Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 948 Another wonderful use

After taking a short rest, the four people quickly began to take action.

First of all, the first step is to use the four stone pillars as the basis to arrange the formation to attract the starlight. Regarding the construction of this part of the formation, originally only Lu Yu could do it, but due to the special relationship between him, Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan, Because of their relationship, they can directly share the secrets of these formations through mental illusions, so the two of them have become his main helpers.

On the contrary, Wei Zhihan couldn't help much and could only do some simple tasks of delivering materials. Watching the three people's dazzling operations, he couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

At this moment, he deeply understood that Lu Yu and others were indeed prepared.

As for the materials used to build the formation, Lu Yu and others had already prepared them before setting off. Fortunately, there is a cave space in the Spring Conch that can be used for storage. Otherwise, if they just use the Qiankun Bag to hold these materials, I am afraid that their You have to have all the Qiankun bags hanging on your body.

The interior of the Spring Conch is a very complete and stable cave space. Under the support of its laws, a certain number of Qiankun Bags can be placed inside. Therefore, if you only store some materials, the capacity of the Spring Conch is more than enough.

After a whole night of this, the formation was finally completed in the early morning of the next day.

Of course, Lu Yu couldn't recreate the scene exactly like the ruins formation, but he also retained the essence of the ruins formation to the greatest extent.

"Brother Wei, now let's use your Nine-Life Divine Coffin to test the effectiveness of this formation!"

Lu Yu wiped the sweat from his forehead.


Wei Zhihan was surprised: "But the current time is not consistent with the time required by the Nine Lives Divine Coffin!"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky and said: "The stars are eternal and will not disappear due to the alternation of day and night. It's just that you and I can't see it... The location of this place is extremely special and cannot be inferred based on the common sense we are familiar with. You can not be restricted by time here, but that’s not necessarily true..."

"Anyway, why don't you give it a try first? Even if you fail, there won't be any other losses?"

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Wei Zhihan had no choice but to take out the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

Under Lu Yu's instructions, he placed the Nine Lives Divine Coffin at the center of the formation, which was exactly in the middle of the four stone pillars.

"Open it." Lu Yu said again.

So, Wei Zhihan followed his instructions and opened the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, and the strange star map at the bottom of the coffin appeared.

But after this moment, Lu Yu stopped moving.

Wei Zhihan turned around and saw Lu Yu looking at the bottom of the Nine Lives God's coffin in a daze. He couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Lu Yu said: "I always feel that the direction of this star map is unusual. I wonder what the origin of Brother Wei's treasure is?"

Wei Zhihan looked at him deeply: "Now that the matter has come to an end, I will tell Junior Brother Lu directly..."

"To be honest, this treasure was originally obtained by our ancestors of the Wei family at a mysterious ruins somewhere. When we first discovered this object, we also found some clues related to its origin. According to the research of our ancestors of the Wei family, all The clues all point to an important person from nine days away - the God of Hades. Because this matter is so shocking, our Wei family has never mentioned it to outsiders. "


Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "So, this treasure relies on the power of Hades, and this star map points to the location of the underworld?"

Wei Zhihan smiled bitterly: "Exactly."

God of the Underworld, this name must be extremely evil. This is why the Wei family does not want to disclose this matter to the public. They do not want the world to know that the Wei family is actually closely related to an evil god.

Lu Yu saw the loneliness in his expression, so he couldn't help but patted his shoulder gently and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a god of the underworld, what's the big deal... In fact, the weird things we have seen , it’s much more weird and evil than this, Brother Wei, don’t take this matter to heart!”

Wei Zhihan only thought that he was comforting himself, and had no idea that Lu Yu was just objectively stating a fact.

Next, Lu Yu was no longer distracted and began to wave his hands continuously, condensing shining balls of light in the void.

After a while, there were balls of light floating all over the sky.

Lu Yu raised his two fingers together and continued to draw back and forth between the many light balls, connecting them to form a line.

Wei Zhihan couldn't understand Lu Yu's actions at all. He vaguely knew that this was a very advanced operation. It seemed that he was using some special method to import the star map information at the bottom of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin into the formation.

Wei Zhihan really couldn't imagine how Lu Yu could decipher such a huge amount of information after just looking at the star map a few times...

Finally, Lu Yu stopped moving and retracted his fingers.

However, the star map in the void slowly rotated and became spiritual.

Wei Zhihan was stunned. He had never thought that the pattern on the bottom of the Nine Lives Divine Coffin could be presented and interpreted in such a way.

The star map rotates faster and faster.

Wei Zhihan was so excited that he didn't even dare to breathe.

Suddenly, with a whoosh, all the light balls submerged into the four stone pillars, and the entire star map also disappeared, completely disappearing.

Wei Zhihan was stunned for a while.

The scene was quiet, and there was no response for a long time.

Wei Zhihan was about to lose his patience and wanted to ask Lu Yu on the side, but at this moment, the swirling clouds in the sky suddenly opened a hole, and a bright starlight shot straight down through the hole, accurately illuminating the four roots. On the huge South Dou Stone Pillar, and then under the influence of the formation, they gathered on the Nine Lives Divine Coffin.

Due to the connection between their lives, Wei Zhihan clearly felt that the Nine Lives Divine Coffin was being wrapped by a huge force, and the divine power in it was rapidly recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. The abundant, surging, and shocking power made his heart They couldn't help but tremble slightly.

He never thought that one day the power of the stars would descend on the Nine-Life Divine Coffin in such a violent way.

The starlight lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

Suddenly there was another hiss, and everything disappeared.

"It looks like it's over?" Lu Yu said, holding his chin.

Wei Zhihan slowly walked forward and gently pressed his hand on the coffin body. Suddenly an indescribable feeling filled his body.


When he said this, he felt unbelievable.

He had spent several years before, but could not restore the divine power of the Nine-Life Divine Coffin to a full state. Unexpectedly, it only took less than a quarter of an hour to replenish the Nine-Life Divine Coffin to full capacity. !

"It seems that the effect is much better than I expected. These four big guys are still very trustworthy!" Lu Yu said with great satisfaction.

"Junior Brother Lu, I have an unkind request..." Wei Zhihan looked excited: "Can you please teach me this method of attracting starlight and replenishing divine power? I will go find the Shensi Seal Paper right away..."

As he said that, he subconsciously made a move to open the Qiankun bag, and then he realized that his Qiankun bag had been taken away as early as the Dali Sword Sect. The current Qiankun bag was temporarily donated by Lu Yu, and the supplies inside were There are only a few, and there is no Shensi printing paper at all.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but look embarrassed.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "Brother Wei, don't be impatient. I told you this method and I didn't intend to hide my clumsiness. I will give it to you... You don't have to look for some Shensi Seal Paper. It's actually not as good as you think." complex."

"Isn't it complicated?" Wei Zhihan looked around and said in surprise.

The surrounding formations alone took everyone's effort to set up for a whole night. Isn't this complicated?

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously: "The formation around you is not only used to help you replenish your divine power. If it is just to gather starlight, there is no need to bother... In fact, it also has other wonderful uses..."

As he spoke, he looked at Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan.

"Now that the effects of these four stone pillars have been verified, let's officially start our plan!"

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