Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 936: Counterattack

With one finger, all the red thorns in a hundred miles withered.

This kind of movement soon alerted Yang Chudie and Wei Zhihan who were not far away. Yang Chudie and Wei Zhihan rode on the Spring Conch and the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, and they rushed over in surprise.

"What's going on?" Yang Chudie asked in surprise, "What happened?"

Although she didn't know exactly what happened, she always felt that it had something to do with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu retracted his finger, scratched his head, and said, "Sorry, I made a mistake...I just said I wouldn't provoke these plants, but in the end I couldn't help it..."

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but gasp.

This undoubtedly confirmed that the scene before him was indeed caused by him.

For thousands of years, the Red Thorn Ancient Path has been causing headaches to many cultivators, but now it was destroyed by him... How on earth did he accomplish all this?

"What on earth did you do!" Yang Chudie asked in shock.

"This... Let's talk about it later on the road!" Lu Yu said, "With things like this here, it is estimated that Zenith City will soon notice it. We must leave here as soon as possible before they take precautions! "

Yang Chudie took a deep look at Lu Yu and asked, "Are you ready?"

Leaving this place means rushing all the way to the ancient city of Guoyun, with no room for buffering in the meantime.

Lu Yu had just destroyed the Red Thorn Ancient Road. Although he didn't know what method he used, such amazing power must have consumed a lot of money. Yang Chudie was worried that he had not recovered yet.

But little did she know that the act she just performed was mainly due to her enlightenment of the microscopic secrets, and the little bit of real energy consumed was not worth mentioning to Lu Yu.

"Don't worry! I have never been as well prepared as I am now!" Lu Yu said with a smile.

As he spoke, he took off the black tail of the dragon fish from his back and handed it back to Yang Chudie's hand.

Yang Chudie didn't say anything more. Without a word, she put the black tail of the dragon fish on the spring conch, and then extended an invitation to the two people next to her.

"Come up!"

Lu Yu jumped up.

Wei Zhihan also silently put away his Nine-Life Divine Coffin and climbed onto the Spring Conch. Although his Nine-Life Divine Coffin was also very magical, its power had been exhausted at this time. At this time, it was better to stay on the Spring Conch for more energy. Play it safe.

"let's go!"

Yang Chudie gave a soft drink, and suddenly the black tail of the dragon fish turned into wings and spread out, and the spring snail flew out like a sharp arrow from the string, heading straight towards the Zenith City in the shadow of Longshan Mountain.

The wind whistled, and Lu Yu stood on the jade shell with his clothes fluttering. He took out his Feihong Sword and wiped it gently.

Although the current grade of this sword is not as good as that of Die Shuangfei, after mastering the new eighth star secret, he always feels that using this sword will be more suitable.

"Guess who will greet us in front?"

Lu Yu said casually, and there was no trace of the dignity and nervousness in him on the eve of the war.

How could the two of them guess this question?

Yang Chudie glanced at him and said, "You haven't said anything yet. What happened just now?"

"Actually, it's nothing. Just when I went to explore the road, I happened to encounter the fission of the robbery cloud. The vortex of the robbery cloud came towards the Red Wattle Ancient Road. Therefore, I saw the transformation of the red thorn vines and the robbery cloud. In the scene where the whirlpools collided with each other, I suddenly felt something in my heart and comprehended a brand new secret..." Lu Yu said lightly.

Yang Chudie and Wei Zhihan couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Just by looking at the collision between the red thorn vines and the vortex of the calamity cloud, you can understand a whole new meaning. This guy is so irritating!

And judging from his action of causing the Baili Red Thorn to wither in one fell swoop, the power of this secret must be extraordinary. I don’t know what kind of secret it is...

Lu Yu continued: "Fortunately, it is night now. No one should be so bored and keep staring at the Red Thorn Ancient Road. Maybe we can catch them off guard."

"That's not possible!"

Yang Chudie said: "The other party has known for a long time that we are coming, and will definitely pay close attention to our movements. Maybe they will send someone to keep an eye on the Red Thorn Ancient Road around the clock... It's better not to be careless!"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That doesn't matter, it just allows me to try it out, what is the true power of this new secret..."

Yang Chudie looked at his high-spirited appearance, and couldn't help but feel something in her heart, and said, "Could it be that... you have understood the eighth path?"

Lu Yu smiled proudly: "It is the eighth path."

Yang Chudie immediately stopped talking.

She had heard Lu Yu mention it a long time ago. The senior Tianjian in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords once told him that there are eighteen secrets of stars in the universe. These eighteen secrets are supreme and contain the power to dominate the galaxy, and in this area In the world, only twelve of them are hidden.

When Lu Yu was in the Domain of Ten Thousand Swords, under the guidance of the senior Tianjian, he understood six of them. Based on these six new star mysteries, he completely overturned the original Star Sword Art and deduced the Dark Star Sword Art.

Then there was a fierce battle in Bright Sword City, and he understood the seventh path, making the power of the Dark Star Sword Art even more powerful...

At this moment, he understood the eighth path again, and Yang Chudie couldn't help but look forward to what changes it would bring to his sword technique.

Recalling the scene withered red thorn vines everywhere, maybe no one can stop him on the road ahead...

Wei Zhihan listened at a loss.

What is the eighth path?

What riddle are these two playing?

Isn't there some secret hidden in this?

In the blink of an eye, the Spring Conch has approached Zenith City.

Looking up at the city standing on the cliff from a close distance, I felt an astonishing sense of oppression more clearly.

Suddenly, strange rays of light bloomed on the Zenith City. As the brilliance of the formation circulated, a huge thing slowly rose from it.

It was a floating battleship.

It stretched across the sky above Zenith City, blocking the passage to the top of Longshan Mountain. Unless Lu Yu and others were willing to face the risk of the fission of the Tribulation Cloud, this floating battleship would be a hurdle they could not get around.

Now, Wei Zhihan finally no longer had to worry about guessing what the "Eighth Path" was. Looking at the floating battleship in front of him, he said in surprise: "Golden Zhe?"

Lu Yu also felt that this floating battleship looked familiar, but he had dealt with all floating battleships, and there was no one that didn't look familiar to him at all, so he turned around and asked, "Whose car is the Golden Zhe?"

"Yue Zijing!" Wei Zhihan replied in a deep voice.

Lu Yu suddenly remembered...

Yes, I did see this floating battleship when I was a guest in Biyunjian... It is said that Wei Zhihan was very unhappy with Yue Zijing at that time. No wonder he was so impressed by this battleship.

However, does the Jade Sea Immortal Sect actually intend to let only one Yue Zijing intercept him?

Although he is at the top of the Golden Sunflower Ranking and is famous among the eight major sects, after all, he only has the strength of the Guihai Realm...

Are they serious?

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