Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 932 The Wonderful Lotus Technique

"Is this Crescent Mountain?"

In the cave space, Wei Zhihan saw the scene outside the Spring Conch through the crystal wall, and couldn't help but be surprised.

After the Spring Conch fell into the river, he thought he would have to dive through the water for a long time. Unexpectedly, he passed through a strange halo not long after and arrived here in the blink of an eye.

This is a dense jungle. Through the gaps between the trees, you can see a huge mountain in the distance. There is a crescent-shaped mark in the middle of the huge mountain, penetrating the entire mountain...

According to legend, thousands of years ago, two great cultivators fought on the Cangyuan Continent. The sword energy of one of them penetrated a certain mountain directly, forming a crescent-shaped cavity. From then on, this mountain area was occupied by Called Crescent Mountain...

It was from this point that Wei Zhihan judged that this was Crescent Mountain. After all, there was no other crescent-shaped hollow like this in the entire Cangyuan Continent.

But what surprised Wei Zhihan even more was how they got here... You must know that Crescent Mountain is at least a thousand miles away from the White Elephant City where they were just now.

"While you were deep in enemy territory and attracting attention everywhere, we didn't do nothing." Lu Yu explained.

Wei Zhihan was also a smart person. When he heard what Lu Yu said, he immediately understood...

Obviously, when he was running around in various towns, the three Lu Yus behind him did not just press the formation at the rear. They first built a magic circle on the spot as the destination of the teleportation, and then divided the troops into two groups and sent one of them to lead the way. Dragon Fish Black Tail escaped to Crescent Mountain and built two brand new magic circles.

One of them was connected to the original magic circle, and the other one was the new teleportation destination... Then the person was teleported back to the original place through the first magic circle. According to the subsequent evolution of the situation, he was finally set up at the bottom of the Baixiang River. Entering the entrance of the teleportation circle, it is connected to the magic circle on the Crescent Mountain side to form a pair...

Considering that this series of operations is a very complicated process and the operator must be very skilled, Wei Zhihan boldly guessed that the person who performed this task was probably Yang Chudie...

Although the Crescent Mountain side still has not reached the range where they can climb the ancient city of Guoyun, this way they gained valuable time and completely disrupted the enemy's original deployment.

After thinking about all this, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but be amazed. He originally thought that Lu Yu's plan of letting him take three puppets to lure the snake out of the hole was already very good, but he didn't expect that he was only on the first floor.

Shi Zhiquan really lost unjustly!

Perhaps, it was precisely because of such a strategy that they dared to challenge the mysterious strong man in Guoyun Ancient City...

"I didn't expect that you had expected all this... Junior Brother Lu, you are really clever!" Wei Zhihan said with infinite emotion.

Lu Yu smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, I didn't expect that Shi Zhiquan would summon the Sky-Swallowing Golden Roc, and even Wei Lan almost died because of it... I'm sorry, Brother Wei, I promised to heal you before, but now I can only do it first I'm sorry for the time being, I want Weilan's injury to be stabilized."

"It doesn't matter, my injury is not serious, your pill support is enough..." Wei Zhihan said, "On the other hand, Miss Ye, if her combat power is reduced, it will be a big loss for us. "

"Thank you, Brother Wei, for your understanding. If that's the case, then please let Brother Wei heal his wounds for the time being!"

With that said, Lu Yu took out a few more pills and threw them to Wei Zhihan.

Wei Zhihan took the elixir, but did not immediately start to heal his wounds. Instead, he observed Lu Yu and Ye Weilan on the side.

He had long heard that Lu Yu's healing skills were unparalleled in the world. He had cured more than ten real people in the healing hall by himself, which made the entire Dali Sword Sect extremely grateful to him. At this time, Ye Weilan's injury was undoubtedly extremely serious in his opinion, and he also wanted to see what kind of methods Lu Yu had to cure such an injury.

Lu Yu did not deliberately avoid Wei Zhihan's gaze. He sat cross-legged in the middle of the cave space, facing Ye Weilan, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, and raised his hand to point out.

Lotus flowers flew out along Lu Yu's fingertips, and instantly filled Ye Weilan's body, making her look like she was lying in a sea of ​​flowers, like a begonia sleeping in spring.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help being stunned.

He has never seen anyone's true essence present in such a way, not even a real strong person has ever seen something so miraculous.

A glimpse of the whole leopard reveals that just the released true energy is so miraculous. It is really hard to imagine what the Jinghai of true energy in Lu Yu's body will look like...

In fact, this is due to Wei Zhihan's ignorance. If he had not been imprisoned in the dark Thunder Pond Purgatory before, and knew that Lu Yu had made thousands of lotus flowers appear and float above the Jade Butterfly Peak when he ascended the realm, he would not have been like this. sighed.

Lu Yu's True Essence Jinghai was now filled with thousands of lotus flowers. In order to save Ye Weilan, he naturally went all out without reservation.

The ultimate state of the power of the red lotus can make the dead alive, make flesh and bones, turn blood into lotus, and become immortal.

Although Lu Yu has not yet reached this level, he has shown amazing results in healing. Now he is connecting Ye Weilan's meridians and regenerating bones and muscles. , it was also very draining for Lu Yu. In less than half an hour, he was already sweating profusely, panting, and almost collapsed from exhaustion.

Fortunately, Ye Weilan was finally out of danger. Even if Lu Yu stopped treating him, she could recover on her own with the strong vitality of her demon body.

Lu Yu stopped and continued to heal his wounds, stuffed a pill into Ye Weilan's mouth, and then checked her pulse and found that her pulse was steady and strong, and then he felt relieved.

Then, he looked at Wei Zhihan, who had been watching intently beside him, and said, "Brother Wei, haven't you seen enough?"

Wei Zihan sighed: "Now I am completely convinced by you, Junior Brother Lu... Such skills are simply miraculous. No wonder you can do many things that ordinary people cannot do. Now I am in your hands, but Not unfair at all!”

Lu Yu said calmly: "Brother Wei, you should save some energy and heal yourself as soon as possible! No matter how much you praise, it can't change the fact that we are completely at a disadvantage now... I'm afraid we still have several tough battles to fight in the future, which will be nerve-wracking. There are so many places, but we can’t waste our time and energy on them.”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden flash of light in the cave sky space, and it was Yang Chudie who walked in.

"How is Xiaolan? Is he okay?" Yang Chudie asked.

It turned out that she had been outside to monitor the surrounding situation, and at the same time controlled the Spring Conch to continue in the dense forest. She did not know the specific situation of Lu Yu's treatment of Ye Weilan.

After receiving Lu Yu's affirmative answer, she relaxed slightly, and then asked Lu Yu: "Next, which direction should we go?"

Lu Yu immediately turned his head to look at the crystal wall on the side, and then discovered that the Spring Snail had unknowingly passed through the entire dense forest and left the range of Crescent Moon Mountain.

In front of us is a vast plain.

Where to go, which direction to cross the sea of ​​clouds and reach the ancient city of Guoyun, the next choice will be crucial.

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