Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 944 Starlight Formation

Wei Zhihan was speechless for a long time.

He didn't expect Lu Yu to be so bold. He wanted to deceive a group of strong men in the ninth level of heaven with only a mere return to the sea realm. This was simply audacious.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, he had to admit that Lu Yu's plan was bold, and maybe he might actually succeed.

After all, he has the support of Ancestor Yunxiao behind him. If Ancestor Yunxiao supports him, he can really make this false rumor true...

But such a bold move still made Wei Zhihan's heart pound.

You know, these are all powerful men in the Tiangang Realm, and their actions will be completely uncontrollable. If anything goes wrong, even a sneeze from these big shots will be enough to shatter them to pieces.

In fact, Wei Zhihan didn't know Lu Yu's true plan...if he knew that this whole plan had nothing to do with the Yunxiao Ancestor, but that Lu Yu wanted to use some special means to deceive the Emperor Haoyan, who dominated the seventh heaven. , I'm afraid he will be even more shocked that his jaw will drop.



At this time, the tide in the lake was still rushing. The sound of the waves lapping against each other brought Wei Zhihan back to his senses. Only then did he realize that Ye Weilan had been staying in the lake for too long. Is it just a "test"?

"What is Miss Ye doing...hasn't it been tested yet?" Wei Zhihan asked.

Lu Yu said with a smile: "The test is good, but what she is doing now is not just a test... You also know that my sister-in-law's Spring Conch can store the power of the ocean tide. It was used in White Elephant City and the Golden Jie. At that time, after repeated displays, it has been completely consumed. Now this is just to replenish the power of the sea tide for the Spring Conch. "

"Using human power to create a wave?" Wei Zhihan asked in surprise.

Lu Yu looked at the whirlpool of the lake in front of him and said, "Isn't this scene in front of me incomparable to the power of ordinary ocean tides? This is also due to the special terrain here. The water in the lake is inexhaustible and endless. Only in this way can the conch of spring accumulate here..."

"You see, the Spring Conch has been loaded for so long, and the water level in the lake has not decreased by half. This is truly the place where the ancient gods live. It is really wonderful..."

"Just now I saw a lot of Yunzhen shells in the lake. This kind of precious material that is extremely rare in the outside world can be seen everywhere here. It's a pity that this kind of shellfish is extremely difficult to catch, and we don't have enough time, otherwise we won't be able to catch it all These Yunzhen shells are a big gain..."

Wei Zhihan nodded and said: "As long as you are strong enough, the ancient city of Guoyun is indeed full of treasures. Otherwise, it would not attract so many cultivators every year and cross the tribulation cloud regardless of the danger."

"It's a pity. It would be great if my Nine-Life Divine Coffin could replenish its divine power as easily as Master Chudie's Spring Conch..."

Lu Yu asked curiously: "How can Brother Wei's Nine-Life Divine Coffin replenish its divine power?"

Wei Zhihan directly took out the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, placed it in front of Lu Yu, and lifted up the coffin board.

I saw a strange pattern carved on the bottom of the inside of the coffin. The dots and lines in the pattern were connected, full of a strange charm.

Lu Yu could tell at a glance that what was shown between the dots and lines was a starry sky scene, but it was not any starry sky that he was familiar with. In other words, the pattern on the bottom of the coffin was pointing to something very special. It may be an unknown mysterious constellation...

And Wei Zhihan's next words immediately proved this point...

"Every night at midnight, open this coffin and place it under the starry sky. It will float and locate a star in the starry sky, and then automatically accumulate divine power." Wei Zhihan said.

"In other words, this object actually relies on absorbing starlight to replenish its divine power..." Lu Yu said slowly.

Wei Zhihan nodded and said: "Junior brother Lu is indeed a great expert in stars. Yes, that's right! Not only are the conditions for replenishing divine power very strict, but it also takes a long time every time... After arriving at Guoyun Ancient City, this place has Looking up, I can only see swirling clouds all over the sky, and there is no starlight anywhere, so there is no way to add anything.”

Lu Yu looked up at the sky and said, "That's not necessarily true. Although the landform here is strange, there is still an alternation between day and night... As long as there is an alternation between day and night, it means that the sun, moon and stars are changing, but they are hidden in the vortex. We can’t see behind the clouds, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.”

Wei Zhihan said in surprise: "Are you saying that the power of the stars can still affect this place?"

Lu Yu said: "The power of stars is everywhere, and it is far more powerful than you imagine! The reason why people cannot detect it is just because they are too small and ignorant."

After a pause, he continued: "As for how to quickly replenish the divine power of Brother Wei's treasure, I have a way to try..."

Wei Zhihan's eyes suddenly lit up, he bowed deeply and said, "I beg Junior Brother Lu for some advice."

Lu Yu smiled faintly and asked, "I wonder if Brother Wei has ever been to the Oracle King's Court and seen the ancient ruins outside the Oracle Temple?"

Wei Zhihan was startled: "In the past, I traveled around the world, and I did go to the Oracle King's Court, and I also saw the ruins that were regarded as holy places by the Pei family... But I had only a limited knowledge back then, and I was just looking around. I just looked at it once and didn’t study it in depth. I wonder what’s so special about that ruins?”

Lu Yu replied: "The ruins over there are actually a magic circle that gathers extraterrestrial starlight. When I visited there, I accidentally touched it and suddenly activated the magic circle, which attracted extraterrestrial starlight. A huge change has occurred on the Oracle Continent. Brother Wei must have heard about it, right?"

Wei Zhihan couldn't help being stunned.

He knew that Lu Yu once caused some trouble in the Oracle Continent and was hunted down by the Ice Emperor Island Lord. This incident eventually caused a complete break between the Dali Sword Sect and the Jade Sea Immortal Sect.

He also knew that the divine light came to the world a few years ago, causing all the beasts in the Oracle Continent to roar together, and finally gave birth to a super divine beast...

But he didn't know that there was actually a connection between the two, and that both were caused by Lu Yu.

"I've heard about it, but I didn't expect that this matter was also Junior Brother Lu's method..."

"It's just a mistake..."

Lu Yu smiled and waved his hand.

"The starlight gathered by the ruins array at that time was used to evolve spiritual beasts. Naturally, we don't have to copy it in its entirety, but its method of gathering starlight is worth learning from..."

"If we can use the gathered starlight to replenish the power of Brother Wei's nine-life coffin, it may not take a long time. Maybe it is not impossible to complete it in one or two nights."

Wei Zhihan was shocked: "Is this... really possible?"

"Try it, there's no harm in trying anyway..."

Lu Yu smiled.

"However, it's not possible for now. We have been here for so long. It's time to move, otherwise there will be pursuers following us."

"Let's talk about it in a few days. By the time we get to the second camp, we will be making arrangements to contact the 'helpers', and we will be able to arrange this as well!"

Not long after, the Spring Snail finally completed its accumulation.

The four set sail again and embarked on the road to find the "second camp".

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