stood on the back of the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng, saying, "Okay, from now on, the kid surnamed Lu is a loach stuck in this river ditch..."

"Brother Tianwei, don't be sad anymore. I promise you that we can capture him in half a day at most. Then you will be able to vent your anger!"

After saying that, the Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng suddenly flapped its wings and soared up.

It didn't take a moment to reach a height of thousands of feet, using its extremely sharp eyes to watch the entire blocked river.

However, what Kunpeng didn't expect was that, let alone half a day, until a day and a night had passed and the entire river had been completely drained, there was still no trace of Lu Yu and others.

"How could this happen?"

Kunpeng was puzzled, so he returned to the river beside Baixiang City.

"Could it be that their magic weapon can also escape underground?"

At this time, it was not only Tianwei Zhenren who came, but also the members of Wuya Xian Pavilion who had been searching from upstream and downstream.

"We don't know whether their magic weapon can escape underground, but when we were searching, our people found this in the river."

As he said, Tianwei Zhenren took out a black stone.

"Is this... Fu Neng Stone?"

Zhen Kunpeng was stunned.

Fu Neng Stone is the basis for building a magic array. At this time, there is a deep crack in the middle of the Fu Neng Stone in Tianwei Zhenren's hand, which means that the spiritual energy in it has been exhausted.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in Zhenren Kunpeng's mind...

Lu Yu and others had been lurking in the Baixiang River before, but it was not just an ambush. Long before they launched the offensive, they had already laid a teleportation magic array at the bottom of the river in advance.

When they succeeded in one strike and retreated to the bottom of the river, they actually did not use the power of the dragon fish black tail to escape in the water, but escaped through the teleportation magic array.

Then, with some special method, he destroyed the teleportation array in one fell swoop, leaving them with no trace at all, and even trying to determine the landing point of their teleportation was impossible...

As for Master Kunpeng, he fell into a misconception from the beginning, thinking that the other party, who had a magical weapon like the Dragon Fish Black Tail, would definitely use the Dragon Fish Black Tail's invincible speed in the water to escape, but he didn't expect that the other party would suddenly escape.

"Good boy! I didn't expect that there was such a trick!" Master Kunpeng said viciously with a fierce look in his eyes.

The other party had obviously planned this for a long time, because the other part of the teleportation array had to be prepared in advance, and it was impossible to be a temporary idea.

"Shi Zhiquan, what else do you have to say now! You sacrificed the lives of four masters of our Wuya Xian Pavilion for nothing, but in the end you got nothing. You should give us an explanation for this!" Master Tianwei looked angry.


Kunpeng smiled coldly and said, "Those who accomplish great things don't care about trivial matters. If you want to accomplish something, you have to pay a price. If you think it's so easy to usurp the secrets of heaven and change fate, you wouldn't have lost eight exquisite pagodas and countless disciples' lives in Huiyue Bay. Compared with the losses in the battle of Huiyue Bay, this is not even a fraction of it!"

"Besides, even if we have to explain, it's me and Ren Lanjian who will explain. When will it be your turn to say this to me! What qualifications do you have!"


Tianwei Zhenren was furious, his eyes seemed to be spewing flames.

The other members of Wuya Xian Pavilion around him also drew their swords and glared at him.

"What? Do you still want to fight with me?"

Master Kunpeng sneered again and again: "It just so happens that my Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng has not eaten meat for several days. I just let that kid Lu Yu run away, and now I can use you to give him a toothpaste!"

Goujiu! Goujiu!

The Sky-Swallowing Golden Peng opened its big mouth at the right moment and flapped its wings anxiously, as if it couldn't help but want to catch everyone and devour them.

Master Tianwei's face finally changed color, and he waved his hand, signaling everyone to put away their weapons and not to act rashly.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Master Tianwei took a deep breath and asked suppressing his anger.

Master Kunpeng took the rune stone from the hand of Master Tianwei, looked at it carefully, and then put a little force on his hand, and the rune stone turned into a puddle of powder and disappeared between his fingers...

"Anyway, since they have put in so much effort, this trip to Guoyun Ancient City must have been booked...Next, I will use the Sky-Swallowing Golden Roc to blockade the South, North, and West regions. If they plan to start from here, If they arrive at Guoyun Ancient City from three directions, then they will have four or five hiding places!”

"What if they didn't choose these three directions?" Master Tianwei asked.

" depends on how capable the famous Red Embroidered Heroine is now!"

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