Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 949 Delivering bait

The Nine-Life Divine Coffin was removed and replaced by Ye Weilan standing at the core of the formation.

Although he had seen many big scenes, at this moment, Ye Weilan still couldn't help but become nervous. After all, this is a direct imitation of an extraterrestrial demon, sending a confusing message to a Tiangang strongman who dominates the seventh level of the universe. The success or failure of this move will directly affect the plan to rescue Yudie Zhenren.

"Don't be nervous..."

Lu Yu said warmly: "We have already practiced simulations several times, haven't we?"

Ye Weilan said weakly: "Practice is practice, but this time we need to use real skills... I haven't even condensed the inner elixir yet, but you want me to imitate a god..."

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, gods are not omnipotent, otherwise this ancient city of Guoyun would not have appeared... Besides, wouldn't I still be there to protect you?"

The last sentence seemed to have some effect.

Ye Weilan took a deep breath and said, "I'm ready!"

Yang Chudie quietly stepped aside. At this time, her power was of no use, so she could only pray silently in her heart.

Wei Zhihan was confused the whole time and had no idea what Lu Yu was planning to do. Especially when he heard the conversation between him and Ye Weilan, in which words such as "demons" and "gods" were mentioned, he was even more horrified. .

Lu Yu said nothing, stretched out a hand and waved lightly in the void.

Suddenly dots of starlight appeared, just like when the Nine Lives Divine Coffin was replenished with divine power, a star map appeared around it.

This is a completely different star map than before.

Through the conversation between Lu Yu and Ye Weilan just now, Wei Zhihan guessed that this should be the star map coordinates pointing to the "Demon God from Outer Heaven". Just like the star map at the bottom of the Nine Lives God's coffin, it actually pointed to the God of the Underworld. .

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but wonder. The star map coordinates of the God of the Underworld were left on the Nine Lives God's coffin, but where did Lu Yu and others get the star map coordinates of the "Demon God from Outer Heaven"?

In fact, these were exactly the star map coordinates left by the demon statue at the center of the Extreme Night World. When Lu Yu and Ye Weilan traveled through the center of the Extreme Night World in order to avoid being chased by the Wuluo Clan, they joined forces. Next, take part of the demon's power as your own.

At that time, Lu Yu's cultivation was not enough, so he could only see that it was the sign left by the Demon God. Now, his cultivation is no longer what it used to be. He has successfully deduced the specific planet where the Demon God is from the scene above. Figure coordinates, and this point will become the key to their confusion about the Rock Emperor.

The star map rotated faster and faster, just like before, and finally disappeared with a whoosh.

Next, it was Ye Weilan's turn to act. Like Lu Yu, she waved her hand lightly, but this time what appeared was no longer a star map, but a bright red and strange totem.

It was a demon's eye that was bleeding profusely...

As soon as he saw this totem, Wei Zhihan couldn't help but feel like his scalp wanted to split. The evil aura was really hard to describe.

The reason for this is that this is a demon eye created with the power of the real demon god. Its power and lifelikeness are far superior to the one in the Thousand Arms King's lair back then.

Wei Zhihan was filled with shock, and was just guessing what the purpose of Ye Weilan's move was, but at this moment, the swirling cloud above his head suddenly opened a huge hole, and a beam of starlight that was much thicker than before shone directly down.

The starlight was transmitted to four huge stone pillars, and then all converged on Ye Weilan.

Ye Weilan's body suddenly floated into the air, standing on the totem of the Devil's Eye, spinning continuously with the totem.

At the same time, blood gushes out from the devil's eyes, and everywhere is filled with evil aura.

Wei Zhihan was stunned for a while.

Although he couldn't understand what all of this was about, he could clearly feel that there was a very terrifying power surging in it. It was so terrifying that even if he was just a little bit contaminated, he would probably be doomed.

The blood flowed more and more, like a layer of sticky paste, spreading everywhere, and it was about to flow to Wei Zhihan's feet. Wei Zhihan hurriedly moved his feet, but at this moment, there was another hiss, The blood everywhere in front of him disappeared instantly.

Including the starlight falling from the sky and the devil's eye totem, they all disappeared without a trace...

Vaguely, Wei Zhihan seemed to see all the brilliance condensed into four huge stone pillars at the last moment, and then scattered into the sky...

Ye Weilan's light figure slowly landed on the ground, looking relieved.

Lu Yu also retracted his hand and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Did you make it……"

Yang Chudie hurriedly stepped forward and asked with a trembling voice.

"Anyway, our bait has been thrown out. As for whether it can be successful, it depends on whether the fish in the nine days are willing to bite the hook... But I don't think the problem is big." Lu Yu said.

Wei Zhihan couldn't help but look surprised: "Is it...that it's over?"

Looking at the momentum just now, he originally thought that there would be more shocking changes, and maybe he would see the powerful Tiangang people respond from the air. Unexpectedly, the dust suddenly settled...


Lu Yu smiled softly: "No..."

As he spoke, he suddenly raised his sword and let out a Dark Star Sword Technique.

A huge black hole sphere appeared, sweeping around the surrounding area with lightning speed.

Immediately, the array facilities that had been set up all night long turned into powder, and were buried by the flying stones and bricks. Within a moment, there were no traces of them, as if nothing happened before. More than average.

"This is the end."

Under the astonished gazes of the three people, Lu Yu returned the sword to its sheath and spoke slowly.

"Next, we should find a safe place to sit back and watch the tiger fight!"

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