Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 945 The swirling cloud

Due to the inversion of the five elements, there is no distinction between southeast, northwest and northwest in Guoyun Ancient City.

However, this does not trouble the majority of practitioners. After years of exploration, people have summarized many ways to identify the direction in the ancient city of Wuyun. The most simple and practical one is to locate through the vortex clouds above the head.

First of all, the center point of Wuyun is definitely fixed, and the direction it corresponds to is the central area of ​​the ancient city of Wuyun. Just like when Wei Zhihan came to run errands before, he kept heading towards the center of the swirling clouds and naturally found Tianhuan Palace.

Secondly, people also found that when day and night alternate every day, the circulation trajectory of the vortex cloud above will start again and again. Using this characteristic, the entire vortex cloud can be divided into several areas, which correspond to the positions of the I Ching hexagrams one by one, so as to achieve a certain The purpose of orientation.

However, this also has an obvious disadvantage, that is, you must wait for a day and night to observe the celestial phenomena before you can match the hexagram positions with the swirling clouds one by one. Otherwise, inaccurate hexagrams will only lead you astray.

This is also the reason why Lu Yu and others stayed on the tidal flat for so long.

For one thing, the vortex clouds in the sky have been rotating. Even if they cross from the top of Longshan Mountain, they cannot fall into the same position. Moreover, the distance between them may be very different due to the different order of entry.

Secondly, no matter who enters the ancient city of Guoyun for the first time, they must go through a day and night observation to determine their position, otherwise they will be completely blind.

As for other positioning methods, they are often more complicated than this, and they all have certain limitations.

At this time, Lu Yu and others had stayed by the lake for two days and nights, and had already completed their orientation, so they could leave calmly.

"In addition to dividing the vortex cloud scene in the sky one by one using the sixty-four hexagrams, it can actually be divided into three major areas based on the distance from the center point..."

On the Spring Conch, Yang Chudie introduced it to everyone while looking at the scenery below.

Of course, the main targets of the introduction are Lu Yu and Ye Weilan, two newbies who came here for the first time. Old horses like Wei Zhihan, who know their way around, are already familiar with these common sense.

"The first part is the outer rotation area. In this area, the vortex clouds in the sky rotate more slowly, and it is relatively safer. At the same time, when we enter this ancient city from the Tribulation Cloud, no matter which point we choose to enter, In the end, they all fall into the area of ​​the outer spin circle..."

"The second part is the internal rotation area. In this area, the vortex clouds are rushing and even affect the ground. Therefore, in this part of the area, it is very dangerous both in the sky and on the ground. After entering this area, we Then I can no longer continue flying in the air, and I can only choose to move forward on foot..."

"The third part is the vortex center area. The state of the vortex clouds in this area cannot be described in words, because it is not a normal state at all, but is in a form that changes at any time... Correspondingly, This part is also the most dangerous area. Except for a few well-known strong men in the world, few people set foot in this part of the area..."

Speaking of this, Yang Chudie suddenly paused and glanced at Wei Zhihan next to him.

"Xiao Wei was able to go to Tianhuan Palace safely and unharmed. I guess there must be some special method, right?"

Wei Zhihan nodded and said: "There is a special entrance circle in Tianhuan Palace. I thought it was a safe passage. I thought I had Shi Zhiquan's token, so I went in easily... Otherwise, maybe I would have to lie in the coffin. You have to go inside..."

Ye Weilan raised his head and looked at the swirling clouds in the sky, and asked: "Since no matter where we choose to land from, the final landing point is the outer rotation zone, does that mean that when we go back, we have to start from the outer rotation area?" Going back to the area?”

"Yes, so, even if we successfully rescue Yudie this time, we still have to find a way to leave Tianhuan Palace and retreat to the outer rotation area before we can leave here smoothly." Yang Chudie replied.

"What would happen if we did not evacuate from the outer rotation area, but from the inner rotation circle or the center of the vortex?" Ye Weilan asked again.

"Then I don't know..." Yang Chudie said, "It's not like no one has tried this method. Anyway, so far, those people have never come back..."

"In that case, let's forget it..." Ye Weilan stuck out her tongue cutely, "Let's just stick to the outside rotation zone!"

Yang Chudie suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked Lu Yu: "How will we leave Tianhuan Palace then?"

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "I haven't thought about it yet. Let's take it one step at a time. Save people first... maybe the battle will start by then. After a flurry of excitement, no one from all the powerful parties can hold back. If he died an unexpected death, there is no guarantee that we would be able to leave boldly at that time..."

Yang Chudie couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "Are you still awake from your dream? Not to mention that the mysterious strong man had the Wuya Seventh Ancestor, even the Wuya Seventh Ancestor also died along with them, just the ones under their command Those disciples and descendants cannot let us leave safely..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "People always have to think in the right direction! Before I think of a specific solution, I always maintain the best expectations... Otherwise, we don't want to just think about the difficulties we will face this time. If I try to save anyone, I'll just hit him to death."

Ye Weilan thought thoughtfully: "Can't we use the teleportation circle to leave like we did in White Elephant City before?"

When Lu Yu heard this, he couldn't help but flick her on the forehead and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to be more optimistic than me... You don't even think about it. You can't even send a message here, let alone how many more people have to be sent." A big living person?”

"Ouch! It hurts!"

Ye Weilan covered her head and shouted with aggrieved face: "I don't understand these things. Just talk to me. Why do you do anything... Sister Die, your apprentice is bullying me!"

Yang Chudie quickly looked at the sky, pretending not to see or hear anything... but in her heart, she wished she could flick it on her forehead.

This little goblin really doesn't care about the occasion. Even though there is an outsider nearby, she acts like a coquettish person... In this way, doesn't the relationship between the three of them be exposed?

After a while, Ye Weilan suddenly remembered something and asked again: "Since the inner rotation area of ​​​​Wuoyun Ancient City is full of dangers, how can we distinguish it? If we keep flying in the air like this, will we directly fall into the air? Hit it inside?"

Yang Chudie smiled lightly: "You will know then."

Not long after she finished speaking, suddenly wind and thunder surged ahead, and it started pouring rain.

After the Spring Conch penetrated into the rain, it instantly became swaying and fell to the ground not long after.

At this moment, Ye Weilan suddenly understood that they had entered the internal rotation zone.

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