Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 951 An ominous premonition

Lu Yu jumped up a slope.

Some traces of broken stairs can be vaguely seen on the slope. Judging from its length, when the ancient city of Guoyun was not destroyed in the past, this should be an extremely important passage. However, as the years change, this place It is almost submerged by weeds, and the few remaining ruins of the ancient ruins are already mottled beyond appearance.

Lu Yu took a gentle step, but he had not taken more than three or two steps when a bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from the pile of rocks and hit him hard, covering his entire body in the blink of an eye. Completely engulfed.

Then, the ashes started to fly.

It turns out that this is not the real Lu Yu, just a puppet.

The few people behind looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel dizzy.

After leaving Nandoumen, they originally wanted to find a safe place to hide as soon as possible and sit on the mountain to watch the tigers fight. Now it seems that this goal is not so easy to achieve.

"Is this the center of the vortex? It's indeed much more powerful than before! This place can be called a thunderbolt!" Ye Weilan exclaimed.

Lu Yu turned to look at Wei Zhihan and said, "Brother Wei, are you sure you were taking this route? As long as you climb over this long slope, you can see Tianhuan Palace?"

Wei Zhihan nodded: "After crossing this long slope, we have to climb two more hilly areas to reach the outskirts of Tianhuan Palace. But if you just observe it from a distance, the top of the slope here is undoubtedly a beautiful place." Excellent location.”

"Then how did you get past here in the first place?" Ye Weilan asked curiously.

Without saying a word, Wei Zhihan silently sacrificed the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, and then patted the coffin gently.

Ye Weilan asked in surprise: "Can your magic weapon not be affected by the hidden thunder here and still be able to teleport?"

"Yes, but the distance is greatly reduced. I teleported four times before finally passing this section of the road..." Wei Zhihan said.

Everyone couldn't help but remain silent.

Even the Nine-Life Divine Coffin has such a hard time crossing here. This method is completely impossible for them to replicate.

Lu Yu scratched his head and said, "Take your time...anyway, aren't we three steps forward?"

In fact, if he chooses to use all his strength, the powerful offensive of the Dark Star Sword Technique can sweep away these dark thunders on the road in one fell swoop, but the movement caused by that will be very violent, and it will most likely alarm Tianhuan. The mysterious figure in the palace.

Their plan was to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but the tigers haven't started fighting yet, but they themselves were exposed first. What else could it be called?

Therefore, the four of them could only try and make mistakes step by step, using an endless stream of puppets to eliminate hidden mines on the road.

Fortunately, when Lu Yu set out before, he prepared enough puppetry materials, so he didn't have to worry about consumption for the time being.

After half a day passed like this, the four of them finally eliminated the danger and reached the top of the long slope.

Looking forward from the top of the slope, they saw piles of rocks rising and falling, and weeds in a mess. The scene ahead was just a repetition of the path they had taken, and there was nothing special about it at all.

But the four of them already knew from what they saw along the way that the scenes in the ancient city of Wuyun cannot be calculated by common sense. They often look ordinary on the surface, but when they step in personally, they realize that they are doomed.

Lu Yu looked up at the sky and saw that where they were at this time was only a thin line away from the center of the whirlpool. From this point, it could be judged that the distance between them and the so-called "Tianhuan Palace" was also close. Not far away.

"Okay, let's choose to stay here! Everyone has worked hard, so let's take the time to rest!" Lu Yu said.

Wei Zhihan didn't say anything, found a flat place, put down the Nine Lives Divine Coffin, and then lay down in it.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Wei Zhihan's magic weapon saves trouble, even the bed and the tent are saved... Doesn't even he feel that he deserves to be panicked?

Ye Weilan also found a shadowy place, sat down and began to adjust her breathing. Although staying in the cave space of the Spring Conch is a safer and more comfortable choice, in terms of efficiency in exercising energy and regulating the breath, it is still better to stay outside.

On the other hand, Yang Chudie kept looking at the sky in a daze without making any movement.

"What's wrong, Senior Sister?"

Lu Yu slowly walked to her side and said softly.

Yang Chudie said without looking back: "It has been nearly a day since we left Nandoumen, but the sky seems to have remained unchanged... Do you think that Emperor Haoyan will encounter any obstacles? "

Lu Yu said: "It took a long time for Patriarch Tailing to arrive... This Great Emperor Haoyan rules the seventh level of the sky. If we include the swirling clouds above our heads, it is equivalent to a gap in the middle. It’s normal for the Seven Heavens to take a little longer to get here… You don’t have to think about it anymore!”

Yang Chudie looked back at him, with a gloomy expression on her beautiful face: "But... I don't know why, I always feel a little uneasy, and I seem to have a very bad premonition..."

"It's just a matter of being close to home. You and Master Yudie have been apart for many years and have cared about each other. Now that you know that she is close at hand, you will naturally have some complicated emotions." Lu Yu comforted her.

"I hope it's just like this..." Yang Chudie sighed softly.

"Don't worry, everything will develop in a good direction... Don't think about these things anymore. Maybe when we wake up later, we will have met the real Yudie! By then we will You still have to think of a way to get out of here, so take the time to adjust your breath and recover!”

"What about you?" Yang Chudie blinked and asked.

"Me? Of course I also need to exercise my skills and regulate my breathing..." Lu Yu said, "But among the four of us, my mind and consciousness are the most powerful. I can use distraction at the same time. Secretly don’t have to worry so much anymore!”

"Oh well!"

Yang Chudie had no doubt that he was there, and under Lu Yu's constant urging, she entered the Spring Conch.

Because what Lu Yu said is indeed true. With his strong spiritual power, it is indeed the best arrangement for him to be responsible for the vigilance.

However, after watching Yang Chudie disappear, Lu Yu's expression suddenly changed, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

Because he had a similar feeling to Yang Chudie, he had a vague foreboding, but he said something was wrong.

If other people had such thoughts, they might not think anything of it, but with the intensity of his thoughts and consciousness reaching his level, he could not take such a situation lightly.

There must be some abnormal situation somewhere that could cause him to feel like this.

But...what's wrong?

Lu Yu went through everything from beginning to end, but still had no clue.

He simply sat down on the ground and meditated.

He entered a state of trance, and his consciousness spread in all directions.

"Lu Yu——"

"Lu Yu——"

Suddenly, distant calls echoed in his mind, as if someone was calling his soul.

Lu Yu's brows kept twitching slightly. He wanted to catch the tail of these calls to see who was calling him.

Finally, a flash of light flashed through his mind, and he captured a ray of divine consciousness.

The moment the two consciousnesses merged, he seemed to see a pair of eyes.

Those eyes are as bright as stars, so beautiful and so familiar...

Lu Yu was horrified, and quickly cut off the communication with his spiritual consciousness and opened his eyes.

However, it was still a step too late, and the other party's consciousness accurately locked onto his location.

After a moment, there was a flash of light, and a figure kept shuttling among the dark thunder, flying towards the top of the slope where they were.

That figure was graceful and graceful, and it matched perfectly with the eyes Lu Yu saw before...

It’s none other than Qin Yanzhen, the Saint of Daluo whom we haven’t seen for a long time!

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