Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 946 Eternal City

The four of them quickly passed through the area of ​​heavy rain.

It turns out that the rain is only distributed in the intersection area of ​​external rotation and internal rotation. It is formed due to the difference in the rotation speed of the vortex clouds in the air. Therefore, this rain has also become a clear boundary between the internal rotation area and the external rotation area.

After entering the inner rotation area, the scene is completely different from the previous outer rotation area. There are no longer lakes and mountains here, but ruins and broken walls everywhere, accompanied by overgrown weeds, like a building that has been destroyed in the war. city ​​of years.

Everywhere you look, there are scenes like this, which shows how majestic and prosperous the city must have been back then.

"I think the reason why this place is called Guoyun Ancient City is probably because of the scene in front of us!"

Lu Yu said with infinite emotion while using his kung fu to evaporate the rainwater from his body.

"The entire inner rotation area is like this. This shows that the scale of this city occupies at least one-third of the continent. This is almost equal to the territory of our entire Dali Sword Sect territory. It is really hard to imagine that it was What a scene it would have been like before the great changes happened!”

Wei Zhihan continued: "That's why some people say that the prosperity of the ancient ancestors' world was far more prosperous than today's. Even though it has been lost for hundreds of thousands of years, it still left many touching legends in the world. This is proof... …Now, even with the combined strength of the eight major sects, it is impossible to build such a majestic city!”

Lu Yu said: "The world of the ancient ancestors is indeed extremely prosperous, but I don't agree that even the eight major sects cannot build such a city..."

"Looking at the current dojos of the major sects, they are all huge in scale, taking over the creation of the world, and possessing the power to create the world...especially the floating battleship of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, how ingenious is it? This shows that at least in terms of ability, The eight major sects are no less inferior to our ancient ancestors, and there is no need for us to belittle ourselves in this regard.”

"The reason why urban communities of this scale have not appeared under the rule of the eight major sects after tens of thousands of years of development is not because it is impossible. The main reason is that there is no demand..."

"A city of this size can only be formed if all the eight major sects and the vassal forces under their rule are brought together. But what kind of powerful regime should it be that can bring all the eight major sects together? According to the current situation The situation forced everyone to come together and beat them to death! "

Wei Zhihan said: "Junior Brother Lu is really wise! When you said this, I couldn't help but become curious. I wonder what the reasons were for these ancient ancestors to build such a magnificent city. Is it just to show the world to the world? Show off their strength?"

"But it is said that in the original world, only Cangyuan Continent had civilization. The rest of the worlds were just barbaric. Who are they showing off to?"

Lu Yu sighed: "As time passes and the years change, we may never find the answers to Brother Wei's questions..."

The four people kept walking through it.

In this ancient land, the most dangerous thing is not the ferocious beasts or mutated plants, but the ubiquitous "power of dark thunder".

This is a kind of strange energy that hangs down from the vortex clouds in the sky. It is not known where it is hidden, nor how long it has been hidden. After tens of thousands of years, some places have even accumulated for tens of thousands of years without making a sound. There are hundreds of "hidden thunders". If you step into them rashly, you may be blown to pieces immediately.

Therefore, when walking in this area, everyone must abide by two principles. One is to insist on exploring the path and must confirm that it is safe before moving forward; the other is to never touch anything unknown at will.

These two items are not difficult for people from all over the world.

Especially the insistence on exploring the path was not a problem at all in front of Lu Yu's exquisite puppetry. All the hidden mines along the way were eliminated by him with his puppetry.

Moreover, he exaggeratedly sent out a dozen puppets at the same time, scattered in all directions, combing the area like a broom.

"Why do you want to send so many puppets at once?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but ask curiously, "We don't run around, even if it is to confuse the chasing troops behind, it is of little use... You Isn’t it a waste of one’s true energy to explore such a large area?”

Lu Yu glanced at her: "You might as well guess... If you guess it, I'll give you a reward!"

Ye Weilan suddenly blushed slightly, and couldn't help but think of the messy rewards Lu Yu had received before, such as a kiss and a hug. What made people blush even more was that he also talked about what happened between the bed and the bed. Success is a reward...

Ye Weilan couldn't help but spit and said: "If you don't talk about knocking me down, who cares about your reward!"

Yang Chudie on the side said thoughtfully: "He is leaving a 'route' for us! After arriving at Tianhuan Palace, if the situation is unfavorable, we may have to return along this road... …”

Lu Yu said with a smile: "What Senior Sister said is true! No one can say what will happen then. Maybe we will be forced to escape by then. I am exploring a wider area now, and then we will be able to escape." It can be safer... Although there will still be hidden mines falling down again after we pass through, the road we just cleared is better than wandering around! "

Ye Weilan suddenly realized it and couldn't help but nodded secretly.

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly came over and whispered in her ear: "The reward is your sister Die!"

Ye Weilan was ashamed and angry, and gave him a hard look.

After walking for a while, Ye Weilan suddenly exclaimed: "Ah! What is that?"

Among the four, she has the best eyesight, so she is the first to notice any strange sights in the distance.

Everyone followed her gaze and could only vaguely see a few vague shadows towering into the sky, which looked like several stone pillars.

Lu Yu unfolded the map, compared it with the swirling clouds in the sky, verified the two facts, and then said: "It should be Nan Doumen, which is the original form of Nan Tianmen often mentioned in myths and legends..."

Ye Weilan was speechless: "Is such a big guy just a door?"

As the saying goes, Wangshan is a race to death. After walking for another two hours, everyone finally arrived in front of Nandoumen.

At this time, the four towering stone pillars were clearly visible. Even though there were obvious signs of fracture on them, they still gave people a daunting feeling.

Not only are they tall, they are also very strong. Standing in front of these four stone pillars, everyone is like four ants looking up at an elephant.

I don't know what material this stone pillar is made of. Even after hundreds of thousands of years of changes, the pillar still has a glowing white light, full of indescribable mysterious aura.

Seeing this scene, the four of them were shocked and speechless for a moment.

"Why does it seem like there were signs of serious fighting here?"

After a while, Ye Weilan looked at the deep ravines all over the ground and said.

These marks were obviously caused by advanced Taoist techniques. Just from the degree of fragmentation of the surrounding stones and bricks, you can see how amazing the initial offensive was.

"These are not the result of a fight."

Wei Zhihan replied: "These four stone pillars of Nan Doumen have endured for thousands of years. Many people covet these four treasures. No matter how bad they are, they are four top-notch forging materials, so they have tried their best to bring them away. Let's go... But you can see the result. No one has ever succeeded, but only left these traces on the ground. "

Ye Weilan couldn't help but be stunned for a while. She didn't expect that these marks were caused in this way...

Yang Chudie noticed that Lu Yu had been staring at the four stone pillars and seemed to have been lost in thought for a long time, so he asked, "What did you find?"

Lu Yu turned around in confusion, but looked at Wei Zhihan aside: "Sorry, Brother Wei, I take back what I said before..."

"I think I may know what this majestic city is used for."

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