Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 940 The sword breaks through the calamity cloud

call out!

A stream of light poured on the deck of the Golden Crow.

Then Yue Xiujun's figure appeared.

No one could have thought that the confrontation just above Zenith City was actually completed by Yue Xiujun at the foot of the mountain dozens of miles away. Even the people of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect who witnessed this scene couldn't help but A look of shock.

"How is the situation?" Yue Xiujun shook her long hair calmly, her whole body filled with a charming aura.

Zhang Gechuan replied: "Your concealment mark is very accurate. All the battleship's main guns have been accurately targeted at Lu Yu."

Yue Xiujun smiled slightly and said: "The main reason why this mark works is because of Zijing. I am just following the trend... open the Sky Eye Formation, I want to witness this guy's death with my own eyes!"


Zhang Gechuan quickly gathered his subordinates and opened a new magic circle on the ship. Soon a picture was displayed in the magic circle. In the center of the picture was Lu Yu and others riding the Spring Conch.

From an angle, this is exactly the perspective from which one looks up in Zenith City... In fact, the foundation of this observation array was set up in Zenith City, and now they are just using the perspective in Zenith City.

On the screen of the magic circle, the cross mark on Lu Yu's chest and the golden threads were clearly marked.

"My lady's methods are really amazing!"

Suddenly, a voice of admiration came from the side.

"If I had used this method in the Golden Rooster Islands back then, I wouldn't have had to fight with Li Wangji to the point where both sides would suffer!"

It turned out that the person speaking was Lan Qianqiu, who was covered in black armor.

His identity at this time was very subtle, and his head still retained the memory of the Ice King Island Master of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, but his entire body had been completely transformed by Lord Red Moon, and his whole body was filled with the strange power of the Red Moon Demon Sect.

Therefore, he did not know whether he was now a member of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect or a member of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect... In order to avoid suspicion, he simply refused to take back the command of the Golden Crow and acted as a spectator throughout the process.

Yue Xiujun glanced at him and said: "Master Lan, I'm sorry that for the sake of the overall situation, I can only let you watch the show here, and I can't let you take revenge with your own hands."

Lan Qianqiu said: "Madam, it is still too early to say this now. I have dealt with this son many times and know how difficult he is... My experience is that it is best not to leave until the last moment. It’s easy to draw conclusions.”

Yue Xiujun suddenly raised his eyebrows: "What? Does Master Lan think he still has a chance to escape? The hidden killing mark I left on my body is an innate secret method inherited from ancient times. It was Tailing ancestor who came in person. Don’t even think that it can be easily cracked... Does Blue Island Master think he has any other means to escape? "

Lan Qianqiu shook his head: "I don't know...but at least they haven't given up resistance yet, right?"

Yue Xiujun hummed slightly and turned around: "I want to see who else can come to rescue him today!"

Soon, the scene in the magic circle changed...

The Spring Conch suddenly accelerated, and the Sky Eye Formation was almost unable to focus on Lu Yu and others.

Zhang Gechuan was startled and frowned: "There seems to be something wrong..."

Yue Xiujun's eyes were slightly condensed, and her gaze was cold: "It's just a desperate struggle... How long will it take before the rainbow ray can be activated?"

Zhang Gechuan glanced at the brewing main gun array around him and replied: "It's almost there, no more than five breaths at most... four, three, two..."

As he spoke, he counted down.

However, just when he counted "two", Lu Yu and others on the screen had already rushed out of the top of Longshan Mountain and faced the huge swirling cloud in the sky.

Suddenly, bursts of thunder flashed, and the sky suddenly turned blue.

This is the reason why everyone has been hiding in the shade of the mountain, because it is too close to the huge vortex cloud above. Once it is out of the scope of the mountain and without the protection of Longshan, it will directly trigger the vortex cloud. , triggering fission...

Countless vortexes of calamity clouds are about to erupt.

This is also the most difficult step to climb to the ancient city of Guoyun, especially in this part of Longshan Mountain, where the fission of the calamity cloud is particularly violent.

"What are they going to do!"

Zhang Gechuan couldn't help but screamed, forgetting to continue counting down: "Did they plan to use the Tribulation Cloud Vortex to avoid the rainbow rays?"

"Naive!" Yue Xiujun said with a sneer, his eyes never blinking, "Even if the Tribulation Cloud Whirlpool can be used, they will be too late!"

As her words fell, a brilliant rainbow light shone in the sky, and seven rays shot out at the same time.

And on the top of Longshan Mountain, patches of vortexes of calamity clouds also descended.

According to the normal climbing steps, Lu Yu and others had to dodge among the numerous vortexes of calamity clouds and pass through the gaps in them, so that they could safely reach the top of the ancient city of Woyun... But now, as Yue Xiujun said, they There is no such time to deal with it.

However, Lu Yu and others never thought about "dealing with".

They rushed straight towards the vortex of calamity clouds in front of them.

Just before the rainbow ray was about to hit his body, Lu Yu stood proudly on top of the jade shell and suddenly slashed forward with his sword.

This sword seems to have some indescribable and mysterious power!

The vortex of the calamity cloud in front of them suddenly split open, and the three people on the Spring Conch passed through the gap that suddenly appeared. Their bodies flashed away, avoiding the colorful rays behind them by a hair's breadth.

Yue Xiujun raised his head in shock.

She could no longer believe the images on the Heavenly Eye Formation, and wanted to use her own eyes to see what was going on...

However, all she could see was the colorful rays hitting the vortex of the Tribulation Cloud.

The two huge forces collided together, causing violent shocks, and even Longshan shook violently.

But Lu Yu and others have disappeared.

However, this does not mean that Lu Yu has been buried in the whirlpool of the calamity cloud, because she can still sense the existence of the hidden killing mark, and the golden threads are still pulling the floating warships at the foot of the mountain.

This undoubtedly fully proves the fact that Lu Yu is still alive. He did use some mysterious power to break through the vortex of calamity clouds and hide behind the vortex of calamity clouds...

Yue Xiujun couldn't help but have a look of astonishment on her face. Such a result was unexpected by her, and she couldn't say a word at all.

Others around him were also shocked and couldn't believe that there was such a person in the world.

With one sword, he actually cut through the vortex of Tribulation Cloud... This simply peaked people's understanding of the ancient city of Wuyun!

"I think it's time to move on to the next stage of planning..."

In the end, it was Lan Qianji who broke the peace on the ship.

He didn't say anything sinister. He suddenly stood up and waved his hand behind him.

Immediately, the ten moon demon warriors behind him, who were covered in black armor like him, all stood up, grabbed the alien Pegasus beside them, whipped their horses and whips, and flew into the trembling sky. Not afraid of the violent energy raging all over the sky...

In place, only the people who looked at a loss were left.

And in a more distant place, among the withered red thorn ancient roads.

Liang Chuanyu looked at the scene in the distance and quietly released the hilt of the Tianming Sword.

"Could it be...isn't it true that Ancestor Yunxiao did it secretly?"

He muttered, shaking his head slightly.

Then, the figure gradually dimmed, merged with the Tianming Sword, and turned into a wisp of green smoke, rising into the huge vortex cloud in the sky.

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