Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 952: Helping in times of need

The first time he saw Qin Yanzhen, Lu Yu knew that her cultivation had improved.

The reason why her figure could shuttle quickly in the dark thunder at this time was because she had a strange force field on her body. Under the protection of this force field, the extremely violent dark thunder not only could not cause any injuries to her, but also turned into the driving force for her to keep moving forward.

Lu Yu could not help but be amazed.

This Qin Yanzhen is indeed worthy of being the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. She can actually have such a method. If I can also learn this method, not only will I not have to delay so much time on the road, but I will not have to worry about how to retreat later.

Obviously, Qin Yanzhen came for me.

It had only been a few breaths since the two of them cut off their spiritual consciousness entanglement. She appeared so quickly, which meant that she had been in the vicinity for a long time, but she could not determine her exact location, so she used her mind consciousness to search...

Fortunately, he focused his attention in time. On the surface, it was because of the intersection of their spiritual consciousness that the other party locked his position, but in fact, within such a close distance, it was only a matter of time for the other party to find his position. If there had not been the spiritual consciousness collision just now, the other party might have quietly touched behind him without any awareness...

These thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's mind like lightning. In the blink of an eye, Qin Yanzhen was already in front of him, and Lu Yu had already sounded the alarm to the three people around him.

Suddenly, the three people woke up immediately.

Wei Zhihan kicked open the coffin board and turned over...

Ye Weilan rushed to Lu Yu's side...

Yang Chudie also hung upside down the Spring Conch...

Lu Yu simultaneously sacrificed the Feihong Sword and Die Shuangfei, and aimed the two swords and three blades at Qin Yanzhen at the same time.

The situation was tense in an instant.

However, Qin Yanzhen turned a blind eye to the tense atmosphere, standing leisurely in front of Lu Yu, smiling and saying: "Lu Lang... Why is it like this when we meet? Is this how you welcome your wife who is married in a formal ceremony?"

"Formal marriage?"

Lu Yu smiled coldly: "At the beginning, you and I were just playing a casual game, I don't dare to take this position... Now, I don't know how to address you, should I call you Princess Gaoyang, Daluo Saint, or Fairy Yaoji?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled lightly: "As long as Lu Lang is happy, you can call me whatever you want...As the saying goes, a husband and wife for a day is a hundred days of grace. Even if you don't want to admit this marriage, you don't need to be so harsh on me, right?"

" Tsk tsk... Harsh?" Lu Yu shook his head, "Don't forget, the last time we met, you were planning to take my life. Compared to you, I am nothing!" Qin Yanzhen smiled and said, "That's all in the past... Lu Lang, you are a man, why bother with a weak woman like me? Besides, there was a reason for the last time. If it weren't for you, Lu Lang, wanting to ruin my good thing, how could I have the heart to attack you?" "Speaking of the last time, I have to apologize to the two sisters... At the beginning, everyone was just doing their own thing. I hope the two sisters don't care about my fault..." As she said that, Qin Yanzhen turned to Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan who were eyeing her covetously, and bowed slightly to them. This is simply unimaginable for her identity as the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji... Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were both stunned. At the same time, Lu Yu was also confused, not knowing what medicine she was selling in her gourd. "Prince Wei, long time no see, I didn't expect you to come too... This time you can stay with Lu Lang, it can be regarded as a move away from darkness to light..." Qin Yanzhen greeted Wei Zhihan beside her again.

Wei Zhihan was completely shocked, especially after learning that the other party's true identity was actually a reincarnation of an immortal, just nodded mechanically: "Miss Qin... Long time no see..."

"Qin Yanzhen, what do you want to do?" Lu Yu frowned.

Qin Yanzhen smiled slightly and said: "I have no ill intentions this time, I am here to cooperate with you..."

"Cooperation? What cooperation?" Lu Yu said

Qin Yanzhen looked at the weapon hovering in front of Lu Yu: "Can Lu Lang put away the weapon?"

Lu Yu was full of doubts, but seeing Qin Yanzhen's leisurely attitude and determined not to let go, he hesitated for a moment, and finally pulled away the weapon.

At the same time, he waved to the side, so Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan also put down their weapons, but still stared at each other, their eyes full of vigilance.

"What is it? Can you tell me now?" Lu Yu asked.

Qin Yanzhen chuckled and said, "What else could it be? Of course, it's what you are planning now... I am here to help you in times of trouble. I am willing to lend you a helping hand. How about joining forces to deal with the Ming Wang in Tianhuan Palace!"

Lu Yu was stunned. It was the first time he knew the true identity of the mysterious strong man. It turned out that he was called Ming Wang...

"Are you serious?" Lu Yu was deeply suspicious.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said, "How can this be false? I even brought helpers!"

As she said that, she waved her hand.

Suddenly, another burst of floating light flew up.

In the midst of the lightning, in a moment, Qiu Zu Zhenren also arrived at the scene.

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