Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 954 Life-Saving Secret Skills

Lu Yu and others couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu were so eager to kill the mysterious powerful man in order to seize the opportunity to seize the other party's secret path.

Although they don't know exactly what this so-called "Swallowing the Secret Avenue" is, it is obviously a very terrifying plan.

From a purely standpoint point of view, Lu Yu had no reason to refuse.

After all, this mysterious powerful man named "Dharma Master Ming Wang" is the number one enemy of the Dali Sword Sect. It is with his support that Wuya Immortal Pavilion and Kunpeng Zhenren have been tirelessly targeting the Dali Sword Sect. Zong, and wanted to kill Patriarch Yunxiao.

However, Qin Yanzhen is really not worthy of trust...

Lu Yu couldn't see through her trump card at all. Up to now, he only knew the identity of the reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji. As for what purpose she had, it was completely unknown, but judging from her series of performances , it is not difficult to see that she has a big plan.

Lu Yu was very suspicious. She still hadn't said anything clearly this time. He was afraid that she and Yuan Shiqiu actually had other motives. They would betray their teammates at the critical moment and treat themselves as cannon fodder to block the gun.

However, now that the other party has come to the door, at this moment, they cannot tolerate this matter and refuse...

Lu Yu thought in his mind and said: "Cooperation is not impossible, but the plan of the two of you has greatly exceeded our expectations. I wonder if you have any prognosis plan?"

Qin Yanzhen blinked: "What's the prognosis plan?"

"For example, the followers of King Ming..."

Lu Yu said and glanced at Wei Zhihan on the side: "According to Brother Wei, the seven ancestors of Wuya Immortal Pavilion all follow this Ming King. If we kill him right now, what will happen to these seven old guys?" Are you willing to give up? Then they will start to hunt us wildly. Everything else is fine, but how can we leave this place? "

"Then what Lu Lang means is..."

"What can I do?"

Lu Yu took a deep look at Qin Yanzhen and laughed: "Why don't you, Miss Qin, give us the technique of being able to travel through hidden thunder at will first? Then we will split up and take care of our destiny!"

He had already seen it when Yuan Shiqiu appeared just now. Yuan Shiqiu's movement skills were as fast as hers. This shows that this method of using the power of dark thunder to transform into kinetic energy can definitely be taught and learned. .

When Qin Yanzhen heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at him: "I think, Lu Lang, you just covet my technique, right? You and I are a couple. If you want to learn, just tell me directly. Why bother beating around the bush? How could I not teach you?"

"I don't dare to take Miss Qin's words seriously...but are you really willing to hand it over?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled: "It's just a simple 'Thunder Transformation Technique'. It's almost useless anywhere else except in the ancient city of Wuyun... Anyway, since Lu Lang is so wary of me, then I will pass this technique on to Lu Lang as part of our sincerity!"

"However, I can only pass this technique on to you, Lu Lang. As for whether to pass it on to others, it's up to you, Lu Lang, to decide... Well, come and get it!"

As she said that, she spread her white hands in front of Lu Yu.

Suddenly a bright ball of light appeared in her palm.

This is the aggregation of the essence of a secret.

She keeps saying that this technique is simple, but how can a Tao method that can form the essence of mysteries be described as simple?

At this time, Qin Yanzhen's actions were undoubtedly intended to teach this method through communication of ideas.

Although the two are not soul-matching Taoist couples, with the strength of their minds and consciousness, it is not difficult to complete such an exchange.

This is indeed the fastest way to teach...

However, there are also hidden risks.

Lu Yu could tell at a glance that Qin Yanzhen wanted to use this method to take the opportunity to peek into her sea of ​​consciousness in order to find out more secrets about herself.

"What? Does Lu Lang not want to learn anymore?"

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't move for a long time, Qin Yanzhen asked crisply.

She was obviously confident.

After all, the other party is the reincarnation of the immortal soul. Moreover, through the previous entanglement of thoughts, Lu Yu clearly knew how powerful her thoughts and consciousness were. If the two sides fought desperately, he would have absolutely no chance of winning.

However, Lu Yu would not give in.

He soon thought of a countermeasure and came forward with a smile: "Learn, how can you not learn such a mysterious Taoist method?"

He walked up to Qin Yanzhen, also stretched out one of his hands, and put his two palms together.

Bang the ground!

There was a roar in my mind.

The extremely huge information was instantly integrated into Lu Yu's mind, and the obscure secrets that others could not accept were understood by him in an instant.

He has learned the "Thunder Technique of Transforming Calamity and Luck".

And Qin Yanzhen really wanted to take this opportunity to invade Lu Yu's sea of ​​consciousness, but firstly she didn't expect Lu Yu to accept it all so quickly. Secondly, at the moment when she was about to invade the sea of ​​consciousness, a huge force suddenly came, and she actually Her mind and consciousness bounced outward.

This was exactly the method Lu Yu used to imitate the protective restriction in Wei Zhihan's sea of ​​consciousness, and reversed it. Although it was difficult to resist Qin Yanzhen's invasion for a long time, there was no problem in resisting Qin Yanzhen for a short time when he was caught off guard.

And just this short moment is enough.

Lu Yu immediately retracted his hand.

The contact between the two parties was severed.

"Lu Lang, you..." Qin Yanzhen stared at Lu Yu, speechless for a moment.

"Thank you, Miss Qin, for teaching me the Dharma." Lu Yu had a calm expression on his face.

Qin Yanzhen shook her head, finally helpless: "It's really a good trick... No wonder you can even counterfeit the mark of the demon god Chi Li. I really underestimate you..."

Several people around him couldn't help but be confused. They had no idea that the two of them had just had a confrontation in the dark.

"What are Miss Qin going to do next?" Lu Yu asked directly without getting into too much trouble with her.

"Wait a minute..."

Qin Yanzhen looked at the sky and said, "Until Emperor Haoyan's troops arrive to muddy the water, we don't have much else to do."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, in the end, she could only wait and see what happens...

No matter, at least in this way, he has learned a trick to transform calamity and fortune...

This is the only way to save one's life in this ancient city filled with dark mines.

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