Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 935 Microscopic Mysteries

Under the huge vortex cloud, there stands a majestic mountain range. The highest peak of the mountain range is almost touching the base of the vortex cloud.

That is Longshan.

The climbing route for Lu Yu and others was to jump from the top of Long Mountain, pass through numerous tribulation clouds, and reach the interior of the ancient city of Woyun.

And in the shadow of Longshan Mountain, between the cliffs facing the center of the swirling clouds, there is a majestic city standing on the mountain, which is the Zenith City.

From where Lu Yu is standing at this time, he must pass through Zenith City to reach the top of Long Mountain, so as to gain the opportunity to jump up...


Lu Yu was observing the movement of the mountain between Zending City and Longshan Mountain when suddenly a dull thunder sounded faintly.

Looking up, I saw a blue light surging in the edge area of ​​the huge vortex cloud.

Lu Yu was slightly startled, and suddenly remembered that this must be the legendary "Fission of Clouds".

As if to verify his idea, the area where the blue light surged suddenly split open, and a cloud of calamity fell down from it.

This calamity cloud is just a corner to the entire ancient city of Woyun, but to people on the ground, it is like a towering mountain.

Even though it had fallen down, the blue light was still surging, and then fissured and decomposed again, turning into small tribulation cloud storms.

This is the "Cloud Tribulation Whirlpool" that scares the most people in the entire Cangyuan Continent, and it is also the biggest obstacle in the process of climbing to the ancient city of Woyun.

In an instant, the "Tribulation Cloud Vortex" in the sky was like a flying disk, pouring down towards Longshan Mountain below.

Boom! Boom!

The ground shook slightly as if it had undergone a violent bombardment.

Lu Yu finally understood why everything he saw was barren of grass and instead there were strange stones everywhere...

You must know that the scene he is seeing now is not a rare sight, but the norm here. It may happen ten times a day. In such a harsh environment, it is strange that grass can grow here. On the contrary, the rocks here gradually turned into a spectacle under the attack of the vortex of calamity clouds every day.

Zenith City also relied on the protection of the mountains to survive such a chaotic storm.

Boom! Boom!

The whirlpool of calamity clouds still does not stop, getting closer and closer. Wherever it passes, lightning and lightning intersect, and the rocks are cracked.

Lu Yu suddenly had a bad premonition. Judging from the trend of these vortexes of calamity clouds, it seemed that one of them would eventually come to where he was standing at this time.

Boom! Boom!

The strong wind blows in the face, flying sand and rocks, and even the rolling stones on the ground are faintly covered with blue arcs of electricity. One can imagine the power of the vortex of robbery clouds behind!

Unfortunately, there was more than one tribulation cloud vortex. Even if Lu Yu escaped this one, he would still be covered by other tribulation cloud whirlpools. Therefore, he could not avoid it, so he simply gritted his teeth and planned to fight this one head-on. Cloud swirl.

Anyway, there is no strong enemy on the side now. It is just a good time to test the power of this cloud vortex. It should be a rehearsal for the final landing!

However, what he didn't expect was that just when he mustered up all his strength and planned to catch the vortex of calamity clouds, the brilliant light in front of him suddenly disappeared.

The strong wind stopped howling, the stones stopped rolling, and there was only a rustling sound left around.


Lu Yu turned his head and looked around, only to see that the red thorn vines beside him were twisting continuously, and there were also blue arcs of electricity in them, which were transmitted to the roots and disappeared.

The originally extremely violent Tribulation Cloud whirlpool was completely swallowed up by the red thorn vines in front of me, and was dissolved into nothingness.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

This is indeed a plant that once guarded the home and courtyard of the ancient gods. It can even be swallowed by such power. No wonder the Tribulation Cloud Whirlpool has been unable to do anything to it for thousands of years, but it has become more and more vigorous.

However, the way these red thorn vines swallowed up the vortex of calamity clouds gave him a very strange feeling.

Lu Yu frowned slightly, strode up to a clump of red thorn vines, and then reached out and grabbed one of the vines.

Sure enough, the red thorn vines wrapped around them. Fortunately, Lu Yu reacted quickly and used his strength in time to break the entire vine in one fell swoop. Even so, his hand was still scratched by the sharp thorns on the vine and exposed. A wound deep enough to show the bone.

But looking at this wound, Lu Yu was not surprised but happy, with a happy smile on his face.

Just as he had guessed, these red thorn vines could ignore his protective aura.

He has always been very curious about why the Night Owl dagger can ignore the protective aura. Although he has dismantled and smelted several Night Owl daggers, and he has cracked the law of infinite shuttle teleportation, but for the Night Owl dagger How he managed to ignore the body-protecting aura was something he never knew.

This time, he finally found the source...

Obviously, the answer is hidden in the red thorn vines in front of you.

Although he didn't know what method the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult used to forge those Night Owl daggers, but it was obviously inseparable from the red thorn vines in front of him. Maybe their inspiration came from this red thorn vine. ancient road.

The vine in my hand quickly withered and rotted...

It means that once these red wattle vines are separated from their mother body, they will be of no use. It is simply impossible to use them as materials.

However, Lu Yu was not discouraged.

Recalling the process of the red thorn vines devouring the robbery cloud, he always felt that there seemed to be some kind of truth hidden in the scene just now.

Lu Yu returned to the area of ​​the Hongjing Ancient Road and suddenly flew high, overlooking the entire Hongjing Ancient Road from the air.

The vines were intertwined, criss-crossed, and chaotic... But looking at the overall situation, Lu Yu discovered a special pattern among them.

The entire Red Jing Ancient Road is actually in constant motion, going round and round.

If you pay attention to the details, this is a trajectory as complex as the stars in the sky.

"Is this... also a secret of the stars?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but look shocked.

He suddenly had a sudden enlightenment. Through the picture in front of him, he seemed to see an extremely microscopic world...

Why can swords cut flesh and blood?

From a macroscopic perspective, it is because the sword is sharp enough, but from a microscopic perspective, bones and flesh are composed of countless tiny particles. The reason why they are separated is because the tiny particles at the incision are moving very fast. The rotation created a larger and deeper wound, completely cutting off the original intact flesh and bone.

The power of rotation is the key to everything.

Because the power of rotation is fast enough, the thorns on the red thorn vines can easily break through the body's protective aura.

Also because the power of rotation is fast enough, the red thorn vines can even dissolve the huge electric charge hidden in the vortex of the robbery cloud!

When he thought of this, Lu Yu's thoughts suddenly brightened.

He hurriedly fell back to the ground and pointed towards the red thorn bush, a red lotus flower spinning at high speed bloomed from his fingertips.

This time, the red thorn vines failed to pierce his skin, but quickly withered under the strange power of his fingertips.

Not just this bush, the blight spread rapidly at an incredible speed.

In the blink of an eye, all the red thorn vines in a radius of nearly a hundred miles withered, as if they were under some inexplicable curse.

Lu Yu suddenly felt blessed.

At this moment, he understood that he had mastered the eighth secret of the stars.

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