Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 943 Ancient Rumors

A beautiful figure flew across the lake, and the strong wind stirred up a clear water line on the lake.

The figure suddenly rose upwards, and the water immediately surged up, following behind the beautiful figure, turning into a phoenix soaring into the sky.

Then, one person and one phoenix danced wildly in the air, while the lake below gradually turned into a huge whirlpool, which looked spectacular.

Lu Yu stood on the tidal flat by the lake and watched this scene quietly, feeling quite pleased in his heart.

"Miss Ye has fully recovered?"

Suddenly, a surprised voice came.

Lu Yu turned around and looked, but it was Wei Zhihan walking over.

Apparently Ye Weilan's vigorous performance on the lake disturbed him.

"I'm not sure either, so isn't this being tested..." Lu Yu replied, "However, it seems there should be no problem now."


Wei Zhihan said with a shocked face: "Miss Ye has completely recovered in just two days since she was injured in Baixiang City. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it..."

He looked like he was hesitating to speak, and almost wrote "what method did you use" directly on his face.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said: "I feel a little ashamed of Brother Wei. In the past two days, I have been focusing on Weilan's side and ignored the situation on Brother Wei's side. I don't know how well your injury will recover. how's it going?"

Wei Zhihan said: "Thank you, Junior Brother Lu, for your concern... My injury is not as serious as Miss Ye's. Your magical elixir is enough to treat me. Now I'm almost healed."

"That's good, then I'll feel relieved."

After a pause, Lu Yu continued: "It is the first time for Ye Weilan and I to come to this ancient city of Guoyun. Although my aunt has been here several times before, it was a long time ago. Besides, she was here at that time. I have not entered the Golden Core Realm, and the areas I have explored are very limited..."

"Brother Wei is the only one who has personally arrived at Tianhuan Palace where the mysterious powerful man is. You can be considered a wise old horse. We must rely on your guidance to accurately find that location... Therefore, Brother Wei is very important to us. He is a very important person, so you must take care of yourself!"

Wei Zhihan suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

On the surface, Lu Yu's words were about caring about himself and highlighting his importance, but if you think about it for a moment, you can hear the meaning of beating in it.

Although concern is genuine concern, there is also a stern warning in it.

"Junior brother Lu, don't worry. I also hope to be able to regain my freedom as soon as possible... Besides, I know the seriousness of the matter. Even if I don't look at other people's faces, I can't help but look at your face. I can't look at the face of Ancestor Yunxiao, right? ?”

Lu Yu said: "Brother Wei can understand things so well, that would be the best..."

"Don't worry, I, Lu Yu, always keep my word. As long as you help us complete this matter, I will definitely return your freedom and remove all the restrictions in your body without leaving any trace behind..."

"At that time, whether you stay in the Dali Sword Sect and continue to be a true disciple, or go back and be your Crown Prince of Wei, that is your freedom."

Wei Zhihan lowered his head: "Thank you, Junior Brother Lu."

"Very good, let's talk about that mysterious strong man..."

Lu Yu said: "According to your statement, the location of the mysterious powerful man is in the Tianheng Palace in the central area of ​​the Guoyun Ancient City. However, my aunt has studied all the ancient documents and ancient books related to the Guoyun Ancient City and has not been able to find it. The descriptions related to it cannot complete this part of the map. What is going on? "

As he spoke, Lu Yu kept waving his hands, and a map appeared in the void.

This is exactly the map that Yang Chudie worked hard a few days ago to deduce after collecting information from all parties. Nearly two-thirds of it has been completed, but the remaining one-third of the area is in a blur. state.

"This is normal. The center of Guoyun Ancient City is the most mysterious area. Moreover, there are many shields around the Tianhuan Palace. Various blinding magic circles emerge in endlessly. If you don't know the secret, you won't know it at all. I know where there is a palace." Wei Zhihan replied.

Lu Yu frowned and said: "Then what kind of place is this Tianhuan Palace? Is it a relic from ancient times, or is it a newly built palace by the mysterious strong man? In addition, with the cultivation of the mysterious strong Tiangang realm, Why does he keep hiding there, and what is his purpose?”

Wei Zhihan smiled bitterly and said: "Junior Brother Lu thinks too highly of me... Although I have been to that palace once, it is like an ant crawling on the shoulders of a giant. All I can see are a few cold hairs on the giant's body. That’s it, how can I know the complete picture of the giant? I can’t answer any of your questions..."

"However, regarding the origin of Tianhuan Palace, I once heard Shi Zhiquan talk about it once... According to him, Tianhuan Palace was not originally called Tianhuan Palace, but should be called Lingxiao Palace. Later, the mysterious powerful The author felt that the name did not sound good, so he changed it to Tianhuan Palace."

"Lingxiao Palace?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled: "Is it the Lingxiao Palace in many ancient legends?"

In ancient legends, there is a Lingxiao Palace, which is said to be the place where the ancient god kings controlled many immortal officials and generals. It has many legendary colors.

The names of these two places differ only by one word. Could they be the same place?

Wei Zhihan said: "Lingxiao Palace and Lingxiao Palace, I don't know if they refer to the same place... But from what Shi Zhiquan said, at least we can know that today's Tianhuan Palace, There is a high probability that it was renovated on the basis of an ancient ruins. As for the purpose of his renovation and what secrets this place holds, we cannot speculate..."

"However, these should have little to do with our rescue of Jade Butterfly..."

Lu Yu was silent for a while.

Wei Zhihan didn't know his specific plan, so he didn't think it had much to do with it. However, if you consider that he decided to introduce a powerful person like Emperor Haoyan to disrupt the situation in Wuyun Ancient City in order to fish in troubled waters, then it does have a lot to do with it. Got it!

Seeing Lu Yu lost in thought, Wei Zhihan continued:

"To be honest, instead of thinking about the stories behind these, the numerous restrictions inside and outside Tianhuan Palace give me more headaches... I have witnessed the power of that restriction with my own eyes. It is not only extremely hidden, but also can cause people to be killed if they are not careful. Shattered to pieces!”

"I only know the approximate location of Tianhuan Palace. Until now, I haven't figured out how to guide you in... Even if you successfully enter, how to find the place where Master Yudie is imprisoned... "

"It's okay, you don't need to worry about these problems." Lu Yu suddenly said: "Because we will find a helper to solve these problems..."

Wei Zhihan was startled, looked at Lu Yu in surprise, lowered his voice and said, "Is Ancestor Yunxiao about to take action?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "It may not be just a helper, maybe it will be a group of people."


Wei Zhihan was immediately shocked.

There are only three Tiangang ancestors in the Dali Sword Sect. Where can they find a group of helpers?

Could it be that Patriarch Yunxiao has developed a large number of connections in the Nine Heavens?

"Tianhuan Palace, or Lingxiao Palace... is the legendary Lingxiao Palace!" Lu Yu suddenly said decisively.

Wei Zhihan was dumbfounded for a while, and couldn't help but couldn't keep up with Lu Yu's thoughts... Why did the issue of helpers suddenly come to the Lingxiao Palace?

"Moreover, in the Lingxiao Palace, there is also a hidden artifact left over from ancient times, the Xuanyuan Sword!" Lu Yu continued to say seriously.

Wei Zhihan was startled, his eyes filled with astonishment: "Is this serious?"

Could it be that...this is all the information revealed by the ancestor of Yunxiao?

Lu Yu's expression relaxed, and a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If not, how could we attract a group of helpers?"

Wei Zhihan was speechless and completely speechless.

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