Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 934: Hongjing Ancient Road

Lu Yu woke up from trance.

Since the Spring Conch is Yang Chudie's natal magic weapon, the cave space in it can be changed at will according to her thoughts. At this time, the cave space has turned into a mansion, divided into several rooms. Lu Yu is where One of them, besides him, was Ye Weilan who was also staying in this room.

The reason for this arrangement is naturally so that he can take care of Ye Weilan at any time. In addition, it can also be wary of Wei Zhihan. After all, it is necessary to be on guard against others. No matter how meek and humble Wei Zhihan appears, he cannot be completely trusted. people.

But now it seems that his performance is quite acceptable, at least he has not made any mistakes along the way.

Lu Yu first checked Ye Weilan's condition and found that her vital signs were very stable and her body was gradually recovering. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the room, only to realize that it was already night.

Looking out through the crystal wall of the cave, I saw that the moon was in the sky, and the Spring Conch was already in a still state.

What's even stranger is that Wei Zhihan has also disappeared.

Lu Yu didn't think something had happened, otherwise he wouldn't have received any warning signs, but it was still very strange, so he walked out of the cave space.


As soon as Lu Yu walked out, he saw Yang Chudie sitting cross-legged on the jasper shell, his hands formed into orchid fingers, folded on his knees, bathing in the moonlight, absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Thinking of the hurried journey, she also consumed a lot of real energy, so she needed to stop and adjust her breath to recover.

Yang Chudie heard the sound, opened her eyes, and said, "Are you awake? Have you recovered?"

"Almost, barely enough should be enough..."

Lu Yu stretched his muscles, then sat down next to Yang Chudie, and said next to her: "In order to help me recover faster, you don't use the spiritual energy in the Spring Conch, but instead absorb the spiritual energy outside... …You have taken such good care of me. If I haven’t recovered yet, wouldn’t it be a failure of your kindness?”

Yang Chudie's pretty face blushed slightly, and she looked around in a panic: "Be careful, don't be so insignificant..."

"What are you afraid of!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "Wei Zhihan is very smart. He should have seen the relationship between us long ago, otherwise he wouldn't have come out to make room for us... By the way, where is this kid running? went?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

Yang Chudie spat: "Not long after you entered samadhi, he took the initiative to come out, because he couldn't mobilize the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the cave. They didn't make room for you... He is there now I’m doing my exercises and breathing alone!”

As he spoke, Yang Chudie pointed to a thorn bush on the left.

Lu Yu suddenly understood.

He, Ye Weilan, and Yang Chudie are in perfect harmony with each other. There is no distinction between you and me among the three of them. Therefore, he and Ye Weilan can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth through the Spring Conch without any hindrance, but Wei Zhihan does not do this. Therefore, if he wanted to regain his strength, he could only leave the Spring Conch and walk outside.

Lu Yu stared at the thorn bush and saw that under the bright moonlight, there was indeed a thin white mist surrounding it. This was a sign that the spiritual energies of heaven and earth were converging and gathering.

"Where is this place? Is it still on the Red Thorn Ancient Road?" Lu Yu asked.

Yang Chudie nodded and said: "We are almost at the end of the ancient red thorn road here. If we continue forward, we will enter the scope of Zenith City. By then we will have no red thorn to cover us. Therefore, we must leave before we leave." The Red Thorn Trail has been restored to its best condition.”

Lu Yu looked around and said: "This is really a treasure place. You and Wei Zhihan are so close to each other and can absorb spiritual energy. You can live in peace with each other and are not affected by each other. This shows that the spiritual energy here is richer than that of ours in Dali." The peaks of Jianzong are no less generous."

Yang Chudie said: "This is all the result of the red thorns around. This strange plant is said to be a crop used by the gods to surround the courtyard fence in ancient times. It not only has strong defense capabilities, but also can Hold on to the aura and prevent it from escaping..."

"However, the current state can only last for a day or two at most. It only relies on its well-developed root system to absorb spiritual energy, and its reserves are very limited. Compared with real spiritual energy, there is still a big gap."

Lu Yu nodded suddenly.

Speaking of which, this is equivalent to a small pond that temporarily stores some water, but the real underground spiritual veins are endless rolling rivers.

"You can continue to adjust your breathing first, and I'll take a walk around the area!"

Lu Yu said, stood up and left.


Yang Chudie called him, then took out the black tail of the dragon fish and handed it into his hand.

"Be careful. These red thorn vines will actively attack those who are close to them, and the thorns on them are very sharp. If you are not careful, you will be scratched and stabbed by them. Even wearing armor made of fine steel and cold iron will not help. "

"So powerful?" Lu Yu exclaimed.

"What do you think? Otherwise, why would this route be called the most dangerous and difficult route? Throughout the ages, there have been eight thousand or not ten thousand practitioners who have lost arms and legs on this ancient red thorn road..."

"Okay... but I'm just exploring the surroundings, and I have no intention of provoking these plants, so don't worry!"

Lu Yu attached the black tail of the dragon fish to his body, spread his wings, flapped his wings lightly, and suddenly there was wind in his ears, and he flew away.

Lu Yu didn't make too high a profile. Like Yang Chudie before, he still kept flying close to the ground.

As he flew past, the vines in the surrounding red thorn bushes began to squirm crazily, trying to intercept him. However, they could not keep up with Lu Yu's speed and could only spin in vain. change.

Not long after, Lu Yu passed through the scope of the Hongjing Ancient Road and came to an open area.

It is strange to say that the place separated by one step is like two completely different worlds. In this empty area, there are rugged rocks and no grass growing, which is in sharp contrast with the ancient red thorn road with tangled vines.

Beyond that, the scene from the sky is completely different.

The moonlight is bright and clear on this side of the Red Thorn Ancient Road, and the moonlight is like water...

But after arriving in this open area, the moonlight suddenly disappeared. Looking up, there was only an extremely huge vortex cloud slowly flowing in the sky, like a huge millstone upside down in the sky.

Lu Yu suddenly felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that above the swirling cloud was the legendary and mysterious ancient city of swirling cloud.

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