Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 939 Cross Mark

The moment the cross sword light appeared, Lu Yu knew that he had miscalculated.

All this is the other party's plan. The head lady of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has no intention of letting Yue Zijing intercept her alone. The reason why Yue Zijing is allowed to display the sky full of illusionary clones is just to locate her position. .

When he kept fighting among the shadow clones in the sky, it was like walking into a maze transformed by Yue Zijing's shadow clones. No matter how crazy he killed, the exit of the maze would eventually reach one point, and the real The ultimate move is hidden behind this "point".

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's heart like lightning.

However, at this time, he could no longer react at all.

I saw the cross sword light passing through Yue Zijing's phantom clone without any hindrance. I don't know what methods the aunt and nephew used. The phantom clone that seemed to have existed before seemed to not exist at this moment. There was no response to the cross sword light. Without causing the slightest impact, the cross sword light accurately hit Lu Yu's body and penetrated him.

Lu Yu's body remained motionless.

At this moment, he felt very strange...

Originally, he had planned to resist the cross sword light, but he didn't expect that when the cross sword light fell on him, the force was very gentle, making all the tense nerves in his body go away.

In his impression, he felt slightly dazed, and then the sword ended, as if the previous scene did not exist at all.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that the cross sword light that looked so sharp was just an illusion?

But why use illusion when there is such a good opportunity? What is she planning?

The offensive between the aunt and nephew is real and fake. What tricks are they playing?

Before he could figure it out, the Spring Conch had already flown to his feet and caught him firmly.

"How are you?" Yang Chudie asked anxiously.


Lu Yu didn't know where to start, because he hadn't figured out what the sword strike just now was about.

Yang Chudie didn't wait for Lu Yu's answer. After speaking, she raised her hand and struck out with a sword. The last shadow clone that was not affected by the cross sword light was shattered under her Hongluan sword.

Since then, all the shadow clones have been eliminated, and nothing can block the way of the Spring Conch to the top of Long Mountain.

"Let's go first!" Yang Chudie said.

As he spoke, he controlled the Spring Conch to climb rapidly and rush towards the top of Longshan Mountain.

Yue Xiujun on the side had no intention of stopping them and watched the three people leave.

It wasn't until the two sides opened a distance of nearly a hundred feet that Yue Xiujun's figure suddenly disappeared automatically. The three of them were shocked to realize that this figure was just a phantom and not the real body of the wife of the head of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but they When I passed by her just now, I didn't notice it at all.

The three of them couldn't help but feel stunned.

The methods of this pair of aunts and nephews are really too fantastic, and they are unpredictable and unpredictable. Until now, they are not sure whether the two people were personally involved in the battle just now. Arrive at the scene...

"How are your injuries?"

Yang Chudie rushed in front of Lu Yu and pulled open the skirt of Lu Yu's chest.

"I do not……"

Lu Yu was about to say that he was fine and that he didn't feel anything from the sword blow just now... But midway through his words, he suddenly froze.

I saw a bright red cross-shaped mark on the chest and heart area that was pulled apart by Yang Chudie.

"What's this?"

Wei Zhihan said in surprise.

At this time, he did not realize the seriousness of the matter. He thought that the exaggerated cross sword light just left only two shallow marks on Lu Yu's chest.

Yang Chudie seemed to feel something, and suddenly looked back down.

On the Golden Zhe below, members of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect were dead and injured, and it was still a scene of chaos.

But further away, in the open space at the foot of Longshan Mountain, floating warships have completed their jumps, and their huge bodies lie across the bottom of Longshan Mountain.

These floating battleships are well organized and formed into a semicircle shape. The formation devices on each battleship are rotating rapidly, and the colorful halos are flickering.

They are all preparing to produce colorful rays!

It goes without saying that the target of the colorful rays is the people who have almost reached the top of Long Mountain and are sitting on the Spring Conch.

Originally, at such a long distance, the chance of being hit by the colorful rays should have been very small, but the cross mark on Lu Yu's chest completely changed this.

At this time, Lu Yu also clearly felt something strange. With a slight effort, the cross mark on his chest suddenly burst into bright light. Golden silk threads appeared, following the cross mark on Lu Yu's chest, straight to the foot of the mountain. on the floating battleships.

So it's all obvious...

Obviously, Yue Xiujun's painless cross sword light just now was marking Lu Yu's position by some special means, making him firmly locked by some mysterious force and becoming the unanimous target of all floating battleships.

Looking at this scene, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but be stunned: "How could this happen... What exactly is this method?"

Yang Chudie directly drew out the Hongluan Sword and slashed towards the infinitely drawn golden threads.

However, the Hongluan Sword passed directly through the golden threads... These strange golden threads seemed to have no substance and could not be touched or cut off.

"Do you have a way to cut them off?" Yang Chudie raised his eyes and asked.

He can even crack something as unbelievable as the Xuanyang Dao Lock, so these golden threads shouldn't be a problem for him.

Lu Yu closed his eyes, silently meditated for a breath, and then said: "Yes, yes... but it's probably too late..."

He glanced at the seven floating battleships at the foot of the mountain. Judging from the frequency of the flashing colorful halos on the magic circle, there were at most ten breaths before the colorful rays would activate.

When the seven rays meet at one point, whatever it is will probably turn into ashes.

"Then what should we do now?" Wei Zhihan said blankly.

He knew that the best way was to ask Lu Yu to leave the Spring Conch as soon as possible and keep the two sides far away... But doing so would be tantamount to giving up on Lu Yu. How could Yang Chudie make such a decision?

And if Lu Yu doesn't leave and leaves alone, without the protection of the Spring Conch, even if he is affected by the residual power of the colorful rays, he will not be able to withstand it at this time. After all, these are seven rays activated at the same time!

Furthermore, there is still a strange Qi left by Lu Yu in his body, which controls his entire Zhen Yuan Jinghai. If Lu Yu dies like this, it is really hard to predict what will happen to him next.

Therefore, Wei Zhihan was really unwilling to desert alone unless he had to.

Two more breaths passed, and on the floating battleship at the foot of Longshan Mountain, the frequency of the colorful halos flashing became faster and faster.

Lu Yu looked at the two of them and said, "Do you believe me?"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him: "What nonsense are you talking about at this time?"

Wei Zhihan wanted to express his opinion, but at this time he had no other choice, so he could only acquiesce.

"Okay! Then I also decide to believe in myself for once!"

Lu Yu smiled calmly, no longer paying attention to the golden thread on his chest, or the floating battleship at the foot of the mountain. He held the flying rainbow sword and faced the huge swirling cloud above his head.

"Sister, the next step is the same as before, you don't have to pay attention to anything, just rush upward at full speed!"

Yang Chudie nodded lightly: "Okay!"

Although she didn't know exactly what Lu Yu was going to do, just looking at Lu Yu's expression at this time, she knew that she didn't need to ask too many questions and just did as she was told.

Wei Zhihan was frightened by Lu Yu's words.

What does "believe in yourself once" mean? Is it possible that you are not sure about it yourself?

"Junior Brother Lu...what exactly do you want to do?"

Lu Yu didn't look back: "If we hide in the vortex of calamity clouds before launching the offensive, do we still need to worry about their colorful rays?"

Wei Zhihan was completely stunned.

Hiding in the vortex of calamity clouds? Is this human language?

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