Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 947 The World of Gods

"how do I say this?"

Wei Zhihan looked at Lu Yu in surprise and asked.

Lu Yu raised his head again, looked up at the four unparalleled stone pillars in front of him, and said slowly: "Look at the bodies of the four stone pillars..."

The three of them followed the instructions and looked at the four stone pillars. Even after years of baptism, they could still see that the patterns on them were complex and exquisite...

In addition, there are many small characters engraved on the middle section of the column. Unfortunately, these are characters from ancient times. With the changes of the times, people have long lost sight of them. Even after these years of research, what people know now Only a small part can be cracked.

Lu Yu kept claiming that he knew the purpose of building this ancient city of Guoyun. Could it be because he deciphered the writing on it?

"What does it say?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but ask.

"How do I know? I don't know these words..." Lu Yu shrugged.

Just when the three people cast strange looks, he continued: "Look further up... Although I can't understand these words, I can barely understand some of the top patterns."

The three of them immediately moved their gazes upward, and sure enough, they saw patterns on the top of the stone pillars. These patterns were familiar to all three of them. The dots and lines in the pictures were connected, and the pictures were clearly depicting starry sky scenes, similar to the nine-dimensional sky. The magic circle at the bottom of the life god's coffin that replenishes divine power has the same purpose but the same purpose.

"This is... a starry sky map?" Wei Zhihan said in astonishment.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "To be more precise, this is a starry sky positioning map! Brother Wei must also feel that these patterns are very familiar, right? But they are different from the pattern on the bottom of your coffin. Your pattern is for guidance. Starlight, and these patterns are just for positioning and navigation. To put it in simpler terms, this is a special kind of landmark. "

"Wei Lan and I have seen similar scenes before when we were at the center of Jiye World..."

As he said that, Lu Yu couldn't help but glance at Ye Weilan who was standing aside.

Ye Weilan was startled: "You mean...the purpose of setting these stone pillars here is to welcome people from outside the world to come here? Just like the statue of the devil in the polar night world?"


Lu Yu said: "So, from this we can know that this majestic city in ancient times must have had very close exchanges with the galaxies outside the sky, and there were more than just one! Either to receive visitors from outside the sky, or to To frighten enemies in other galaxies, or both... In short, there must be forces from outside the world that are involved in all this!"

The three of them couldn't help being completely stunned.

Unexpectedly, the predecessor of this ancient city turned out to be an exchange center for visitors from outside the world, which is equivalent to a city where gods gather... No wonder the ancient strong men who control this area are called gods by people. From one point of view Said, they are indeed worthy of the title.

"its not right!"

Ye Weilan said doubtfully: "I remember you told me that heaven has its own laws. Once a person's strength is too strong, he will not be able to be accommodated between heaven and earth. At that time, he can only transcend tribulations and ascend, and once he ascends Once outside the world, it will be difficult to come back..."

"Either suppress one's own power and come as a clone, or the soul reincarnates like Qin Yanzhen. The conditions are extremely harsh... How could this city have a large number of extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times?"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "Although those who can successfully fly from our world to the sky are extremely powerful, this does not mean that all people from the sky are strong enough to crush a world..."

"Concerning this point, you might as well think about the Bixiao Shrine in the upper realm. Since it is still able to maintain a huge organization similar to the Bixiao Shrine above the Nine Heavens, it means that their disciples must be in the hundreds of thousands. If If these people are gods and immortals, just send a few more people to be reincarnated like Qin Yanzhen. How can there be any big plan that has gone through tens of thousands of years? "

"So, there are indeed many gods in the Nine Heavens, but there are also a large number of vassals of the gods, and there are also many ordinary people like you and me who have not been able to discern the way of heaven... Maybe this Nandou Gate is just for you. It’s used by ordinary people like me to travel through the stars..."

The three of them couldn't help but look shocked.

Among the three people, only Yang Chudie is a real person, but even a real person is just an ordinary body compared to the gods outside the sky... It is really unimaginable that ordinary people like them can also Ability to travel between stars and reach unimaginable outer worlds.

"In addition, there is one more thing you should not forget..."

Lu Yu continued: "When this ancient city was established, it was at least hundreds of thousands of years ago. During this process, an unimaginable great change took place in the world, which turned this place into what it is now. …”

"This also shows that the world we are familiar with at this time may not be the original world. Maybe hundreds of thousands of years ago, the laws of heaven in this world were more stable and powerful, and they were far less effective against powerful gods. Harsh, they can come to this world at will but not necessarily..."

Everyone couldn't help but be deeply shocked by Lu Yu's reasoning.

A world where the gods descend...

It’s really hard to imagine what that would be like...

After a long time, Wei Zhihan exhaled softly and said sadly: "Anyway, these happened hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago, and have little to do with what we are doing now... …”

Lu Yu smiled softly and said, "That's not necessarily the case..."

Then he immediately turned his head and said to Yang Chudie on the side: "I want to change the plan temporarily. Instead of going to Baihaoyuan, I will set this up as our second camp."

Baihaoyuan is also a place name in the inner rotation area. In their original plan, Baihaoyuan was to be used as the second camp because Yang Chudie had been there before and knew the specific conditions there and could Ensure that the plan to contact Emperor Haoyan is successfully completed there.

But now, there is a better choice.

Yang Chudie's beautiful eyes rolled slightly, and she immediately guessed what Lu Yu was thinking, and said, "Are you planning to use these four stone pillars as a medium to contact the helpers in the Nine Heavens?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "In addition, I also need to replenish the power of Brother Wei's Nine-Life Divine Coffin. I can use Brother Wei's Nine-Life Divine Coffin to test how effective this pillar is now... I think, even if After tens of millions of years, there is no more suitable material in the world than these four pillars to guide the starlight!"

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but bulge his eyes when he heard this.

Is it so easy to use the Nandoumen stone pillars that so many people have been unable to do for tens of thousands of years?

"As long as you are sure, I have no objection." Yang Chudie finally said.

So, the matter was settled.

The second camp of the four people was located next to four eternal stone pillars.

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