Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 942 Red Lotus Totem

The breeze blows gently and the lake surface sparkles.

The delicate red lotuses are swaying in the lake water.

And if you look carefully, you will find that these red lotuses do not grow from the lake, but are condensed and condensed into light and shadow by a strange force.

The red lotuses are spinning endlessly, forming a strange formation in the lake. They are intertwined with each other and have an indescribable and wonderful rhythm.

"What are you doing?"

Suddenly, Yang Chudie's voice came over.

The blossoming red lotus suddenly stopped spinning and disappeared into the invisible.

Lu Yu also withdrew his gesture. It turned out that these red lotus formations were actually the scene caused by the release of true energy from his body.

"Sister Die, are you back?" he said happily.

Yang Chudie suddenly blushed and hurriedly turned her head to look around.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Don't look, there is no one else here, Old Wei's camp is far away from here... not to mention there is a shielding barrier around here. Even if he is nearby, there is no way he can hear what we say!"

Since the strength of the three of them is extraordinary, including Ye Weilan, there are actually four strong men gathered here. If they all absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth at the same time, it is likely to cause a lack of spiritual energy. Therefore, although the four people have The camps are all set up on this tidal flat, but there is still a certain distance between them.

For example, Yang Chudie simply ran to the center of the lake. Firstly, he did not compete with Lu Yu and Wei Zhihan for spiritual energy resources. Secondly, he could take advantage of the situation and let the exhausted Spring Snails replenish the power of the tide in the lake. Although this lake The tide is obviously not as good as the ocean tide, but no matter how much it is, it is better than nothing.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but glared at Lu Yu and said, "Has the mark left by the Red Embroidered Girl on you been erased? Why are you so interested in playing with water here?"

Lu Yu showed a speechless expression: "What is the mark left by the red embroidered girl to me? Why does this sound so sour?"

"Anyway, you understand what I mean..."

Lu Yu didn't say anything, but suddenly opened his clothes, revealing his naked and well-proportioned upper body.

Yang Chudie was so frightened that she quickly covered her eyes: "You are going to die! Why are you taking off your clothes suddenly when I'm talking to you?"

Lu Yu grinned: "Why are you so embarrassed? It's not like I've never seen him before... I'm taking off my clothes to prove my innocence, to prove that I'm sincere to you and I don't hide anything."

"Fuck you! Put your clothes on quickly..."

While Yang Chudie was talking, she couldn't help but look along her fingers. She saw that Lu Yu's chest was already smooth, and the previous cross mark had long disappeared.


Lu Yu walked up to Yang Chudie, grabbed her hands, took them off her face, and said: "Seriously, I actually took off my clothes for a purpose... To erase the cross mark this time, I There are also some unexpected gains..."

As he spoke, he suddenly activated the true energy in his body.

As the true energy roared, veins sprouted from his body. Under the guidance of the true energy, the lines of the veins began to move slowly, and finally converged into a totem of a blooming lotus on the surface of his body.

Yang Chudie couldn't help but be surprised.

However, the vision did not stop. After the totem of the blooming lotus appeared, the true energy continued to surge, and finally poured out from Lu Yu's fingertips, fell into the lake, and turned into blooming red lotuses.

And this scene was exactly what Yang Chudie saw when he came here just now.

" going on?" Yang Chudie asked in surprise.

"Don't ask me, I can't tell..." Lu Yu shrugged, "It was only when I erased the mark that I discovered that the power of the red lotus in my body had the ability to freely evolve into a totem."

"Is it caused by Yue Xiujun's methods?"

"Probably not, it just happened to trigger the potential because of this..."

"Then... does this totem of red lotus in full bloom have any effect?" Yang Chudie asked again.

Lu Yu suddenly laughed: "The red lotus is born from water. I was trying it just now. I haven't discovered other functions yet. But once the power of these red lotuses is combined with the lake water here, the healing effect will be even more outstanding." …”

"It just so happens that you are here, otherwise I will go over to find you soon. We can just let Lan Mei give it a try. Maybe her injury can be recovered quickly!"

Ye Weilan has been sleeping in the cave space of the Spring Conch. Lu Yu had no time to take care of her because he wanted to erase the mark, so Yang Chudie has always been responsible for taking care of her.

When Yang Chudie heard the words, he immediately took out the Spring Conch, reached out and pressed lightly on the jasper shell. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and Ye Weilan's body was slowly spit out from the mouth of the conch.

After Lu Yu's previous treatment, the wounds on her body had gradually healed, and she was sleeping peacefully. Even after being forcibly moved like this, she still did not wake up.

Yang Chudie held Ye Weilan's charming body with both hands and asked, "What should I do?"

Lu Yu said: "Take off her clothes first..."

Yang Chudie stared at him: "What do you want to do?"

Lu Yu couldn't laugh or cry: "Of course I'm helping her heal her injuries, what else can I do... Hey, what do you think of me? Am I that hungry... Even if I am really thirsty, you will be the one to relieve my anger. What do you want to write about Weilan at this time?"

"You big-headed devil!"

Yang Chudie's face was red, but she didn't question it anymore. She took off Ye Weilan's clothes as he said, and then put him into the cold lake water according to Lu Yu's instructions.

"What's next?" Yang Chudie asked again.

"You step back first!"

After Lu Yu finished speaking, he also walked into the lake and came to Ye Weilan.

As the true essence was stimulated, the totem of the blooming red lotus appeared on his body again, and then the red lotus continued to bloom, spreading from his body to the water, and then from the water to Ye Weilan's body.

In the end, a red lotus totem exactly the same as Lu Yu's appeared on Ye Weilan's beautiful body.

Flowers bloom and fall, lotus flowers are formed, and the two are closely combined in this magical way.

At this time, the two of them were full of a wonderful beauty, which made Yang Chudie on the side look a little crazy...

It's unknown how much time has passed, and the red lotus has bloomed and withered for several rounds.

Finally, Ye Weilan, who was wrapped in red lotus, sighed and woke up slowly.

"Where is this?"

She realized that she was not wearing any clothes and was confused. At the same time, she saw Yang Chudie and Lu Yu, the two closest people, standing beside her. She did not dare to ask more questions, and the expressions on her faces were very cute.

"We have already reached the sky..."

Lu Yu smiled lightly and took back the power of the red lotus.

Since Ye Weilan's injuries have recovered, the next stage of the plan can be carried out.

It is also time to plan and notify the Emperor Haoyan of the Seventh Heaven to come to a carnival party!

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