Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 955 Sowing discord

Now that Qin Yanzhen and Yuan Shiqiu had joined, Lu Yu no longer bothered to be vigilant, but handed over the vigilance task to these two people.

Anyway, these two people have strong cultivation, so the free labor will go to waste.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the cooperation with Qin Yanzhen is not too bad.

At least before the final battle came, the relationship between the two parties was quite harmonious. During this process, they no longer had to worry about the pursuit of soldiers. Even if Kunpeng, the real person, rode on the sky-swallowing golden roc and chased them, they would still be able to fight.

Lu Yu winked at Yang Chudie, who immediately understood, opened the cave space of the Spring Conch, and stepped into the cave space with Lu Yu and Ye Weilan.

Qin Yanzhen couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly, and looked at the Spring Conch for a long time. After all, she didn't say anything and just watched the three of them walk in together.

Although the efficiency of three people exercising energy and breathing inside the Spring Conch at the same time will be affected, after some rest just now, several people have already adjusted their breath and recovered. Moreover, staying inside the Spring Conch has another obvious benefit, that is They can see outside, but people outside cannot see inside.

"Are we really going to join forces with her?" Ye Weilan said immediately.

It can be seen that she is indeed very wary of Qin Yanzhen. After all, the death of Nether Fire Phoenix in Dakong Mountain left an indelible impression on her.

"Do you really trust her?" She looked at Lu Yu and asked again.

"Of course I don't believe her."

Lu Yu said: "This does not prevent us from cooperating. At least it has no obvious harm to us for the time being, and we have no other choice..."

Yang Chudie said: "What do you think their ultimate goal is? Are they really going to kill the guy called 'Ming Wang Fa Zun'?"

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "This reincarnation of Fairy Yao Ji is very good at conspiracy and tricks. She always likes to reveal half and hide half...For example, in Qianwu City before, she only wanted to rob the Yuan family's imperial mausoleum when we invaded it. A treasure, but refused to tell us that this treasure is the Sacred Heart Gourd. Once this treasure is taken away, the entire Qianwu City will be destroyed..."

"I guess the situation is similar this time. Maybe they are indeed planning to attack the Ming King, but this may not be their ultimate goal. It is very likely that they will use us as cannon fodder in the end..."

Yang Chudie glanced at him: "Then how do you plan to deal with it?"

Lu Yu said: "Let's take it one step at a time, and try to figure out their true purpose first... No matter what, we have taken the first step now. At least with this thing, we can be more calm in the subsequent actions." freely……"

As he said that, just like Qin Yanzhen before, he displayed the secret essence of the thunder-transforming calamity and luck technique on the palm of his hand.

Next, the three of them entered the illusion of thoughts together and began to communicate with each other about the secret of the luck-transforming lightning technique.

About half an hour later, Lu Yu walked out of the Spring Conch again.

There is no other way. If you want to find out Qin Yanzhen's true purpose, you can only have a chance by communicating with the other party. If the two parties never speak, it will never be known.

At this time, Yuan Shiqiu had disappeared, completely without a trace.

Lu Yu guessed that he should be hiding somewhere to be on guard.

As for Qin Yanzhen, she was talking to Wei Zhihan, and it seemed that she was trying to win over Wei Zhihan. It was unclear whether her purpose was to make Wei Zhihan loyal to her again, or to dig out some useful information from Wei Zhihan.

"Lu Lang, you came out so soon?"

Seeing Lu Yu coming over, Qin Yanzhen immediately stopped talking with Wei Zhihan and turned to look at Lu Yu.

"Are you two sisters happy that you are in such a hurry to come out? Why don't you go back and spend more time with them? Don't worry, I won't be jealous..." She said with a sweet smile.

Lu Yu pretended not to understand her teasing and said calmly: "What are you talking about?"

Qin Yanzhen was equally indifferent: "We didn't talk about anything. We were just discussing with Prince Wei the alien energy in his body and whether, Lu Lang, you would teach him the secret of the art of transforming calamity and luck."

This can be said to be a blatant attempt to sow discord.

"Really? What's the result?"

Qin Yanzhen looked at Wei Zhihan: "Prince Wei, why don't you tell him the results of our discussion?"

Wei Zhihan's face suddenly turned ugly.

Qin Yanzhen is forcing him to express his position, which side he wants...

After much hesitation, he finally nodded to Lu Yu: "Junior brother Lu, you guys chat, I'll take the time to adjust my breathing first... If anything happens later, please be sure to let me know."

These words undoubtedly showed his force field. From now on, he will still follow Lu Yu's lead.

Qin Yanzhen's eyes couldn't help but reveal a trace of unnaturalness. She obviously didn't expect that after such a long period of lobbying, Wei Zhihan still chose to side with Lu Yu.

Lu Yu himself knew very well that the reason why Wei Zhihan was not convinced by Qin Yanzhen was not because he was afraid of his own strength, but mostly because he felt that there was an ancestor of Yunxiao standing behind him.

In other words, he just chose the latter between Qin Yanzhen and Ancestor Yunxiao.

With that said, Wei Zhihan turned over and lay back in his Nine-Life Divine Coffin.

Lu Yu quickly stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Wei Zhihan was stunned for a moment and turned to look at him in surprise.

Lu Yu raised his hand, and a piece of paper flew towards him.

"Brother Wei, take this."

Wei Zhihan caught it and took a look, only to realize that it was a piece of Shensi Seal paper, and what was recorded on it was the essence of the magic of transforming calamity and luck.

"Thank you, Junior Brother Lu!" he said with joy on his face.

As he spoke, he did not forget to cast a meaningful look at Qin Yanzhen.

Only then did Lu Yu understand that Qin Yanzhen must have used this to make a big fuss and said a lot of bad things about Lu Yu. For example, he only cared about his two female companions and would never think of you if anything good happened...

Seeing that her words to sow discord were exposed in person, Qin Yanzhen was not embarrassed anymore and said with a smile on her face: "Let me just say, Prince Wei really turned his back on the dark side this time and followed the right person!"

Wei Zhihan ignored her and lay down in the coffin with a satisfied look on his face, and closed the coffin board.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at Qin Yanzhen, staring into her eyes tightly, and said, "Why don't we have a good chat now?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "It's okay to chat, but it shouldn't be just the two of us. It should be three people!"

As she said that, she raised her delicate hand and suddenly grabbed it towards the shadow beneath her body.

Suddenly, there was a strange distortion in the void, and a beautiful figure was grabbed out of the void by her.

It was Ye Weilan...

The shadow-following method that had always been invincible could not hide from her perception at all.

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